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Everything posted by shawthorne44

  1. One money-saving idea on a survey. If you know someone with a metal detector that you could borrow you can find the buried property markers yourself. Since your yards are small there likely won't either on the two corners most important to you. But there will be some not too far away. With the metal detector and one of those laser-things used in home construction it isn't hard to mark your property line yourself. Of course for you the problem isn't so much where the property line is but where the fence can be put. Your photo reminded me of a similar fence in my first house. It was a starter home development where everyone had their back yards fenced, and since they had that fence they also fenced their side yard. My next door neighbors didn't have a fence at all. The problem was that just outside my master bedroom was my narrow side yard, then their wide side yard, then their kitchen/concrete porch/sliding glass doors. That meant that I always had to keep my bedroom curtains completely closed because their kitchen sink looked straight in my bedroom. When they sold the house, the flippers put in a fence. I opened a window and leaned out when they were building it. The guy got defensive pointing out where the property line was. I said, "I'm just happy there is a fence." He built it 6" in.
  2. Also, most people in the US wash everything after one wear. Some people have husbands/children that drop their towel on the floor after one use, thereby requiring they be washed. Then you add that you really shouldn't be filling the washer if you want everything to get clean. Yup, no problem at all.
  3. I take Potassium to handle my Restless Legs. I buy this from Amazon. NOW Supplements, Potassium Gluconate Pure Powder 175 mg, Essential Mineral*, 1-Pound The powder is mild tasting, sort of like fiber. So I'll add some to a few ounces of water and just swallowing. I take it after a meal, 3/4 T once or twice a day. If it isn't after a meal, there will be an extra bathroom trip. But if it means the difference between sleeping or not, it is a small price if I'd forgotten during the day. I don't understand how everyone doesn't have this problem. I read that 98% of Americans are low in it. Ideal is mid-4000's (fuzzy memory) Whenever I calculate my intake I come up around 1500. Even eating nothing but bananas I don't eat that much food in a day.
  4. I love this group! Just this morning DD said she'd like to learn Python. I come here. That Codewizard thingy looks like just the thing.
  5. The good news is that since your flight is full, it is unlikely to be canceled.
  6. I have one of those. Note, I do have a laundry compulsion. It lives in the master bedroom and I sort as I go. I have 5 bins: Normal Dark, Normal Light, White, towels and underwear. I also live in my dream house in Texas with plenty of elbow room so the foot print isn't a problem. In our bathroom we have a wall of PAX and DH and a bin/drawer in there that he uses for dirties and a shelf for stuff he'll wear again.
  7. I know that this is my problem. On both feet the toe next to the big toe has it and I got it right after dropping something on that toe. Fortunately I've the problem for awhile and it hasn't spread.
  8. Same as ours but even more so. The houses on either side of us were owned by the original owner. One his mother lived in and the other he used as an electronics shop. Fortunately we haven't had a problem. But the boundary is a bit fuzzy. Our real problem is with the other next door neighbor (very deep property) that is insane. Plus we bought the nice house next to us (probably better than ours) and the owner of the other knows we'd like theirs.
  9. One warning. She will get a LOT worse before she gets better. There is an official name, extinction something-or-other? Imagine a neighbor having free-range of your house, and the people being in the house being too timid to say anything. Then you lock the door. That person will pound and bang on the door because it is there right to wander around your house and steal your milk. She'll pound on your boundaries soon. Whatever you do, keep that boundary firm! Otherwise you'll just train her that if she makes a big enough stink you'll cave.
  10. We are fine. DD and I were on a playdate so I was fine except that I wished we were home. I didn't think we were in any danger. We are east of the NE tip of the metroplex. My friend was freaking out a bit. Our home due to the topography nearby is practically immune from tornados.
  11. That is standard where I live. When it is your fence, you build it a bit into your land so that you can access the far side of the fence for repairs. So technically your plants are on their property. But, I'd also look into what you can do about forbidding them from building the fence on the property line. The logic should work the same. If it is their fence they need to be able to repair it from your side. Note, sometimes neighbors share the fence and then can agree to build it on the property line. I remember my parents took photos of the cheap neighbor assisting with building the fence for about a half hour when they built it on the property line. That way they had proof that it was shared and agreed.
  12. The good news is that if the nail falls off, fungus will be much easier to eliminate. Normally the nail protects the fungus from the treatment.
  13. How does that ASTC work? Do you pay $200 to buy one of these passports and then you can use it 90+ miles away from home. Or you get a membership to one of them on the list, and you automatically get this passport for 90+ miles away from home?
  14. I'll text DH about important stuff and also mention it later. That way he'll see each message multiple times. It hasn't been a problem for awhile though. DD on the other hand ....
  15. The two aren't really tied together. The "change school and business hours" position is an argument against the complaints that eliminating time changes doesn't work for them. Changing the clocks to permanent DST is silly and I haven't heard a good argument for it beyond, it means we won't change twice a year. The reverse is true. Time was defined by the sun with Noon being when the sun was directly overhead. Then clocks got better and kept accurate longer, but still noon was still when the sun was overhead-ish. Time zones started with the railroads. At first, every railroad stop was on its own local time with noon being overhead-ish. But for the first time, people travelled fast enough to notice the discrepancy. That made havoc with the train schedules, so they made time zones. ETA: Funny time story my dad told me about the small town he grew up in. There was a large factory and a small downtown with one store with lots of clocks. The factory had a loud alarm noise at the end of every shift that could be heard downtown. The store's clocks always agreed with the factory. So even though people complained that they didn't think the time was accurate they were poo-poo'ed. Everyone in town used the store as the town's official time. Then someone proved that the time was over 20 minutes off and looked into it. All this time, the store owner was setting its clock by the factory alarm and the factory was setting its clock by the store.
  16. The two aren't really tied together. The "change school and business hours" position is an argument against the complaints that eliminating time changes doesn't work for them. Changing the clocks to permanent DST is silly and I haven't heard a good argument for it beyond, it means we won't change twice a year. The reverse is true. Time was defined by the sun with Noon being when the sun was directly overhead. Then clocks got better and kept accurate longer, but still noon was still when the sun was overhead-ish. Time zones started with the railroads. At first, every railroad stop was on its own local time with noon being overhead-ish. But for the first time, people travelled fast enough to notice the discrepancy. That made havoc with the train schedules, so they made time zones.
  17. Businesses, shops and schools change their schedules all the time. Schools change their schedules based on parent desires and bussing. Shops set their hours based on when people want to shop and when they can get employees. Places where people shop for gifts have extended hours during the Christmas shopping season. There is no reason for places to all change their schedules on a certain day. I have a really strong internal clock. I can tell myself to say wake up at 3 am for a flight, and I wake up at 3 am. So I get a bit of jet-lag every time change. The jet lag cure of exposing myself to sun doesn't work since the sun agrees with my body and not the clocks. That has been a nice benefit of WFH. I just internally ignore the time change and slowly drift into it.
  18. I always felt so ignorant when I had to add an "-ish" to the time difference between where I lived and some other country. But, with DST, it might be 12 or it might be 13.
  19. I want there to be no changing. Staying on DST seems a bit asinine because of international. But I'd be willing to tolerate it as long as we didn't change. I don't understand any of the school based arguments. It isn't mandated that schools start by X time. If it is dark when school starts, the local district can make the school start later. A few years ago Texas almost got rid of it. If Texas or any of the other top 3-4 states had gotten rid of it, the nation would have soon followed. It has the votes promised in both houses. Then someone got up and said, "Do we want Texans to have to decide between church or football?" That killed it and it failed. Which was ridiculous. Churches aren't dumb. They would have instituted Football Fellowship with the game being recorded and then football fans gathering to watch the game and non-football fans would be idle hands. Me, I'd rather paint a wall than watch football. A school could also use a staggered start/end time to help a bit with the crowds coming and going. Once kids reached the age where they went to classes rather than staying put, they could have half the kids start early and the other half starting a period later. Kids that were bussed would be put in the group that worked with the school schedule. Kids that weren't would have a choice, with kids that walked having preference for the later start. Kids in after-school stuff could have a preference for the earlier times. I remember when I was in High School the reason for the ridiculous early start time was so that football could practice and be done before dark.
  20. I don't mind the task lists. In fact, I asked for a list of things to do before I left on our last VRBO. I want to check-in as early as possible, and check-out as late. So, if I can start a load of dishes and even a load of towels before I leave I figure that is the other side of the coin since I am drastically shortening the time to clean the unit.
  21. My favorite amusement park shoes are Birkencrocs. That is their nickname because they are Birkenstocks made like Crocs. Entering that in Amazon search will find them. I had a pair of real ones that I loved. Then on the drive to Florida one of them apparently fell out of the car at a gas station. In desperation I bought some like them at Walmart. Shockingly, I like the Walmart ones just as much, except the color. These are also good for days when it might rain or has rained and there are puddles. I always take at least three different types of shoes. I have some sketchers walking shoes and some with a bouncy sole. ETA: I have a high arch. Your arch makes a big difference in what you find comfy.
  22. Vitamin-D really helps with that. I'm a sun-phobic redhead and since I've worked at taking Vit. D it has been so much better. I'll still get a little burn if I miss a spot. But, before I'd burn if I didn't put on sunscreen 30 minutes before going outside. I once burned from spending some hours during the day in the middle of a pavilion that was 60' square.
  23. I hate this too. I also live in an area where many kids are taught ma'am, and that is their default for adult women. But, I grew up in Minnesota and if someone ma'am's me I think they are saying I'm being bossy. So, ma'am doesn't work for me either. For now we've settled on "(DD's name) Mom" It has the advantage of being easy for them to remember. A friend is so much different than a parent. A friend is an equal relationship, parent-child isn't. I have no control over the lives of friend's, and I shouldn't. With my friends I can set up boundaries and I can set up limits on their interactions with me, but I have no control over them beyond that. My friends also aren't dependent on me. I am not trying to shape and guide my friends into being a capable adult. We enjoy spending time together and I'd love us to be friends when she's an intendent adult. It is a bit weird to be a friend group with a parent. My Dad and I play poker together sometimes.
  24. Because you have to be the parent. Trying to be your kid's friend leads to things like parents providing the alcohol for the high schooler to party in their house. Trying to be your child's friend generally leads to spoiling. Not that you can't be friendly and have fun. We certainly aren't task masters. Except for one time when she continually lied, she hasn't been spanked. But, we have a better place in her life than as a friend. It is fun being a friend. We relax things on vacation and expensive ice cream snacks are a normal meal. But that would be a disaster if that was every day life.
  25. I know what you mean about the appearance versus actual. With the houses/condos they've all been extremely clean. As in I'd be willing to take a bath in the bathtub. I used to travel for work and hotel stays half the year. I wouldn't do that in a hotel unless the hotel was so new I was the first one in the room or this one family run hotel. We just spent two weeks at WDW in an VRBO Condo. I felt sorry for the poor suckers in a hotel room. "And we get tired of eating every meal out. " This was one reason I felt sorry for those in hotel rooms. We did eat out, but when we wanted. Sometimes it was preferred to just wander to the kitchen and grab a Reeses Klondike Bar.
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