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Everything posted by kiwik

  1. They obviously cannot have the kids without you until the kids are old enough to drive themselves home.
  2. Hugs (with one of those but walls they made in Europe somewhere) and prayers.
  3. Yeah I did a quick conversion for NZ. That would be 10,000 dead rather than under 30. It could still happen here and given how incestuous we are we would probably know half of them or know someone who did. That is scary. Which isn't helpful. It has to get better soon.
  4. My kids literally just had their first dose of the vaccine. Even ds12 who is afraid of needles and has ASD (the stubborn type) agreed that it was the socially responsible thing to do.
  5. Yes the risk of dying of the flu is probably pretty high too.
  6. Yes but I was sure my oldest was just bright until he tested . I knew his brother probably was because there isn't usually a big spread between full siblings but since his development was behind his brother's I wasn't expecting his score. That was probably the ASD effect. Neither of them are accelerated except in maths though but then the oldest has mostly been at school and the youngest has other issues.
  7. Does sitting the exam in a local school mean your result is counted in their statistics? I believed that can be a problem some places here.
  8. If he is missing a lot self paced with parental oversight might be the only option. If apprenticeships there are anything like here it is vital he gets his anxiety and depression under control first or he is likely to be destroyed.
  9. Some things aren't that fun. You just have to do them.
  10. I agree too. By saying it is only hard work you are saying to the struggling child who spends hours doing what a gifted child does in 10 minutes that it is their fault for not working harder. Honestly is it realistic to think any child can win a gold medal at something if the work hard enough? Sure all Olympic athletes work really hard but they also have the right physique and good co-ordination and the right ratio of fast and slow twitch muscle fibres etc. It is a bit like the argument that anyone can make it big in the US and get rich therefore those that don't see lazy and shouldn't be helped. My kids know they are smart. It is better they know that than think the other kids are stupid. They also know that no one is good at everything.
  11. That seems quite reasonable to me. Until about 2 years ago all exams in NZ high schools had a few like that. I am really nervous that I won't find a school willing to let ds do exams as that is the only way he can qualify for university entrance before he is 20.
  12. I am just so intimately grateful that they are not as unhinged as I was that I am not too upset. I am going to try that "did you mean to be rude?" As ds12 has ASD and like me doesn 't realise how his time of voice sounds.
  13. My son did 1A as and after school project at 5. I wouldn't say going through it quickly at nearly 6 is surprising. You don't need to do every problem or you can skip the workbook altogether if you have the text with problem sets. Or you replace it with one of the more challenging Singapore workbooks. I only used a bit because of the cost of getting them though.
  14. My son's have a friend whose father runs a server so that is pretty safe.
  15. They could make a reality TV show about it? I have never seen the point of Jeopardy but I know it is well watched. Surely it would still be watched with a new, less known host.
  16. I can't see why sheep dip is a good way to treat a virus. Incredibly toxic sheep dip.
  17. In New Zealand. We are a small country with a public health system. The money can only go so far. The mastectomy would have been covered prior to 50. There is sometimes funding for reconstruction but it seems to run out quickly. My mother chose not to bother after her second lot of cancer and to be honest not having to wear an under wire bra quite appeals. If I get cancer I probably won't bother. It may not be impossible to get a mastectomy now but the specialists wouldn't recommend it so I didn't ask.
  18. Assuming doctors in your part of the world have the same general ethics: no doctor is going to do a long, potentially dangerous operation unless it is medically inficated. And no medical system or insurance company would fund it. It seems reasonable to assume then that the person the question is about has one of the known mutations that greatly increase risk. I think at one point I had a 75% chance of developing breast or ovarian cancer.
  19. You live in different country. We have free public health care here but within parameters. With my genetic variation the cost/benefit ratio doesn't justify funding. If I had private insurance it may be different. There is from time to time funding for reconstruction after a prophylactic mastectomy but it is not enough to meet the demand. I don't really mind. I got free MRIs every year until I was 50 plus annual mammograms and now still get mammograms. Before I had my ovaries removed I got ultrasounds and boosters every 6 months too. The operation was covered and if I get cancer that will be covered too.
  20. This. Ovarian cancer risk is huge and the oestrogen produced by the ovaries is involved in the breast cancer. There is no reliable screen for ovarian cancer and the early symptoms are usually missed and it is detected too late to treat. By removing my ovaries I greatly reduced (but did not eliminate) the risk of ovarian cancer and reduced the risk of breast cancer a significant amount. The early menopause was not a major problem though it must be for some.
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