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Debbi in Texas

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Everything posted by Debbi in Texas

  1. There used to be a cereal I loved called Buckwheats. It was real sweetened with maple syrup and really crunchy. At recess, girls did this clapping thing with their hands. You could do it with two or more people and I loved it.
  2. Try to wipe up spills when they happen to keep them from turning into concrete.
  3. I had this growing up and loved it, even though I have not eaten it for years now.
  4. I remember eating Sunday lunch at my maternal grandparents' house. Fried chicken stands out as the meat of choice. She passed away when I was 11, and the tradition stopped there. My dad worked shift work, so our meals at home centered around what he worked. We were fed, of course, but we would have easy meals if he wasn't home. For years, I fixed eggs, bacon/sausage for Sunday lunch because it kept me from having to come up with something more involved. It was quick, easy, and worked. Now, dh is only here every other weekend, ds is away at college. My lunch today was a big salad.
  5. How do you catch a rabbit? Tame way (The same way)
  6. You have the Hive faith behind you. You can do it.
  7. I remember Cashmere Bouquet soap or powder at my grandmother's house. I saw some not long ago and wish I had bought it.
  8. I always throw away pen caps. I went to a funeral of a nine year old who choked on a pen cap. I know it was a freak accident, but I can't help but throw the caps away.
  9. When I worked in a grocery store, we got two deliveries a week, normally. Mondays and Thursdays. If it was a holiday week, we had an option of getting our Monday truck on Sunday or just getting one delivery. We tried it both ways. I expect that since Christmas and New Year's both affect deliveries, it's just a matter of getting regular truck deliveries going again.
  10. Hand sanitizer works great, probably the alcohol in it.
  11. I just graduated with a degree in Elementary Education, and I can believe this was a legitimate assignment. Some of the assignments we were given were out there as well. Testing and tutoring our friends' children was a common thing. I did not enjoy this aspect at all. Many times at church I had to complete a field assignment with a friend's child.
  12. The new point system is built so you will naturally choose healthier foods. Free points for fruits and vegetables. Sugar and fat drive up the points. I only joined about three weeks ago, but that is what I have learned so far. It is nice to be able to have food choices left after you have used all your points for the day. You get 30 daily and some weekly too, but I can't remember the number.
  13. How to tell time How to be not just on time, but early How to drive-standard and automatic transmission
  14. I still have plenty of leftovers and will probably end up freezing some of them. Dh has been away at work for two days and I am trying to stick with Weight Watchers.
  15. In the 70s today. The AC was on especially while I was cooking.
  16. Today I am making orange candy balls and Martha Washington candy. My Christmas plans have just changed because Dh's aunt is sick.
  17. Welcome to your sweet little one. Continued prayers for the little fighter.
  18. You have gotten some great suggestions. For pure hilarity, don't forget Hank the Cowdog.
  19. I haven't read the entire thread, but I had a 37 week pregnancy with placenta problems. I had a stress test every week for the last three weeks and non-stress twice a week. My son weighed 3 pounds 4 ounces and was in the hospital for 17 days. He did not have to be in NICU, however. He was in a "Level two" nursery for one night, then a regular nursery thereafter. I concur with everyone else about the pumping. Pretend you were born to pump, and it hurt all the way down to my toes.(Sorry) I remember having to keep meticulous records of diapers and cc's taken in at feeding. My son was fed every two hours around the clock and they had to check his blood oxygen level each time. :( The babies were weighed at midnight and I could call and find out his weight. You and your little one are in my prayers.
  20. Seeing bluebirds at my birdbath- or anywhere really. Seeing cardinals especially in the winter Having my son home from college Family who is appreciative of my cooking Buying gifts for my great niece and nephew- this year I got a Curious George book and a stuffed Curious George for my nephew. For my niece, I decided to go with Corduroy, the book and stuffed bear.
  21. I am so sorry for the pain I know you are going through.
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