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Julie of KY

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Everything posted by Julie of KY

  1. I wouldn't say a college level text is necessary - honors geometry is simply high school geometry at a deeper level. I would say that the students should be expected to go deeper/farther than regular students. I did not use Honors for my first son. He's at a highly selective university now and doing great. However, I think the lack of Honors description hurt him at one state U that takes weighted grades into consideration for scholarships (and they did not weight his grades) and another Univ. that did not look at his transcript holistically, but played the numbers game and his lack honors designation probably hurt. I will use Honors it for my second son. Most of his classes are either "regular" or AP. Both Derek Owens and his Latin provider call the courses Honors so I will also. The AoPS courses are the only home-taught courses that I am labeling Honors.
  2. Well, my oldest got accommodations of time based on disorder of writing (dysgraphia) and slow processing speed. IF her reading is now better because of remediation, then she might not fit the criteria for accommodations. Family history should not play a part in whether or not someone should get accommodations. Accommodations should be based on current abilities (after all past remediation) and this is why testing must be done within a certain time frame for both College Board and then again possibly for college. I "think" if you have the school recommending accommodations it is now easier than in the past to get them.
  3. I had a formal diagnosis with testing by psychologist for learning disorders. I also provided my own educational plan that summarized by grade testing and accommodations given year by year. I filled out the required paperwork. I did not have any problems. SAT takes notoriously longer than ACT to approve the accommodations. I did this before they revamped the paperwork for SAT.
  4. Well, Brave Writer courses have been great at improving my STEM kids' writing. They don't explicitly teach any grammar or sentence structure, but they are great at pulling the content out of the kids and improving the writing.
  5. My son took Derek Owens Physics. It was perfect for a STEM kid as an introduction to physics. It is more mathy than what I was looking for for my daughter and therefore she has a spot in Clover Creek. I would say Derek Owens is a solid algebra based physics course - not too mathy in my opinion for physics. However it is NOT a conceptual physics course to be taken before the math skills are there. It may or may not be what you are looking for depending on your student and needs.
  6. Oops, by the time I had gotten to read through all the responses, I had forgotten that the question was about applying to a high school program - not college.
  7. I also expect the class to be a college level class with the exception that a semester college class might be spread over the full high school year. In reality, I don't see this happening in classes that are taught at our local high schools.
  8. Requirements for state graduation are different than requirement for college entrance. I wouldn't have any problem having my STEM child only do 3 years of history. I would look up the requirement of some colleges near you or that you think might be possibilities and check their requirements. All the ones we cared about only required three years.
  9. Assuming that what was done at home was also honors level, then I'd call it Honors Physics on the transcript; otherwise I'd just call it physics. In my course description, I'd simply say the first semester was done with x resources and the second semester done with y resources. I wouldn't elaborate as to why the change.
  10. Every school is different in what they will take. I've also seen schools tell my son they will not give him credit for a 5 on the AP Calculus BC test. Generally, the schools will let you test out of the class if you talk to them and you really think that you have covered the material.
  11. Can anyone help me. It looks like new advertisements are being posted, but I can't do so. All my classifieds from the last forums are gone and I would like to create some new ones. If I hit the button new advert or create, it takes me to the same error message.
  12. I would ask the teacher and (if you can) others who have had this class. For many classes, it really doesn't matter if you attend live or not - others it would make a difference. Also, take into consideration if it will affect the student's attitude if missing all the live sessions. If the teacher says it's fine to miss, then believe them.
  13. Unless you have a need for the certificate, I wouldn't get one. I just list in my course descriptions what I actually did.
  14. Well, at a lot of colleges, you can get college credit for a score of 3. Therefore I wouldn't really scoff at at three - though my kids aim for higher. I think there are lots of factors to consider when deciding to take or not to take the exam in this situation: Do you need an AP exam listed on the transcript to make the transcript more competitive? Will a 3 get the student college credit? Does the student need more college credit? Is is in a subject the student needs to be competitive in? (for example AP Calculus is probably more important than AP history for getting into Georgia Tech, especially as an engineering major) How does this look compared to the rest of the courses/grades the student received? I think you can make an argument either way - in favor or not of taking the test.
  15. My old classified ads are gone so I'm trying to post new ones. I see a new advert tab, but when I click on it and then for sale I get this error: You cannot create adverts in this category: missing PACKAGE INFO, TYPE or ITEM CONDITION. If you have already created them, edit your category and choose which ones the category will use. Contact the system administrator. Error code: CL-SUBMIT/1 Help. I don't know what to do next.
  16. The Writer's Jungle course was helpful to me - I did it with a 9th grader and two younger (7th and 5th). It really helped me to work through the process with my kids. If you are just looking for something for your oldest, then you could start with one of the Essay Prep classes.
  17. I'd ask yourself exactly what you are looking for in a guidance counselor. To me, the counselor helps pick out the course of study for high school, prepares the transcript, counsels the student toward what college and does the counselor letter. You already say that you plan on writing the school profile, counselor letter, transcript, course descriptions, etc. I would not leave it up to someone else to pick the courses for my child for high school - too many options and opinions of what is best. Ask questions here and then, you can simply pick what sounds best without researching everything. I would definitely not leave it to someone else to counsel my child toward college decisions. Too often, a "counselor" does what is typical for everyone, but that might not be best for your child. It takes work to sort through colleges and scholarship opportunities, bu I wouldn't want to leave it for someone else to decide what is best for my child.
  18. I do handwriting, copywork, talk about the grammar of what is being copied. I might do something like Climbing to Good English, but usually not.
  19. I do handwriting, copywork, talk about the grammar of what is being copied. I might do something like Climbing to Good English, but usually not.
  20. Great thread - I'm also planning a co-op class around the Duct tape warfare book.
  21. It makes me wonder - If the state is making everyone take it at a certain point in JR year, but you already have a good score, how much effort will you put into it. Of course you shouldn't just "forget" all the material, so you probably already have the capability to score well, but it takes effort and concentration. It's hard to give your best effort if you don't care. It reminds me of AP testing around here. The high school students can skip the final in the classroom if they take the AP exam. However, there is nothing that says they have to do well, so many simply go in and lay their head down and take a nap. It's very odd for my homeschooler to be testing in a room of kids that are napping. No wonder our AP scores are so low.
  22. Only did APs here. They were more widely accepted and gave college credit. So far, my boys have not decided to apply to schools requiring SAT2s. I have opened up the college conversation early because if certain schools were being discussed, then I knew we'd have to plan on the SAT2s as well.
  23. Lots of science to prepare for more science. I do recommend taking statistics sometime as medical literature is full of statistics and doctors are poor readers of statistics. With a little knowledge, you can wee out a lot of junk.
  24. I would follow her lead unless you have a good reason not to - therefore, I'd do online.
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