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Everything posted by dbmamaz

  1. Yeah, in VA here too. The school closed because it was a high of 18. And today schools are closed because of a predicted 2-4 inches starting around noon. Admittedly, they dont plow here. My mom came to visit once, and it snowed - like 6 inches. She borrowed a shovel at the hotel desk and shoveled out her car, and then started calling me every 2 hours to ask if my neighborhood had been plowed yet. No, they dont plow. She didnt believe me. I've been told that its the south, and god decides when to give us snow, and god decides when to take it away. Ok, they do plow the big streets. Also, people wont go outside if its below 50 degrees. No park days, no nothing.
  2. I step it up when it seems like its too easy, being done too quickly, not interesting, or i just feel we need something more. But I base that on my child and what he seems ready for, not a number like age or grade, and not what other people are doing in their homeschool.
  3. has anyone had good luck with the minerals powders? I'll probably be going back to interviewing for work . .when i hit 50 . . . and i have tons of allergies plus rosacea . . . used clinique foundation in years way past, and then i forget, something hypoallergenic at the drug store
  4. Barenecessities lets you search by size. i get my bras from decent exposures, and they make them custom - but they do look rather like sports bras and arent cheap.
  5. I have never seen the elementary books, but used Zaccaro's challenge math. LOF is so bizarre that not all kids like them. and they cover more than just math.
  6. call your science museum tomorrow and ask if they have them in the gift shop
  7. I roll it out on the pan like she does and cut it in to triangles (or squares for wrapping the souvlaki). I havent tried circles. But it often will peel apart top from bottom, like a pita. I changed out the flours because I am alergic to tapioca and avoiding rice. So its pretty complicated - like my other yeast breads 1.5 cups mixed flours - equal parts corn flour, corn starch, potato starch, arrowroot starch, quinoa flakes and mixed grains (rice bran, hemp protein powder, buckwheat groats) and yes, that comes to 1/4 cup of each flour Ok, other than that, the exact same ingredients. After beating for 4 minutes, I let the dough rise until doubled, then beat down again. I line a large cookie sheet with parchment paper. Then I use non-stick spray and the back of a spoon repeatedly dipped in water to spread it out. I let it rise, but sometimes less time than she does (like 20 minutes or so). I cant remember if long or short rise works better - but if you do 2 rises, the second one is usually shorter. Then the same - back 425 for 11-15 minutes until browned - i like it a bit dark, so not lightly browned, nicely browned. Its lovely if it gets slightly crisp. I cut with a pizza cutter and serve warm
  8. I've only used the one lol Homeschoolbuyerscoop has one, and its approved for my state (VA) so thats what we are using
  9. I think the point is that the counselor is saying to finish up grade 10 (at a slower pace) and then leave school and start working. She had him on a track aiming for graduating, which would of course take 2 more years. Her son was more excited about the quitting after 10th grade plan.
  10. My approach with teens is sort of collaborative. But in that situation, I would sit down and talk with him about options - such as, if he spends a few years in a trade and then wants to go back to college, what would be required then? Could he take night-classes to finish high school in order to get the requirements for college? To me, once a kid is mentally checked out of high school, there's not much you can do to change that. My husband and I both finished up high school with terrible grades - he is literally genius IQ but didnt care . . . I had the 3rd highest SAT score in my graduating class and just couldnt force myself and actually almost failed my senior year. It could be that real life will motivate him - or it could be that he will be happy with his choice. But I dont think you can change a teens mind. At least not in my experience. Oh, but you will get blamed for it either way :glare: Or maybe boys arent as bad that way :confused1:
  11. We tried goat milk for my youngest, it made him even more sick than cows milk - i felt so guilty when he was on the toilet in tears . ..
  12. I would be happy with that from an 11 year old who dislikes writing? He has 7 more years before he needs to be writing at college level . . . he couldnt write at all 7 years ago.
  13. Oh, i've been making a variation of that recipe for years now! I make it for pita bread, when I make hummus and souvlaki!
  14. The one i've seen recommended the most is Moving Beyond the Page. You can buy individual units if you want to try it for cheap.
  15. that is why Excedrin has caffeine - because its the best cure for serious headaches. generic Excedrin has the same formula - half aspirin, half Tylenol, plus caffeine. But if you only want the caffeine - do they still make nodoze?
  16. Udacity https://www.udacity.com/course/ma008 now that I look - he's not making enough progress. I need to step up how much time he's spending on it. Sigh.
  17. After doing upper level singapore levels 1-3, my son is doing a self-paced online (FREE) college algebra course. It does review some of what we covered, but my son really needed the review. He'll take pre-calc in community college next year, so it seemed like a good use of the year for us - to really solidify his algebra.
  18. Haha my mom worked for Nutrisystem decades ago! I just had my annual at the OB/GYn and was unhappy with my weight - but the nurse said I was down a pound - and since i had knee surgery in Feb, did a ton of pain-eating for months and couldnt walk for months, i should be happy. then i realized I have acid reflux and that will be motivation to cut back more!
  19. I jsut got better results by putting "lab of Mr Q" in quotes
  20. have you tried checking for food sensitivities? I've heard of some kids getting over this when they get rid of the offending food - which of course is scary if she barely eats. But if she likes crunchy, for example, there are rice cakes and gluten free pretzels and crackers . . . my 10 yo only gained half a pound last year, tho, so i might not be the best source of advice
  21. The ipod can definitely use wifi at the library but - in the past, at least, you could not set up an ipod touch without plugging it in to a computer with itunes. That was a big deal because my son was banned from the network when his came in - a holiday present from the ex's family - so he stole the package, opened it, snuck on to step-dad's pc, downloaded itunes ... oy. He was off the network a full year, except for on the ipad, which he got back for his b-day in april.
  22. You could do a snacky-meal . . . like veggie tray and deviled eggs and chips and hummus . . . or a shepherds pie? is that lunchable? you could also buy gluten-free burger buns (i find them in the frozen section) and make sandwhiches, pulled bbq or egg salad or something. potato salad and wings lol.
  23. First of all, I hate to say it, but for a boy being too physical, i'd make sure to have his dad talk to him about it, too - guys can see these things differently sometimes. I assume you asked him how he would feel if two kids did that to him? Idk, i think boys are slow to gain self control - as long as you keep a consistent message each time, he will learn it eventually.
  24. My mom sent my kids to tech camps - first to ID, then to a eMagination, which my daughter ended up TA'ing at. I dont remember a lot about what was different between them, I think location was the reason for the change. My daughter liked it more than my son did - but she's more motivated in general
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