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Everything posted by Sputterduck

  1. Is that him in your avatar? Awwwwwwwww. I am aware that this is no help to you, but he just sounds so loving. Awwwwww.
  2. How about saying, "I just don't want to." ? I'm curious. I've never heard of this lady? What does she teach that you don't like?
  3. Yep. My aunt's best friend died of an aneurysm. She went to the doc with the worst headache she'd ever had and he sent her home and told her to take some tylenol. She took a nap with her son and he woke up to her making some strange noises as she died. You really can't mess with this.
  4. Most kids do this at some point. The ER will have seen this many times. He will be okay. :)
  5. I think ours is great. It was terrible before I divorced my husband, but now we have wonderful, wonderful peace. I'm just waiting for him to go after some sort of visitation and mess up our lives all over again.
  6. Awww. I've been there as well. It took me years to divorce my abusive husband. I thought I was doing the right thing by staying. When my son was two, I left for him. I couldn't stay and have my son grow up in fear, or even worse, have him grow up to be his father. The final decision was made one day when I was holding my sobbing son who had been scared by daddy, again. Once I finally did make the decision to leave, my support system left me. I kept the abuse secret for a long time because I thought people would tell me to leave. Instead once it was all out, they told me to stay and that God was upset with me. Losing my support system was far harder than losing my marriage. Legalism can damage people at their most vulnerable moments. I have to say that had I not not seen how bad legalism can hurt people, I would have been a terrible Christian. Really terrible. Legalism and a complete lack of grace was easy for me at one time. I am completely changed on that now. I define legalism by the examples given in the Bible by Jesus where the Jewish leaders of the time were upset that Jesus healed on the Sabbath. Jesus was acting out of love, the leaders were acting out of legalism. Justice and love find a beautiful balance in God. Either one out of balance is wrong.
  7. No, but my nana used to give her children benadryl in the car to put them to sleep. :ohmy:
  8. Most of my churches have been to were run by the pastor, with an elder board of his choosing. I prefer it that way. The pastor can get his leading from God and follow it and not ever worry that he is going to be fired because it doesn't fit what some other group of people want. I understand the reasons behind doing other ways, but in practice the happiest drama-free churches I've seen are run this way. The baptist church I went to for a year or so was run by an elected board who hired the pastor. There was so much drama, and everyone in the church felt it was their right and duty to complain over every little thing. It was tiresome.
  9. My parents did when I was little. They paid double payments every time they could and were able to do so because they didn't get the biggest house they could afford.
  10. What?? I have faith in God because he's always been faithful to me. I know He'll always be there for me, because He has a record of doing so. And about your statement about praying for sick relatives... my son's skull fracture was healed. He had a depressed skull fracture, medically documented, and while it was there I would run my finger along the edge as I breastfed him. He needed a ct scan to determine if it was severe enough for surgery. Ones that are moderate and better, they like to leave alone in small children, but his was on the cusp of bad enough to require surgical repair, hence the need for the ct scan. I showed the radiologist where it was after the anesthesiologist put him out. Then they made us go wait in another room. After a while, one of the team came out and asked us to come in again and show them because they couldn't find a thing. I went it and traced my fingers along it, but it was gone. Gone. There was no evidence of there ever being a break there, and they can see old breaks, so it's not just that it went back in place. It was gone. They could not explain it. His doctor was flabbergasted because this was medically documented, and she had seen and felt it all herself a few times. So, no, faith is not believing in something you know is incorrect. What an insult.
  11. No, I'm sick from a mouthful of untreated Mexico shower water. lol
  12. No, I wasn't joking. She encourages the *worst* behavior in my son. I have to retrain him every time he sees her. She messes up my kitchen. I've lost things for weeks after she's come. She washes things, to awful standards, behind my back. I ask her to please not wash dishes or anything else in my kitchen, so she waits until I'm asleep. At her home, my dad has to follow behind her and rewash things. Also, when my parents are over, my extremely violent abusive ex-husband is brought up. Every time. It all ends in my puking blood, once in their car even. The stress is just too much. After all that, though, my mom was never malicious and certainly never did anything like your mom. I'm sorry she was like that. :( That's really sad. My mom has been really helpful in certain parts of my life, though, so I feel bad for complaining. Argh. Now I'm afraid she's reading this. She's also kinda stalkerish.
  13. This really is a terrifying thought to me. I don't want my son to feel around me the way I feel around my mom. How to we prevent this? :eek:
  14. Mine gives me an ulcer. I don't tell her because I don't want to hurt her feelings. She doesn't mean any harm. She must think I'm chronically ill though because I've been throwing up blood every time she's visited my house.
  15. As I recall, JWs added a word here. "for by Him all [other] things were created"... Funny how adding a word can drastically change the meaning. It's unconscionable to add a word to the Bible, but the JWs wouldn't be the first to do so. Perhaps they thought it wasn't so bad since they put brackets around it.
  16. It looks like we're an unusually responsible group of people. :D
  17. You need to add verse 16 in there for context. "for by Him all things were created" etc Clearly Jesus did not create himself. All things created doesn't include Him.
  18. The JW Bible is different. That's why it says that to them. I used to be a JW and after leaving I didn't trust Bible translations anymore. I studied Hebrew and Greek and now I use the NASB and love it. :001_smile: Some JWs will tell you that they have studied Hebrew and Greek, but they mean that they've read the Watchtower's explanation in their own publications. That is far from taking actual Hebrew and Greek courses from experts, like I did.
  19. Absolutely zero. Over my dead body will that ever change.
  20. I don't recall that word it them?? Anywho, they are by my favorite author :tongue_smilie: and written as a model of Christ and Christianity, so keep them in mind for later. :001_smile:
  21. I won a 6ft flamingo at the fair when I was in junior high. I recall that my parents were not pleased. lol
  22. That started happening to me with I was 17 or so. I was really bad at first, but it's calmed down since. It seems to happen much less when I wash my bed linens frequently. I think they collect dust and whatnot and laying in it all night causes a bad reaction.
  23. We use All. I like the smell of normal Tide, but the HE version is different and overpowering.
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