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Everything posted by kiana

  1. I see no problem with a few pics like "cousins only" now "cousins and spouses" -- but to say categorically that potential future wives aren't allowed seems rather harsh.
  2. I do know a few people (mostly physicists) who think this because so much of Physics I/II was (for them) along the lines of "Well, we were fibbing to you in elementary school, but here's how it REALLY works." However -- I think the chances of the average student with no exposure whatsoEVER jumping directly into calc-based physics and excelling would be rather low. A science-minded family with a bent for unschooling would probably be fine, as the child would've been exposed to many topics simply through daily life, living books and discussions with the parents. Full disclosure -- I was homeschooled and we unschooled for everything but math, and the first lab science that I took was after Calc III. I took bio/chem/geology and did fine. I didn't take physics because I was more interested in the others. BUT we were constantly discussing science topics -- i.e. when my brother spilled the battery acid in the driveway, we were neutralizing it with baking soda while my mother was talking about acid-base reactions.
  3. I'd go with any color. The most interesting ones I've had so far were the red car where the owner had hand-painted on racing stripes and done it crookedly, and the green car that ended up with a black door and a red hood.
  4. The ex-lover is certainly not innocent. That doesn't change the fact that this woman and her husband committed a crime.
  5. I don't make it but I eat it if someone else makes it. Same with tater tots. What I refuse to eat is yams and marshmallows. Blech. Oh yeah, I hate pumpkin pie too. I won't make it either, so if you come to my place and want pumpkin you need to bring it. I do lemon meringue pie and apple or peach cobbler. That's enough! :P
  6. I view life science before biology kind of like pre-algebra before algebra. Some people don't need it, but many can use some base rather than trying to learn everything in one year.
  7. Every site I've seen that claimed this used, when analyzed, either DEATH rates (which, yes, were precipitously dropping due to better hygeine and treatment, but death rates are NOT infection rates!) or cherry-picked data (picking just a few years in order to make the curve prove their point.)
  8. Sort of related to Econ -- if I were going to choose a math area that I think everyone should have some knowledge of, it would be basic statistics and their use/misuse for public information purposes. How to Lie with Statistics is a great read (although somewhat dated with respect to salaries), contains a lot of information and isn't mathematically overwhelming. There are other more mathematical treatments of course.
  9. Not in my part, unless one's just opened -- I looked the last time you mentioned it :D
  10. I always ask "Oh, what should I bring?" If they say "Oh, nothing, we've got it all under control." I take them at their word. If I invite someone over, I don't expect them to bring anything, but if they would like to it will be graciously received. :)
  11. I have to say what LG does looks like a lotta fun. Not much in my area though :D
  12. Yep. I really think winging it would be biting off more than you can chew. However, relearning math (in a more conceptual way) a few years ahead of your kids, if you have time, will help you enrich and deepen any curriculum you're using.
  13. I would prefer not to start with the prequels. You CAN -- but I'd start with either Dragonflight (the beginning of the adult series) or Dragonsong (the beginning of the juvenile trilogy). Here's a site with a chronology of books and a suggested reading order -- I agree with their justifications: http://pern.srellim.org/chrono.htm
  14. Yes, this is a good general rule. Pick the ugliest side, change everything to sines and cosines and apply algebra to simplify.
  15. :iagree: There aren't enough "I agree" buttons for this. I stopped buying them. I couldn't even read the last one I did buy. Gahh.
  16. Well, the other thing is -- don't fight for your wallet. Your wallet can be replaced. Your life can't. We do occasional knife training (with wooden knives, lol) in my aikido class, and if it's taught me anything at all, it's how one slip-up can be fatal. If someone shows me a knife and demands my wallet, I don't care how many knife disarms I've practiced, he can have it. OTOH, if someone demands that I get into his car, I'm running if I can and fighting if I can't.
  17. I would say that you should definitely preread. They are wonderful and well-loved books but there are some sexual themes in them. They completely flew over my head when I was 10-11.
  18. Lol ... yeah ... plus that way if you get bored halfway through at least you're close :D
  19. Totally roast whatever you feel like. Make your own family tradition! That is why my family has done away with Christmas fruitcake. None of us like it! So we have extra cookies instead. :)
  20. Oh my word, you're making me think of that crazy timecube website that was going around a few years back.
  21. 1) I'd go to Khan. Sometimes you just need to see a lot of examples. 2) They use many different variables for angles. It's just like ... in algebra, you might be told to solve an equation in x, then an equation in y, then an equation in t ... just continue using whichever one they started with. 3) Just about every precalc student I've ever had has had trouble with this. It's a different way of thinking.
  22. It took me 3 tries to get past the first 50 pages. Then I read it all the way through. :P
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