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Everything posted by Sputterduck

  1. Once when I was little my grandma came to town for a visit and volunteered to pick me up from school. She got lost on the way home and I broke down crying. She told me, "If you never get lost, you never have an adventure." I learned later this was a common saying of hers. One time she called my mom and said, "I'm going to visit Texas and then I'm going to turn left and go to Florida." lol! She'd leave for a cross country trip on a whim. I so wish she was still alive instead of dying when I was 12. We'd have had some great adventures. I turned out just like her.
  2. I have a wanderlust issue. But, hey, it makes for so many great life experiences! I think that's a great idea. We do that all the time. Sometimes we hop in the car for a day and pick a direction and drive. It's so fun! You find all sorts of neat new places to have lunch and see things you didn't even know were there to see! It's great! Our Montana trip didn't even have a destination, other than "Montana".
  3. It's all about the journey! I packed my little bitty civic this summer, put my 5 year old in his car seat and drove to Montana for a month. From California. With nothing but clothes, computer, and camping gear. We went up through Oregon and Washington over through Idaho to Montana. Then we drove around for weeks. Then we went to Yellowstone and checked out Wyoming. After that we went back to Idaho. Then, I really wanted to go back home and we drove 13 hours straight from Idaho straight down through the bottom of Utah, cut through Nevada and Las Vegas and into California. I was happy to be home. That's the kind of traveler I am. :p
  4. Sputterduck was my son's nickname when he was a baby going through the sputtering stage. I needed a nickname for a parenting message board to ask a question about him and it kinda stuck.
  5. My son would get a rash like that, including losing chunks of skin!!! and open sores when I would have dairy (he was breastfed).
  6. Sounds okay in general, but I don't like beans and I'm not supposed to eat potatoes, so they would not work for me.
  7. Really? I would have thought this was hooey, but if it works for you it could work for me, too. Thanks!
  8. :grouphug: I've found that sometimes flashbacks give your brain another chance to process what happened. Maybe this will end in more closure for you. I'm so sorry. I'm tearing up for you. :crying: :grouphug::grouphug:
  9. Yikes that's unhealthy! Maybe add some fruits and vegetables for lunch. And cut out the bacon and lunchables. If the girl is struggling with insomnia while eating those foods, I'm not surprised!
  10. So if plans fall through, a person should do what with their baby? Leave it in it's crib for a year and come back to no baby? Give the baby up for adoption? What? I have been in a situation where I had a small child, was very alone, and literally had no one, family or not family, who I would leave my baby with. What is a person in that situation to do?
  11. The problem with that is if the husband is not also in line with God, the situation can easily become abusive.
  12. Have you tried eliminating dairy in the second half of the day? It worked for us, but I sure didn't think it would. I kept seeing that suggestion while researching this problem and finally tried it.
  13. I'm glad things are working out in your marriage. :) In mine, I just had to come to terms with the fact that God won't mess with someone's free will. If my husband wants to be evil, he will be evil, and all my begging God and doing anything and everything to be the best wife ever won't change him if he doesn't want to change. It was a hard lesson, learning that me trying until I have nothing left to give and I am worked to the bone won't fix things. I think when a husband isn't truly evil, he often will respond to God pulling at his heart and to his wife loving him. Unfortunately, despite how much God loves his children, many will chose the path of evil.
  14. Yeah. Don't. In their famous child raising book they talk about switching their four month old.
  15. I am glad things worked out for you, but this is sometimes not the case and can come across as rather insulting to those who tried everything for many years and didn't succeed in getting a good response from their spouse.
  16. Is the "shik'e" fermented rice drink? Yum. If so, it's shee-kyeh. Make sure you blend the k and the y. Lots of people have trouble with the k and y next to each other though I'm not sure why. chapchae is chahp-cheh basically. Korean consonants are clipped way more so that in English. They hear a rush of air at the end of ours that we don't notice. If those words were written in Korean I could help more!
  17. Sheltering and socialization are two entirely different things. Sheltering can be not letting your 5 year old watch R movies. Lack of socialization might mean your child never has any friends. I'm all for sheltering my child.
  18. You will get spam. It's worth the money though. My roommate and I made over 3000 one month, if you put both our sales together. It wasn't even much work.
  19. How so? I lived in the mountains where internet service was very expensive. If you couldn't afford it, it wasn't like there was a public library to go to out there. lol The best we could afford cost us over 100 per month and it only got us an 800k connection. You can't do much anymore on less than 1meg. If we were any more rural, there wouldn't have been an option for internet at all.
  20. How does a sun screen not have chemicals? Even a "natural" one has chemicals.
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