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Everything posted by Sputterduck

  1. I would suggest the Aran Islands. I don't think they take outsiders though. There is literally no crime. If you commit a crime they kick you off the island, so nobody does anything. Great system. :)
  2. It's very unlikely that he's calico. Calicos are female unless something went medically wrong and he is an XXY.
  3. I am confused. I have never heard of a tiger kitten (aside from baby tigers). Are you guys meaning tabby?
  4. This gives me mental images that are making me giggle. :tongue_smilie:
  5. Why is it bad to adopt a sibling group? I would think it would be healthier for the children to have their siblings with them. Maybe this is why singletons get adopted so much faster. No one wants to break siblings apart but no one wants to adopt them? :( Also who is it bad to mess with birth order?
  6. I wasn't abused as a child. I was as an adult though by my exh. He was extremely violent. I left so that my child would not grow up in fear and so he would not grow up to be his father.
  7. It's normal to be unhappy when unhappy things are going on in life. Depression is a chemical problem in the brain. A healthy person reacts with unhappiness to unhappy things. There is nothing wrong with that. Not feeling negative in reaction to negative things *is* unhealthy. A depressed person is unhappy beyond the things happening in their life. That's my take.
  8. I was going to say A, but yes it is annoying because it is really a fruit. :p
  9. My take on this is a medical professional is a hired worker. If someone gets too nosy, I would fire them and hire another. And I *was* an abused person. Snooping around looking for abusers doesn't help. I had one doctor who knew and she didn't tell anyone. And thank God she didn't. If she had, I would have been afraid to seek medical help from then on, which would have been even more dangerous.
  10. I was complaining about Macs. I'll never use one because I like to build my own computers from scratch, even my laptop, tyvm. :tongue_smilie:
  11. Just add a new internal one. It's so easy. Buy from newegg.com and look at the reviews. I love that site and every computer guy I know buys from it.
  12. No. It's processed sugar. They take a plant, process it, and come out with a concentrated substance. People call it natural, but it's been altered by people. I would think it would be just as bad as any other sugar.
  13. Did you watch the video? The guy said that fructose buffered by fiber is okay. Fructose taken out of the context in which it in found in nature is unhealthy. It's kinda like drinking a little bit of alcohol with a bunch of food versus drinking a bunch of alcohol straight. Big difference without the food buffering it.
  14. I love lima beans! I say just serve them plain... but I'm assuming that won't work for you. :p
  15. Whoever tagged it with that didn't actually watch the video I bet.
  16. Really? That sucks. It seems a good ol' hand washing is clearly better then.
  17. I had a boyfriend who worked at a fairly nice hotel. Hotel rooms on occasion end up like that and worse. By worse I mean a worse substance that comes from a guy. Give a whacko like that a few days in a hotel room to mess things up and imagine what kind of grossness can be accomplished. *shudder*
  18. At 4.5 my son couldn't do that either. That is too young to worry about that, especially for a boy. Boys develop fine motor coordination later. Some aren't ready to learn to write until they are 6. My son is 5 now and can do all that just fine.
  19. "With respect to carbohydrates, honey is mainly fructose (about 38.5%) and glucose (about 31.0%)" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Honey
  20. I still do armpit temps with my son. Have you considered getting the tongue-tie fixed? My son had a severe one, and we got him surgery for it.
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