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Everything posted by Sputterduck

  1. You are at least not planning on feeding this to your children, right?
  2. Well, it certainly doesn't collect bacteria and other agents and get them out of the system. Once it is in your body, it never leaves. It collects in your cells permanently.
  3. Well, Reya had a rather valid point. "Natural" does not mean safe. And colloidal silver isn't natural to ingest anyhow.
  4. Actually that's not true. Even back when it was big in "modern" medicine and the nose spray was being prescribed by doctors, there were really bad cases. Those people were not making it themselves and they were using it as prescribed. That is why medical doctors do not prescribe this anymore, and reputable drug companies no longer manufacture it.
  5. The thing is, once you do notice a change and then decide it isn't worth turning blue over, the change you see is 100 percent permanent. It isn't worth it in a million years to me.
  6. http://dermatology.cdlib.org/111/cas...a/wadhera.html http://images.google.com/images?star...l=en&um=1&sa=2 http://www.answers.com/topic/argyria http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/22536241/
  7. That's too bad. I can't get upset over an adult drinking alcohol at his class reunion though...
  8. Fine. You said, "When it is only a positive thing, they are just accelerated or advanced. When there are negatives, too, they are gifted. :001_smile:" That is not true. It is based solely off of IQ. I do not like the idea that giftedness necessarily comes with problems. It's insulting.
  9. I have not allowed my son to ever eat like that. If it were a breathing issue, it seems it would be apparent when the kid was attempting to eat with her mouth shut. If there is a breathing issue, don't you think that should be looked at by a doctor? If not, be clear that it is not acceptable.
  10. My day was good. I learned how to make concrete forms from a concrete guy which involved driving stakes and nails and using a type of circular saw for the first time, I got new tires, I planned the next 13 years of my financial future, which may involve opening a Swiss bank account for fun, and I almost cleaned my room. Almost. It's messier than it was yesterday.
  11. My son is 5 and does most of his math independently. I say if he can do it, why not let him? I didn't expect this at 5, but he loves math and cries every day when I make him stop. I give him several pages at a time and then I leave the room to do other things. When I get back it is always correct and we move on to the next several pages. He does several units like this every time we do math. I know that seems excessive for his age but he freaks when I make him stop. At 10-13, I would expect mostly independent work.
  12. Thank you. I hate the idea that children must be behaviorally difficult to be gifted. It is incorrect and rather insulting. You had to go and quote C.S Lewis? :001_wub: I adore his writings.
  13. We spent 320 for 2 people. I cook every day. We do go out a little bit, though. I don't do casseroles, and we do have meat every day. We eat lots of fresh veggies and fruit. We don't do snacks. Well, sometimes I give my son a "popsicle" that I've made out of milk and protein powder. He loves them, but I've never allowed him a real popsicle because of his enamel problem, so he has no clue what a real one is like. I try to make cheaper veggies and fruit the staples of our diet. Carrots are really cheap, even organic ones. We often make our own bread. It's healthier and cheaper, and it's good for teaching fractions. lol
  14. I also think parents take far too much pride in the intelligence of their children. It's not a competition. I want to be a missionary. I don't want to be any of the things my prideful mother wants me to be so she can show off my brains. I just want to spend my life helping people.
  15. Well, when I was little I was sent to a college in our city on Tuesday nights where the graduate students played games with me. They also tested my IQ, gave me puzzles to solve, and did other random stuff with me. This was all done because my teachers thought I was some sort of genius and set it up with the college. I guess I assumed that some students are labeled gifted through this process, but I'm not really sure. As for my son, I am not getting him evaluated because while I enjoyed the activities at the college, I look back and feel a bit like a guinea pig. My son is 5 and does multiplication and division, reads well, knows the states and most of the countries (self taught on those), and was called a "little genius" by his charter school teacher a few days ago, but I see no need at all to get him formally tested. He is where he is. He is who he is. I don't need to put him through the kind of testing I was put through. I want him to feel normal. I never did.
  16. How much sugar and sleep is she getting? Issues with both of those leave me feeling as she described.
  17. I'm a 36H and have no problem keeping my chest covered. It's big and sticks out, but it's covered and I don't ever wear anything tight. I'd be far too embarrassed to show something as intimate as cleavage.
  18. http://dermatology.cdlib.org/111/case_reports/argyria/wadhera.html http://images.google.com/images?start=0&q=argyria&btnG=Search+images&hl=en&um=1&sa=2 Please do not let this girl ingest colloidal silver. There have been health warnings about this long enough, but apparently they still haven't reached enough people. http://www.answers.com/topic/argyria http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/22536241/ This guy lives near where I lived last year.
  19. My initial response is that she is pulling the Christian card in an inappropriate manner. I also think this should be addressed with a parent. Maybe the person who wrote this has legitimate points, I don't know, but addressing this with the constant Christian card and without a parent overshadows a teen being possibly rude about complaints. As a parent this would make me rather uncomfortable. I do appreciate people correcting my child in an appropriate manner, but I would like to be made aware of it.
  20. hmm, elizabeth, this says traditional Judaism does believe in an afterlife and resurrection. http://www.jewfaq.org/olamhaba.htm
  21. Some people would say all Christians believe that Jesus is God and that is a pretty simple line of demarcation and since JWs and Mormons don't they aren't Christian.
  22. "Liberal and mainline Christian groups generally believe that Jews, as God's chosen people, will be saved according to God's permanent covenants with them, as explained in the Hebrew Scriptures (Old Testament). There is no need for them to accept Jesus Christ. Thus they view attempts by conservative Christians to evangelize Jews is a wasted effort, and insulting to Judaism." This, from that link, is just plain not true. The first people to be converted were Jews, and that's not because Jews didn't need to be converted. Although maybe they're referring to Jews not needing to be adopted into the family.
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