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Everything posted by kiana

  1. Chemistry and Physics are both going to use at least some algebra. This could be either good or bad -- good, because they'll reinforce each other and you'll get more practice -- bad, because if there are parts that you don't understand you'll get hit twice as hard. If it's been 3 years since you took algebra I'd strongly, strongly recommend some independent review first. You might even consider something like Bridge Math from beginnings publishing, which is pretty cheap and specifically focuses on applying math to chemistry (and by extension physics, as many of the lessons about units, conversions, etc. will apply) -- I am sure there are others, but I do not have time to look for them at the moment.
  2. Now you can have Nachos instead of Nine Pizzas :D
  3. I grew up in the northern part of Wisconsin and now live in Illinois, which is quite a bit warmer (although you might not believe me if you live in Illinois), so it never feels cold to me. My poor SO, on the other hand, grew up in Florida and wears his coat almost year-round. :D
  4. I usually start when it drops below 20 (Fahrenheit), before that I am still in shorts :)
  5. What Ester Maria and Creekland said. There really isn't a good alternative. The SAT was intended to be a fairer option for students, as before that each university would have their own entrance tests, and it was even more unfair for the students who didn't go to private prep schools. There's a fuss every year or so in the UK about how students from the elite prep schools do better in interviews at universities because they've been coached for them. Anything based on examinations is preppable. Anything based on extracurriculars is hugely unfair to people who have a broke or indifferent family or most likely both. Anything based solely on transcripts is easy to lie about.
  6. Most community colleges have different levels of basic science classes, one which is recommended for students who did not have a solid high school course and one which is recommended for students who did. Often, the lower level one is recommended before the higher level one if the student wishes to move up. Both will usually count as college credit, although your community college may be different. There's no real reason to count it as high school unless your state has dual enrollment and will pay for you to take the class. As an adult student, you will be eligible for financial aid and other ways to help you pay for your education.
  7. Getting it sprung on you is absolutely incredibly insane. Has she never had anyone test for black belt before? The fees should have been known well in advance -- in the martial art I practice (Aikido), the fees need to be mailed in with the test application anyway.
  8. No, it was just because of this post: http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showpost.php?p=2865217&postcount=19 -- and also because it's awesomely hilarious and if it weren't a hundred bucks I'd buy one. :D

  9. Redundant? Did he take a course at a college or something as well? Or another advanced standing exam? I could see disallowing them entirely, but redundant sounds like he's already got something counting for those credits and can't count them twice.
  10. I really like the English Grammar for Students of ____ series for this. I've only used a couple but it did seem to help with transferring knowledge from English over as well as learning it in the first place.
  11. Fanny is butt in the US, the other side in the UK. :P One of my friends said he had a guy in his high school named Phuc Yu. After the first day, the kid started introducing himself as something generic and American. I forgot what it was, like Steven or something.
  12. I would just go ahead and call it Discrete Mathematics for the full year. This is likely to be more recognizable and is still accurate. Most discrete mathematics textbooks cover more than can reasonably be accomplished in a year anyway so the professor has to pick and choose. When I took it, we only did half the chapters.
  13. Um, you know ...:blushing: I went through this phase myself and didn't get out of it until I was 20 and got a job and moved out. Best of luck. I hope your dd is more tractable than I was. P.S. By the time I hit 25, it was amazing how much smarter my mother was than when I was 15. It did end. :P
  14. And up to a million votes for 0, while only 800k for 14 :P
  15. Teehee, that's what I was thinking. :D
  16. Honestly, the principal saying that would make me quite worried about the atmosphere of the school. She's only 4, jeeze. There's lots of room for her brain to grow
  17. :iagree::iagree::iagree::iagree: Or hasn't anyone else ever heard or said 'How can you be so **** smart and yet so **** dumb?'
  18. :iagree: I would really like to see school easier to get out of early and more emphasis on serious vocational training.
  19. At least you got the order of ops right -- there are a number of people on there arguing that 'order of operations doesn't apply when there are no parentheses' :D
  20. Mnemonic device: Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally, which means Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication and Division, Addition and Subtraction -- or as I like to say, Please Exhume My Dead Aunt Sally. Also known in countries with British English as BIDMAS, which indicates Brackets, Indices, Division and Multiplication, Addition and Subtraction.
  21. with more incorrect than correct answers in the votes. 1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1-1+1+1+1+1+1+1x0 =? As of right now, there are about 850k votes for 0, 700k votes for 14 (correct), and 200k votes for 16. Make sure you get order of operations down! :D
  22. I wouldn't be at all surprised if there's a correlation between people who choose to homeschool for academic reasons and giftedness. I know one of the reasons I've always been determined was because of how badly I felt the public school system treated me.
  23. Especially if it's an area where livestock have been, I would get some sort of tetanus shot. I've seen an animal get tetanus and it wasn't pretty.
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