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Everything posted by kiana

  1. 'Course. Doesn't mean it's not there. A lot of places also cap two people per bedroom in rented property. Means if you're a family with 3 kids, you need 3 bedrooms. Crazy.
  2. Heck, one of my friends was told, as a single mom, that she MUST rent a two-bedroom apartment because it was inappropriate for an adult to share bedrooms with a child and no, she couldn't just sleep in the living room.
  3. Okay, that's funny :D I could understand that though. It's a common small talk gambit ... it's just coming out of their mouths without thinking. I could see myself saying that ... and then saying "Oh, yeah. Duh."
  4. Yes -- I'd also add that imo it'd be different if I were describing someone I would like my friend to meet instead of someone we had both seen but had no real further acquaintance with. IOW, if I were saying to my friend Jenny "You really ought to meet my friend Nancy" I would then follow up with Nancy's personal characteristics that made me think she and Jenny would get along, and race isn't one of those.
  5. Yes, this. There's a huge difference between using skin color as a descriptor and using a physical descriptor to imply something about someone.
  6. Yes, this. It shouldn't be an on-off switch. If it were something like they reduce your benefits by 1 dollar for every 2 that you earn until you're down to 0, you'd see a lot more people (imo) who are capable of part-time work doing that. I've got a good friend who's seriously disabled due to physical conditions. He would be able to work a PART-TIME job with flexible hours due to the unpredictability of his disease. If he gets ANY job at all, he loses his benefits -- then when his disease flares up again he'll be homeless. How does this benefit anyone?
  7. BuJin has been struggling financially lately. I got mine from Kiyota Company in Boston, but they do not have a web presence. I was very pleased with the quality. The latest contact info I have for Kiyota is (800)783-2232 -- you'd have to call him for a catalog. They only do telephone or mail orders.
  8. Yeah, let me rephrase what I said earlier. If it were a LARGE, domesticated animal I would make every effort to stop and chase it home. If it were a small animal like a cat or a raccoon, I would TRY to avoid it if I could do so safely. But no matter how cute the animal is, I'm not (for example) veering into the other lane in traffic to miss it.
  9. Honestly, although adding exercise won't hurt I wouldn't radically shake-up your diet at this point. I'd be way too worried about making a change I could NOT live with and screwing up the progress I'd made. I'd focus more on finding a way to exercise that's enjoyable and livable because it sounds like you've made great progress on your diet. I wouldn't make more large dietary changes, although if there's a small one I'd go ahead. Don't let the fast losers fool you. Most of them gain it back on again because the diets are not sustainable long-term.
  10. Depends. I'd stop if I could safely do so without getting rear-ended. If traffic's too busy to safely suddenly stop ... well ... :(
  11. There is a monster that eats socks. And another that eats pencils. And if you weren't aware, they were described in Terry Pratchett's Hogfather. :D
  12. Paying the ticket should clear everything up and you may be able to do it online or over the phone. If you do it in person, GET A RECEIPT (just in case) and for Pete's sake don't roll through any stop signs on the way to the courthouse :auto:
  13. Yeah, I was lucky enough to have a sibling in the car and they let her take it home. I did get printed and pixed though. The best part of it was that my sister had to call mom and explain why we were going to be late home. Her reaction was ... interesting. Let's just say my sister was nearly deafened by the screams.
  14. Yeah, just pay the fine. At least he let you go. When I forgot to pay the fine I got hauled off in handcuffs. Oops.
  15. Many 11yo are not really ready to study on their own, especially not on a "do this every day" basis. He may need ongoing supervision and/or a checklist.
  16. Or extremely young and good-looking with few moral standards. Of course ... beauty fades.
  17. The entire monograph is available here: http://reformed-theology.org/html/books/slavery/southern_slavery_as_it_was.htm This is also the source of the "Slaves only worked 3-4 hours a day" quote.
  18. There ARE some medical facilities in upstate NY -- did none of those work out? Like Buffalo, Rochester, Syracuse. If the climate was ideal I wouldn't let obnoxious laws get in the way. Otherwise ... no advice :D
  19. Furthermore, IIRC, ex-slaves who were interviewed by a white person were far more likely to report good treatment than those interviewed by a black person. Some people were interviewed by both and had very disparate responses. Childhood conditioning dies hard.
  20. I still giggle at bathtub bubblers. Sorry :( I don't do it at the table, however.
  21. There is a real difference between gossip and warning. If I discuss (for a purely hypothetical example) a girl I know who cheats on her boyfriend, that's gossip. If a friend of mine is thinking of asking her on a date and has asked my opinion, and I happen to know she has cheated on several boyfriends before, I would be remiss to not give him the information. What he does with the (factual) information is up to him.
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