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Debbi in Texas

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Everything posted by Debbi in Texas

  1. The only ones I get are $5 off of a $25 purchase from the dollar store. Only to be used on a Saturday usually. But, hey, I will take it.
  2. Teacher in-service is going on right now and there were about fifteen of us at the table at a Mexican restaurant. I ordered a small bowl of beans and water. So, I saved money and calories.
  3. I would use the eggs. I am also trying to stop throwing away food. I think I have some cilantro that will have to be tossed. Ds was supposed to chop it for me to freeze, but he forgot. Grr. Maybe I can salvage some of it.
  4. I think the cut vegetables will last at least a week. I would use plastic bowls, but that is my preference over baggies. I use a lot of the plastic bowls that lunch meat is sold in. When I make up salad ingredients, I mix all the toppings together, so I don't have trouble with anything drying out. You could just try them individually and see what ends up needing some moisture. Good luck. I love having salad ingredients prepared ahead of time. Try adding nuts, fruits, olives, cheese, or eggs for even more variety and nutrition.
  5. I hate when I am typing a paper and my cursor goes to another spot and I don't notice it. My typing starts where I don't need it to start.
  6. I posted this question on the High School board, but would like to ask here as well. I am needing/wanting to increase my knowledge of geography, specifically as in locations. Around the World in 180 Days is the only Geography curriculum I have seen. Are there others you would recommend?
  7. I really was just interested in learning locations at this point. I don't know why I didn't learn it in school, but I would like to fill the void.
  8. I hate to admit that I am sadly lacking in geography knowledge. What do you recommend for teaching myself? I was thinking of Around the World in 180 Days, but that is just the only thing that comes to mind.
  9. Now I need to buy more whole chicken to use in these recipes.
  10. Good luck! Make the kids do their share and some of yours too.
  11. I love all the ideas. The chicken is thawing and I will be making roast chicken of some kind tomorrow.
  12. I got a whole chicken for 69 cents per pound, and now I don't know what to do with it. I usually boil it, take the meat off the bones, and make chicken spaghetti, but I really don't want to make that right now. Any ideas?
  13. Not a fan of Wal Mart or Sam's. If I have to go in there, I almost always have to wait too long in line.
  14. I hear ya. We just got back from 2 nights in a cabin in the state park. Of course I prepared all the meals, except dh grilled burgers. I pattied them up and got everything together. Washed all the dishes. Dh cut a watermelon, I guess I should be thankful. Then he used a real plate to eat it in, saying he didn't think it would be much trouble to wash it. Sure honey, I had a great trip. Before the next time we go, we will have a discussion.
  15. I can't even imagine the week in and week out of constant cooking in your situation.
  16. I love the checkerboard idea. It could also be used to play backgammon. What about creating your own monopoly game? You could re-name the places. That even sounds fun to me.
  17. Dh has gotten three jobs- two of which were excellent jobs- using Indeed.com. You may already be doing this, but I wanted to chime in just in case you weren't. I hope he finds something soon.
  18. No ideas, but just want to say that what you are doing sounds amazing. I agree with others- tour the water treatment plant or put up posters to raise awareness. Maybe those things will help your son's focus to change from trying to do more at home, when you are doing all you can do.
  19. I think it was very nice of the lady to drop by with the crafts. It was either that or throw them away and she probably cringed at that thought. If they come back to invite your family to church, just tell them you go somewhere else. As far as people volunteering at VBS or not: I have worked at VBS many times, and it is indeed Work. However, I did it as an act of service for God and my church.
  20. I agree that sometimes it isn't worth the effort, but generally managers will make it good. I just took back a package of mushrooms day before yesterday.
  21. While I don't agree with hitting, I think the girl should be in as much trouble as your son. She started it and wouldn't stop.
  22. My remaining sister and I are close, but this hasn't always been the case. We lost our other sister 4 years ago. I also moved to another state which brought changes to my life including less stress and anger. The result of all of these has been that we are closer than we have ever been. We are 7 1/2 years apart. I was glad to be visiting last week when she received bad news.
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