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Everything posted by kiana

  1. I could never do it -- because I'm not willing to go without a bra! I wonder how nudists who are on the busty side do it? Do they just let it flop? And as far as volleyball ... HAHAHA. It doesn't bother me if someone else does it as long as I don't have to sit where they've sat.
  2. I was pretty surprised, I took the Oxford German one (which I haven't studied in a long time) and scored Upper Intermediate. I really should work more on it so I don't forget more. :p ETA: I took the Spanish one too and it scored at the high end of Lower Intermediate, which I think is about right. I only had 3 semesters and it's been a while. Amusingly, I tried the French one too and it scored Lower Intermediate; I've never studied French. The multiple-choice will put very few people into the beginners or false beginners category. They should account for that with the test design imo. I think where I'd actually belong is in an accelerated beginners category due to experience learning other languages, including a little Spanish (which is why I was able to guess a fair amount of the French, actual score was 16).
  3. You might also ask them which parts are necessary for safety and which are necessary for comfort and see what they say. When my radiator was leaking slowly and I couldn't afford to fix it, the mechanic told me to just check the coolant every 50 miles and make sure it stayed full. But when the subframe was going out, he said 'Frankly I wouldn't even drive it home.'
  4. What on earth do you need done? ETA: I would definitely get a second opinion on this, for this amount of money.
  5. Rivendell Academy only sounds kooky if he's also submitting four years of Elvish for his foreign language area. JMO :D
  6. For what it's worth, the college (it varies by college, and I don't know WHICH ny state college you mean) will usually accept Accuplacer/Compass/whatever they use for placement scores as ATB. So as long as he places into college-level work, he should be okay on that.
  7. I haven't used it, but I will say the following. Some professors object to being recorded; some do not. If calculators aren't allowed, it is probably for quizzes and exams; he should have another writing implement available for that. Calculators are usually allowed on homework. I would not let a student use a pen containing a calculator for graded activities.
  8. NY is super asinine about this. You need to show Ability To Benefit (ATB) before eligibility. There are several different ways to do this. Here is a useful FAQ. http://www.hesc.com/content.nsf/SFC/Frequently_Asked_Questions_Ability_to_Benefit
  9. I don't have Kindle, I have a PDA. I love it. I read in bed and when the book falls out of my hand the light shuts off automatically so I don't get woken up shortly by the light. It saves my place so I don't end up thumbing through wondering where I was because I dropped the bookmark.
  10. Wow, just think of how happy he'd be to move there and what he could bring home :) *ducks and runs*
  11. No fence will hold a goat :D That being said, the fence you posted looks particularly easy to escape unless you have extremely placid goats. We had pretty decent success with the following variations: 1) Woven wire with a line of electric at the top and bottom. 2) Electro-net. 3) Hi-tensile electric, 4 strands.
  12. This story reminded me of something that happened to my mother once. She was going out to feed the chickens. What she didn't know is that my brother had fed the chickens and put the lid on loosely. When she opened the lid to the chicken-feed, six large rats came leaping out, including a couple that ran up her chest and over her shoulder before jumping off. Her screams were probably heard for miles. I told her the OP's story, and all she said was "He'd be dead. Dead. Dead. I'd kill him myself. If I let him live I'd ship him to an orphanage."
  13. I really wouldn't stint either geometry OR algebra 1 to try and hurry through. Another option you haven't listed: Finish algebra 1 in the fall. Do geometry over the spring of 10th/fall of 11th. Do algebra 2 over spring of 11th/fall of 12th. Do first half of precalculus in Spring of 12th, and call it College Algebra.
  14. Are you seriously saying that thinking that America may be failing is unpatriotic? Societies that grow too large collapse; this has happened throughout human civilization, and no society endures forever.
  15. The problem with posting your opinion on a message board is that other people may disagree with your opinion. It sounds like you want the freedom to disagree with the OP without letting others have the freedom to in turn disagree with you.
  16. Aw, man, when I saw you post that I thought it was going to be Emerkaza :D
  17. I really think that working through either with something computer-based like TT or with a tutor/you would help. The reason is that you get immediate feedback so that you aren't reinforcing incorrectness. If you do 20 problems the wrong way, you're practicing your incorrectness. If, after the FIRST problem you do wrong, you know it's wrong and are told why, you aren't reinforcing. ETA: I absolutely wouldn't go back to Saxon with someone who's convinced that she hates it AND that she's bad at math. You don't need to be trying to counter both of those at the same time.
  18. It seems counterproductive to wish for something other than the children you have.
  19. We have had T-Bone (popular eh?), Yumyum, chopchop, Porterhouse, Topround, Ribsy ... :D
  20. Lol. I had some friends who thought they were ... spicy food eaters extraordinaire. They went to Thai restaurant A (there were two), ordered five stars, then said 'The folks at restaurant B said your food wasn't very hot.' Not one of them was able to finish his meal :P
  21. Yeah. When my parents got our first beef steer, we were told not to give him a name ... but you know, it's so weird to keep saying 'the steer'. He ended up named Hamburger King. But again, I agree with both of you. When you *know* it's going to be eaten from early on, it doesn't seem as big a deal. Although for someone who knows it's going to be an issue, I recommend a larger batch of anonymous chickens such as Cornish Crosses, at least at first. :P
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