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Everything posted by shawthorne44

  1. A white male Harvard graduate is likely to get more money than a black, female, kindergarten teacher because that Harvard name on the diploma isn't cheap. Student loan forgiveness is a hand-out to everyone with a college loan that is forgiven. If people feel strongly that black, female, kindergarten teachers should have their college loan forgiven, then those people should find someone like that fits that description and pay off their loan, or even pay it down.
  2. The worst part of this, What is the most privileged group in America? College graduates.
  3. Have you looked into Discovery Cove? We haven't gone there yet, but I've been eyeing it. Only reason I don't have plans for that is that we went to Florida three times in the last two years and four times in daughter's life.
  4. We did a once-in-a-lifetime Disney World trip in Jan/Feb. I'm glad we did that when we did. Later this summer we are going to CA. My heathen family is more excited about Legoland, CA than they were about Disney World. Trip is Legoland, Reagan Library, Hearst Castle, Winchester House, Sequoia, Lake Tahoe. Then ending up at a convention in Reno. We'll pop over to some beaches when we get a chance. The drive there will be about 22 hours. Then after that we'll be doing 2.5-4 hour drives. On the way home we'll stop at Pueblo.
  5. A friend of mine had some unused land that was being used as a dump by some people. He set up some cameras and turned the info over to the police. The worst offender ended up with a felony. That stopped it.
  6. This is interesting. Mathematics whiz and Thiel Capital exec Eric Weinstein cheered while pointing out, “I’m excited to see what happens next. Here’s to the future! But one request for @elonmusk: can you use Twitter Logs to show us how our communications were manipulated? Who was shaddowbanned or targeted by bots? How algorithms limited our reach? Why we were throttled?” I just added Twitter again. Maybe I'll last longer than a week this time. My hope is that even though it is still the same people running things, the evil ones will have their heads down. Or they could go completely bonkers and try to burn the place down.
  7. Never judge a book by its movie. 🙂
  8. The main complaint was the hair and particularly the facial hair. The perpetual 2-day growth wasn't a thing. At that time period, they were aping the Ancient Romans statues. I really liked that they didn't have every last person be period perfect. If you look around today you still see beehive hairdos even those aren't even from this century. I'm not leaving the house today, so I'm wearing a shirt I don't particularly like from the 80's.
  9. I remember there was a nice place to swim at my summer girl scout camp that we had to stop using because people were disposing diapers off the bridge. This would have been late 70's which was I think right before the anti-litter campaigns. I do think those worked.
  10. It is neat that we have all these choices. I am old enough to remember when subscription TV was a new thing. The choices were View and Preview (I think? Memory is fuzzy because I was very small) I think they were movies only. My dad always had the latest tech-stuff. I remember watching shows that I didn't really like because I really felt like vegetating at that time and that show was the least bad of the dreck to choose from. Everyone I knew that watched TV right after school watched the same show because that was the only choice. I'm not sure how that worked because we had maybe 7 channels.
  11. I third Poldark. I love the clothing. I checked Youtube for the opinion of people that know about that sort of thing. Except for Poldark himself, it got high praise. The thought was that it was done on purpose to make the main character stand out even more. Weagan was always the very height of fashion and the wigs were worn by the fuddy-duddies.
  12. I wish we had tracking in schools starting early, but with the chance to change tracks if desired and with the work required. I think it was Denmark that I read about where their University track was tough enough that many students said no to it.
  13. In college a place I worked had someone apply for a sales job that said he graduated from one of the big Kansas schools. Something seemed odd during the interview and he was asked to read the newspaper. He couldn't. They looked into it and he really did get a BA. He was an athlete. And he couldn't read! He needed to be able to read the scripts they'd prepared and do simple addition and subtraction and fill out an order form. Yet a BA from Kansas didn't prepare him for that. The manager really wouldn't have cared if someone didn't have more than that. He grew up on the streets in a war-torn country and didn't even take even the standard deduction on his income taxes because he was grateful for the chances the America gave him. I don't think he had the equivalent of a HS degree.
  14. This is me too. My line is when I have to toss it over my shoulder to keep it out of danger range on the toilet. Fortunately, at that length I can cut it myself. I wash it before I go to bed and put it in a pineapple. Something I read about in the curly girl book. All the hair up top. It is fine when you are laying down. I wear a low ponytail when working because otherwise if I lean forward while typing it falls forward too. I personally found that shoulder length was the worst for being forced to fuss with your hair. It isn't long enough to look pretty just hanging there unless it naturally falls into a pretty shape. It isn't short enough to be as care-free as a super short cut which you can't do anything with anyway.
  15. It didn't used to be that bad here. I went to a big state U and my tuition, books, fees were around $1500/semester. Even that, I thought was a struggle. Then every time financial aid increased, so did the price.
  16. Did you'll see the latest Musk "If our twitter bid succeeds, we will defeat the spam bots or die trying!" Just eliminating the non-humans from social media would be a *huge* step forward.
  17. We were 40 when we had DD. So, we'll be 58 when she's 18. That is *not* the time to take out loans.
  18. We do it in a light-hearted way. Also, an entirely positive, joking way. Like DD was something we are proud of I might tell DH, "*My* daughter did something impressive. She did blah-blah-blah." We might then have a play disagreement about why she is so wonderful. Or he might say, "Your sweet daughter did blah-blah-blah" Never about anything negative.
  19. Contact lens supplies like Saline Solution are only at an eye doctors. Or at least they used to. Although, you won't have a problem since your DH can ask co-workers about these weird things.
  20. I hope communion can be rescheduled soon. Mine was a year late because our church did classes once a year. I was substantially taller than everyone else. Although they did sit me next to an adult couple joining. I'd had a nasty concussion during my original time.
  21. I understand worrying about a car breaking down. We too are semi-rural. But with even 3 cars it won't be a huge big deal if one breaks down. If you only had one car it would be a worry. But with a few cars you always have a backup. We have three cars which sounds like a lot for two drivers. We have one nice car which we both prefer to drive. A pickup which is older but very nice and a 2000 PT Cruiser. We keep the Cruiser mainly because I hate to rent a car because all the agencies are so far away and even now it isn't worth much. I hate pickups (was stalked as a teen by a guy that drove one) so I won't drive it. But DH does need the pickup for building out house.
  22. One time I made the best pizza crust ever. I think it was a little bit accidental, you show how sometimes everything aligns just right. But I think the big thing was that I used The Good olive oil. I don't know about you guys, but I keep kind-a cheap olive oil for when it is an ingredient, and The Good stuff for something like dunking bread in. I ran out of the cheap stuff and didn't feel like running to the store so used the good stuff. I made it for a small party where everyone topped their own little pizzas. One guest from Italy went on and on about it. He was shocked that a redhead of Norwegian ancestry in Texas made such good crust. I wasn't offended because so was I. Oh, and I used a pizza stone. I think those are essential. I store it on the very bottom shelf of my oven and leave it in always. It means the oven takes a little longer to preheat but the heat is super even once it has.
  23. Wow. This is something that wasn't on my horizon. We have a paid-for house. We paid low-40's for it about 8 years ago. The house was ineligible for a mortgage.
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