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Heather in Neverland

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Everything posted by Heather in Neverland

  1. We are paying about $3 USD per gallon here depending on the currency rate.
  2. When I was the girlfriend I ALWAYS bowed out of family group pics on my own. No one ever had to ask me to. Even as a wife I step out of some family pics to make it easier for them to take some minus in-laws. My dh was married before and he does not like seeing his ex-wife in old family photos.
  3. That is a good point! I enjoy going to mass on holidays with dh's family but I always feel like such a dork because I am the only one reading from the little pamphlet thing. Yesterday I told him, "oh no! They changed 'and also with you'!! That's the only part I know!" :tongue_smilie: But now I won't be the only one peeking at the notes. :D
  4. Actually, our "Indian side of the family" loves coming to dinner at our house. This past week we made them a thanksgiving meal and they loved it! They tell us they like eating "western" food although they tend to add hot sauce to everything I make. :D
  5. This made me smile... It so describes my catholic father-in-law. He had no real reason for "not liking" the new wording other than it's just "different". You have to picture a grumpy old man saying it. :tongue_smilie:
  6. We go every six months like clockwork but we also have good dental insurance.
  7. love love love it! We started last night and we are doing the Voskamp one along with reading Tabitha's Travels (we did Jotham's Journey and Bartholomew's passage the last two years).
  8. My dh was raised catholic including going to catholic school. Although he is no longer catholic, he still remembers all the words to mass. And his father (actually his whole family) is still catholic and his father was aggravated by all the changes in the wording. So what say the catholics on this board? Do you think the new wording is better? http://news.yahoo.com/mass-translation-launches-american-parishes-190101485.html
  9. We get paid this Wednesday and when we do we are giving our amah (nanny/maid) 2000 to pay for her daughter's college tuition. She never went to school herself (of any kind) and desperately wants something more for her children but her husband is injured and can't work so it is all on her. She is so worried about how to pay it and it is due next week. We are calling it her Christmas bonus because we don't want her to feel shame. I can't wait. We love her so much!
  10. All of your "little" things are making me smile. I have a new one to add... I just woke up on my side of the world and found two of my 3 kids curled up in my bed. Love it.
  11. Yep, welcome to my life. Add in our mix of children and we are pretty much "on display" everywhere we go. People stare, point, nudge each other, or just ask us outright rude questions. But then some people are really warm and friendly.
  12. Today I was able to find a beautiful tree skirt for our Christmas tree AND 5 candles of the correct color for our advent wreath. Big deal, right? Except that I live in a Muslim country and just two years ago there were no Christmas decorations to be had ANYWHERE. So the fact that one store in the mall had some was a little thing that really made my day!! How about you?
  13. Two. A pair of tennis shoes and a pair of crocs flip flops. But we do live on the face of the sun so everyone wears sandals everywhere. :tongue_smilie:
  14. Well, currently they are 13, 7, and 2 but this was a while ago. And honestly, my kids just don't get that attached to toys so they didn't mind. When they noticed something gone and asked, I simply said "I gave it to the orphanage"... Which is exactly what I did. They were happy with that.
  15. I just cleaned them out when they weren't at home. They had so many they barely noticed. Now we are down to just a few items that they actually play with.
  16. My mother had a PROFOUND influence on me. She only had a high school education and 3 young children when my father began cheating on her. She felt HELPLESS and TRAPPED. She couldn't leave him as she had no way to support all of us, no job skills, nothing. I was raised hearing "you will go to college and get a degree so you NEVER have to depend on a man to support you" and I did. It is quite liberating to know I do not have to put up with any nonsense from a man. I am with my dh because I want to be, not because I have to be and he can never take advantage of me because I would walk and I have the financial means to do so. I love my mom!!!!
  17. I LOATHE cherries. Cherry pie? Ugh. I'd rather eat liver. Yes I have tried them and I still hate them. I also hate DURIAN even though I've never actually eaten it. I can't even get within 10 feet of it without gagging.
  18. Exactly. If someone invites you over you ALWAYS offer to bring something. But if I invite someone over I never ask them to bring something... But then they always offer. :D
  19. :iagree: I must be old-fashioned but my mom who is from the south was big on proper manners. We don't talk about money, or age, or weight, or make comments about your eating habits, etc. I find all of that to be in terribly poor taste.
  20. Blech. Having said that, a dear friend is bringing it to our feast tomorrow and I will eat it with a smile. :D
  21. I had PF and it was awful. I did inserts, shots, ice, you name it. Finally, a doctor here suggested "platelet rich plasma therapy". It is amazing. I am absolutely cured after living with pain for two years!
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