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Everything posted by kiana

  1. Yeah. When I was my healthiest and people commented on 'skinny' I had a bmi of about 25. I look okay at about 27. I get heavy and feel grouchy at about 30. I've always been extremely large-boned, broad-shouldered (I cannot wear many cute women's shirts because my shoulders are too far across) and muscular. My sister, on the other hand, is the slim type and thinks she's fat at about 23.
  2. Furthermore, it's setting her up for how to solve problems like 1/x + 1/(x+1) = 3/(x+1).
  3. One of the nice things about starting a thread late is that other people have already eloquently stated my feelings and I can just agree with them. This is where I am too.
  4. When you figure out your label, add me to it :D
  5. http://www.physicsclassroom.com/class/1dkin/u1l1d.cfm Brief summary: Velocity indicates how fast it's going AND the direction, whereas speed is just how fast it's going. Saying "my car is going 55 mph" is a measure of speed. Saying "My car is going east at 55mph" is a measure of velocity. I think that your "combination of weight and speed" may be thinking of momentum, which is mass times velocity.
  6. I hate those and refuse to repost them, except occasionally the humorous ones (like being eaten by dragons). If you wanna unfriend me over that, your business. (and good riddance)
  7. I'm missing the one that would have been right next to the wisdom tooth, from 22. The wisdom tooth has migrated into that spot -- it now sits right next to the other tooth. It's the only wisdom tooth I didn't need to get pulled. But the teeth do move.
  8. Hmm. SO once got kicked in the nads by someone who was upset that he opened a door for her. Apparently she found his manner of doing so rather patronizing. It sorta turned him off opening doors for women, even if they DO look like they could use it. Y'know, I understand if someone would prefer not to have the door opened. I don't see the harm in it, myself. As others said, it's a voluntary social interaction.
  9. They can't really shoot to 'stop' if the person is armed. I wish movies portrayed this more accurately.
  10. Lial's BCM is essentially a one-book review of everything before algebra, starting with arithmetic. It's intended for adults who place into the lowest level of remedial math, but many use it for a pre-algebra course in middle school as well due to the clear instruction and thorough nature.
  11. I'd prefer to provide a laundry basket or several rather than tell them to remove clothes from the machines and put them on the floor. I'd also much prefer a basket in the room. I hate having to remember to carry clothes around after removing them myself.
  12. I'd strongly recommend against forging assignments for any reason.
  13. Yeah, additionally this is introducing the concept of the distributive law -- i.e. 6(7) = 6(5+2) = 6*5 + 6*2 -- in more general form a(b+c) = ab + ac -- I think the exposure now is really good for later math.
  14. Exactly. 100% correct. What you have just said is honestly one of the main points of any of our 'mathematics for liberal arts' classes.
  15. Well -- the full amount of my 'teaching training' in graduate school consisted of presenting one problem to 3 other graduate students and getting critiqued on it. At my university, we have a master syllabus for each class anyway, laying out the suggested homework assignments and suggested pacing. Now, we don't HAVE to strictly follow it, but if someone who's presumably more experienced has paced the class I'm happy to follow their pacing in general. If you adjunct, you should be able to acquire (even if by just printing it off someone else's website) a copy of a sample syllabus for the class. Honestly, most of what I needed to know wouldn't have been taught anyway. For example: Never, ever discuss a grade with a student during the period right before or right after class. Have them visit your office hours. Practice your poker face, so you don't burst out laughing when someone asks if they can avoid having any quadratics on the algebra test because they can only solve linear equations. Remedial students (particularly in math) particularly appreciate clear, direct instruction. Explaining reasoning goes over quite well -- theory and proofs do not. They're already math-phobic in most cases. Don't be surprised by gaps in knowledge, no matter how far back. I had someone in the lowest-level class who couldn't do 6x8 without drawing 6 rows of 8 dots and counting them.
  16. Hmm, but in essence I think this is also a lack of parenting. Any of my friends who are teachers, when calling to inform of a child not passing, also have a concrete list of things that the kid needs to do -- i.e. failing because she doesn't know her Spanish verbs, needs to review them with flashcards, failing because she struggles with fractions and I'll provide worksheets if she'll do them, etc.
  17. Regentrude already said almost all of what I was going to say ... but I'm going to comment specifically on the bolded. That's the specific reason that I really, really, strongly dislike the use of the FOIL mnemonic. In the first place, it only applies to multiplying a binomial by a binomial. In the second place, it obfuscates what's going on -- which is really just applying the distributive property more than once. And in the third place, it encourages memorization over understanding.
  18. There's a large difference between teaching one student many subjects and teaching many students one subject. We've seen here that people who are stuck on how to explain something will post asking for more resources, etc. A high school teacher doesn't have the time to go looking for extra explanations in their subject if they don't understand something the first time. They need to have THEIR subject knowledge at the tips of their fingers so that they can explain in multiple ways when the student is confused.
  19. Usually, encouraging the use of graphing technology means that they have: a) certain problems that are marked for doing with graphing technology b) instructions on how to use said graphing technology. Just about any standard precalc book will be doable without the technology -- however, I would encourage you to at least familiarize your student with the technology as some universities use it rather heavily. I would not make it a primary focus of the course.
  20. But why *should* they? They make the decision for their family, and you make the decision for yours. Your choice is your business, and their choice is their business.
  21. YES. This. I am currently on the pill. If it slipped, I would assume that God meant me to have a child at this point and would welcome the child. But this would be a very bad time, finance-wise.
  22. Nicely done. This approach worked well from my mother to me. If she wanted me to read a book carefully, she would tell me it was too difficult for me and in a few years when I was a better reader we'd go through it. I didn't twig until I was 20. Then I phoned her and said "MOM!!!" and she admitted it and laughed rather a lot.
  23. Yes :P A friend of mine conceived her 3rd child while breastfeeding, on the pill and with the dh wearing a condom. I guess she really was supposed to have a family of 3.
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