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Everything posted by kiana

  1. I believe this should be -64. Final answer's correct though.
  2. Does the student who's making A's and not placing into English have any standardized test scores? Upon googling fcelpt, it seems some colleges will also take a SAT-V score of 440 to place into college-level English, which is about the 27th percentile. That doesn't seem extremely high.
  3. Im (z) means the imaginary part of the complex number z. Re (z) means the real part of the complex number z. For example, Im (3 + 4i) is 4. Re (3 + 4i) is 3. I'm not sure what you mean about an equals sign.
  4. I only repost the one about being eaten by dragons :)
  5. Not really sure why it's US bashing to point out that the US has also participated in some pretty crappy things in the past. Also not really sure why when someone says something less than positive about the US it means that they don't love the US. Is debate only okay when it's bashing the evil slanty-eyed peoples? The US *has* done some pretty crappy things, and pretending that didn't happen and we somehow have the moral high ground over every single other country out there is just going to lead us to repeat the same mistakes in the past. It's completely possible to appreciate that this is still a pretty wonderful place to live and still think there's room for improvement or that bad things were done in the past.
  6. re: insulation on chicken coops Our chickens never needed anything more than a bedding pack in western Wisconsin. If they're on concrete or something similar their toes will freeze off. The roosters will freeze their combs if it gets too cold, but if the hens are sensible winter breeds (pea combs are best, rose combs are second-best) they'll be fine. As a matter of fact, before we moved from Wisconsin we had a group of feral chickens on our farm that had been self-sustaining for over ten years. They were very fast and very clever, and liked riding on the backs of the cows in winter to keep their tootsies warm, but were perfectly happy outside in a snowstorm.
  7. Audrey said a lot of other very sensible things, but this is the one I wanted to comment on. Your goal shouldn't be complete self-sufficiency. It's unattainable and will just make you feel crappy about not meeting it. Your goal should be to be a little more sustainable and self-sufficient every year.
  8. You'll always have *some* input. Pa Ingalls had some input too -- he didn't make his own gun (although he did make his own bullets), his own axe, etc. Ma Ingalls bought cloth from the store to make clothes. The amount of feed you need to put into your livestock depends on what you have or can grow. Chickens eat bugs and stuff but will also completely destroy a garden. They do very well on a nice run and table scraps though. Goats will get through almost any fence you can imagine and are even better at destroying gardens than chickens. They do especially well on browse but do need some higher-energy food if you're going to milk them. You can grow grains to feed them though. Both of these, though, will need some external input to maintain population. With chicks, you're going to need to buy some every few years or allow yours to set and raise chicks (or get an incubator), which will cut down a bit on your eggs. With goats, your ladies will need a tryst with a male goat in order to lactate, which will necessitate either purchasing one or yearly visits to someone else's. Even if you purchase one, you'll run into the same issue with his daughters.
  9. Breastfed for about a year, but started on solid foods as supplement at about 2 months.
  10. I will add that additionally, I do have a dog in this fight. For my SO, it is one of the few painkillers that will enable him to function quasi-normally when his arthritis is very bad. He has used other prescription painkillers, but either they did not work or the mental effects made it unworkable. He also has serious problems maintaining weight (we are rejoicing that his BMI has just gone over 19), and the well-known appetite enhancement has been helpful.
  11. There's a non-trivial difference between telling the truth bluntly and telling the truth with a little tact. For example -- if a dress makes my behind look gargantuan, it is enough to say 'I think that overemphasizes your rear' -- it is not necessary to say 'That's no moon ... that's a space station!'
  12. I would like to see it legalized throughout the US. I would like to see an age restriction similar to smoking tobacco for purchase, with similar penalties. The same goes for most other drugs. Yes, Singapore has good results cutting down on illegal drugs. They also have draconian penalties and a very small island, which makes it a lot harder to grow stuff out in the middle of nowhere or smuggle across borders. I feel that the money we spend jailing drug dealers could be better spent elsewhere.
  13. If it's possible I'd prefer to have a 'math facts work', probably about 5 minutes a day, and a 'math conceptual work' which is more of the instruction. I think of it as similar to allowing a young advanced child to work on age-appropriate penmanship while dictating or typing longer compositions. Worked for me :D
  14. Mentioning brownies reminded me of something that happened to a friend of mine (in another country) He made a pan of "special" brownies without remembering about the munchy effect. He ate 2 of them and felt pretty fine, other than being hungry. Well -- there was nothing to eat except -- more brownies. So he ate some more brownies. But they made him hungrier ... so he ate -- more brownies. The results were impressive -- he never repeated that mistake again.
  15. Yes. 100%. I'd rather have that legal than alcohol anyway. Drunks get belligerent and hit you. Stoners hug you and eat your nachos.
  16. I'm not sure how old your daughter is. Especially if she's not yet a teenager, I'd stick mostly to bodyweight exercises as well as flexibility. If it's an option, dance or martial arts would usually include conditioning as well, which has the added benefit of making it harder to forget or get busy and not do.
  17. Yeah Faith, plus I wouldn't be at all surprised if she gets told the reason he's reoffending is because she just isn't having enough or varied enough intercourse. Blech.
  18. Wow, just wow. Because of course there isn't any such thing as people who have never done drugs infected with AIDS through an unfaithful spouse. Nope, none at all. They must all have been sekret drug users. Live a clean and Godly life and diseases will just shy away from you!
  19. Tnt, check the wikipedia article on Abdominal Pregnancies as well. It adds a bit more detail to the ectopic pregnancies.
  20. Then I think she's supposed to rely on her brothers/father/church for support and male headship and/or remarry as quickly as possible.
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