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Everything posted by KrissiK

  1. I look forward to Tuesdays because Mondays are always so crazy. I have extra people around in the morning and the cleaners come in the afternoon. Tuesdays I don't have to be anywhere. It's another frosty morning here. Like elsewhere, it's been cold here. Unusually cold at night. The poor orange farmers are being hit hard. Orange trees don't like freezing weather. It sure is beautiful in the morning, though with everything all white. So, today.... ** school. It's been tough getting the kids to get their work done! ** work on Christmas cards ** maybe make a batch of cookies to freeze for my "neighbor sacks" ** get my gift list organized.
  2. The website is www.classycrochet.wordpress.com. Scroll down to free patterns. It's a great beginners project. I'm not a beginner, but I needed a project that wouldn't get me bogged down. http://classycrochet.wordpress.com/crochet-patterns/ Ok, hopefully this is the link. I've never done this on my iPad before.
  3. I've never joined this thread because I rarely have time to do crafty things, but I am proud to announce that I am crocheting infinity scarves for Christmas presents and they are going well. I can make one in a couple of hours, which works for me.
  4. I'm here! Even if it is 3:16pm. We're still tackling. School is still in process. DS is in one of those "if I ignore my school work long enough, maybe it will go away" modes today. Ugh! The cleaners Re coming in a few minutes, so the house is as picked up as it's going to be. DD2 had a dentist appointment, I've still got to get my allergy shots and then bell choir rehearsal. But, I do have dinner in the crock pot, so DH can feed the kids when he gets home with them.
  5. My kids Ike little BBQ meatballs, esp. If you can eat them with toothpicks. Or little pigs in a blanket, made with those little smokies, cheese cubes, carrot sticks and ranch dip
  6. I had this for quite a while. Every time I lay down the room would start spinning. Every time I got up, the room would start spinning. There are supposed to be some head things you can do for it., I never got around to it. It eventually cleared up. It has to do with some crystals in your inner ear that affect balance and they get out of wack.
  7. I love to crochet. I found this website www.classycrochet.wordpress.com and have been making the diamond lattice infinity scarf. Basically, if you can master the chain stitch and count to five you can make a pretty scarf, esp. if you use nice yarn. I made a scarf last night during a football game. I'm going to make these for Christmas presents.
  8. I'm trying a new recipe - beef, barley soup with roasted vegetables. It sounds really good. I hope it tastes good. I'm also making potatoe bread. I've been spending the whole day in the kitchen. It's too cold to go outside (for this California girl, that is).
  9. Your kids and my kids must be twins, separated at birth. Our family fun days around the holidays ( like tree trimming, stuff like that) always ends up with me yelling, "this is supposed to be fun! Now stop hitting eachother and throwing decorations! You're all on time out!" I'm sorry you're having a lousy day.
  10. Over-involvement, in my opinion as a former jr. High teacher, has more to do with the tone and attitude of the parent, rather than the amount of contact. If, as a parent you support the teacher, encourage the teacher, recognize that your child is a slacker, is capable of losing their homework, etc. and want to work with the teacher! the involvement is great. But a "mama bear" parent who is adversarial toward the teacher is a hindrance on all fronts. I've had parents who are so horrible tha I've had to literally hide from them because of the potential for verbal abuse, and I've also had wonderful parents who know that Johnny has some issues and don't scream at me for losing their kids' homework, when all along said homework was crumpled up at the bottoms of the backpack.
  11. Morning Gals. Got breakfast going. I'm lazy on Saturday mornings and my poor starving family has to wait while I finish my coffee before I start making breakfast. Today we're having bacon and pumpkin spice waffles (don't be impressed,, it's from a mix). It's supposed to storm today, although this morning it is beautiful out. It did rain last night and right now the sun is out, the sky is brilliant and everything is washed clean. Today is my day to decorate the house, which will be a job. I have a very extensive Department 56 Dickens Village (been slowly collecting pieces for the past 15 years). I'd also like to bake some cookies. I need to go to the grocery store, too. I found a great recipe for beef/barley stew with roasted veggies in my long forgotten recipe file, so I want to make that for dinner and need fennel and parsnips. Yummy!
  12. We use Spelling Workout and like it. I am also of the conviction that becoming a good speller is not all taught. I am a natural speller, my second son is a natural speller, my oldest son is not. My oldest son does make marked improvement weekly from pre-test to post-test, but that does not always carry over to his writing. I do believe that spelling should be taught as a subject and that phonics/spelling rules should be taught, but my expectation isn't all that high. I just make sure my oldest son knows how to make sure his words are spelled right, how to find a good editor, etc.
  13. We have a pre-lit. We bought it from Sears about 4-5 years ago. We spent some $ on it, but we figured at the price of a decent real tree, we should have the artificial one paid for in a couple of years. It's nice. Covered with lots of decorations it looks fine.
  14. I'm watching it now. Turned it on late. Ugh! Tortuous.
  15. I've been to church alone often (back in my single days), I don't go to the movies, and I have no problem doing fast food alone (I do this is I'm out shopping by myself, once in a blue moon), but I don't like eating in a restaurant alone. I did this when I was in Vegas with DH. He was working a trade show and I was just there hanging out. I walked The Strip and had lunch in one of the restaurants by myself and really hated it. What do you do when you're waiting for your food? I don't have a smart phone so I can't entertain myself electronically. I just eavesdropped on all the people surrounding me. Sharpening my sleuthing skills,
  16. Well, things are a bit better. I "made" the boys stay outside and play soccer for an hour while I worked with DD1 and DD2 (just counting with froggies and coloring with her). Gave me a bit of reprieve and let them work off some steam. Now, we made our way through math and are on to memory time and read aloud. I'm glad it's a nice day out, because they're going outside this afternoon!
  17. Happy Wednesday everyone! I truly hope you have all had a better day than me! This is going to be a whiny post, so feel free to skip over it, but I just have to tell someone. My kids have been horrible this morning. Absolutely horrible. They are fighting with each other, my oldest is completely irrational, they are disrespectful, I am about in tears. They are all getting "rest time" this afternoon so I can have a break. And the amount of time is dependent on how many fights I have to deal with. If I could pack them all up and take them to the local public school I would in a heartbeat. They are all monsters, I tell you!
  18. Jane Austin bores me to tears.
  19. It bugs me. So much that I just want to slap someone. It is guilt inducing (especially as a SAHM, as opposed to say, if I had a career that had me working 60 hours a week and traveling all around the world) for the reasons others have stated, but to me, it also says that the only good season of life (both yours and your kids) is when they are young. I want to enjoy my whole life, and my children's whole lives. I wNt to enjoy them while they're young, and teens, and young adults, etc. Sure, they are cute and charming when they are little, but I don't see that as a reason to get all weepy. I don't want to be miserable with an empty nest (like this one lady at church who tears up at how much she misses her kids, and i don't think they ignore her, they just have lives of their own now). I want to have a life that involves my kids, but does not revolve around them.
  20. Looks like we've all been productive. I got everything done on my list, including the impressions at the dentist. It was all I could do not to totally gag with all that junk in my mouth. Ugh!
  21. Congratulations. All our kids are adopted, but all domestically, so no advice for you. Just good wishes! How exciting!
  22. Good Morning, Ladies! I don't want to skip Tuesday. I have too much to do! ** school ** send out parent letter for Chiildren's Christmas Program ** send out Children's Church volunteer schedules ** go to dentist to make impression for my new night guard (yes, I'm a night grinder) ** laundry ** decide on picture and order family Christmas card from Costco Have a good one gals! Oh yeah... Habits. ** high protein snacks ** record what I eat on Lose It! I know the holidays is not the time to diet, but I have to.
  23. To me it sounds like natural consequences. I don't find it harsh or mean at all. She's 15 years old. Not too far off from college. Needs to start budgeting her time, taking responsibility.
  24. Well then..... I'll take a slice (or more :)) of Papa Murphy's gourmet chicken garlic pizza. Love it!
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