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Everything posted by kiana

  1. I would say that (as has been said before, but I don't wanna go back and look), if you are very firm on the 'not a drop to drink if you're driving', it might be wise to inform friends if they aren't aware of this. This would prevent ugliness and unhappiness all around. I wouldn't even think twice about a drink normally, but if someone said 'By the way, we've always taught Jenny that if someone has even one drink, not to get in the car with them, so we'd appreciate if you'd help us with this.' my response would be 'Oh absolutely! Of course!' and I'd order a soda. Similarly, if friends are more strict on certain movies/books/TV shows than I am, I would appreciate knowing in advance. I don't have a problem not showing Harry Potter if someone wouldn't watch it at home, but it normally wouldn't occur to me.
  2. If it's a lovely dress I'd totally wear it again. And if anyone says anything, I'd say 'Yes, isn't it lovely? I'm so in love with this dress!'
  3. When I was a kid (say, in the elementary grades), I was totally, utterly fascinated by a book called 'Thread of Life: The Smithsonian looks at Evolution.' It's from the early 80s and out of print now, so might be a bit dated/incorrect in some places, but I spent hours and hours and hours over several years reading that book.
  4. Set up a group called Humorless Twerps for those friends, and set it so that they're excluded from your daily posts.
  5. Since it directly contradicts what you're told in orientation and she's given you contradictory information herself, I'd definitely complain. If at all possible I'd give your dd advice, the printouts of the papers, roleplay it in advance and have HER complain, though. I'd also continue to do all the work possible in case the complaint fails and she can't withdraw.
  6. There was one I saw recently where it said something very close to "Please get your stuff proofread. When you have spelling or grammar errors people will laugh at you. Speak with (x) or I if you need help with this."
  7. Good website for eye bleach: http://kidbleach.com/ (it's a randomly-flowing set of pictures of mostly puppies and kittens).
  8. First cousin once removed is a first cousin a generation off. So your children would recognize your first cousin as a first cousin once removed. If SHE had children, then they would be your children's second cousins. Second cousins -- parents are first cousins. Here's a chart as well: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:European_kinship_system_en.svg And another chart, but less easy to understand IMO: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cousin#Explanation_chart
  9. I just think it's going to be really hard for your kids to learn from it when they have to wipe the drool off first :(
  10. Break chunks off the block to make sugar cubes for coffee? :D (Seriously, when I've done this I've just re-pulverized it and it worked okay. I used it for cooking. )
  11. For a supplement, there's a math book my mother used that I liked: http://www.amazon.com/When-Ever-Gonna-Have-This/dp/0960481206/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1318906162&sr=8-1
  12. Hey Sweetpeach, I am sorry if I hurt your feelings. The problem seemed totally 100% crazy to me as well, so I assumed there must have been a typo somewhere because it was toooooo crazy. :(
  13. That *was* the simplification -- what you wrote simplifies to (2^(-3-3 x) x^135 (x^2)^(3 x))/232714766997894287109375, which is why I thought you might've entered it wrong.
  14. Whoaaa ... did you enter that right? Because I put it into wolfram alpha and it was *horrible*. http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=%5B%28x%5E3%2F2x%29%5Ex%2F9+*+%28x%5E9%2F15%29%5E5%2F18%5D%5E3
  15. Yes. This. 100%. I wouldn't tease her about her food. I wouldn't deliberately make it difficult (like suddenly cooking *only* integrated meals with the meat non-removable so that she has to make her own dinner every time), but I also wouldn't make the rest of the family suit her newfound values. ETA: I just saw your reply. Perhaps you both could start researching things that you could cook once-a-week that would require very little additional prep when you got home? I have no idea what they might *be* (I'm not vegan), but it might be easier for both of you.
  16. It's not so much the veganism, as the "different food than the rest of the family for a non-medical reason." Having your own philosophical convictions is fine -- but requiring the entire family to join you or modify their own convictions isn't. You'd probably see similar reactions if a child from a family of Jewish heritage suddenly wanted to start keeping kosher, when the family never had before, or if a child suddenly wanted to join a church which was different than the rest of the family and required a significant drive in each direction, or if a child from a homeschooled family wanted to start attending the local school but needed transportation, or ... ETA: There's a huge difference between "Fend for yourself, tough luck" and "Great, here's a vegetarian cookbook, and you can start putting the things you need on the shopping list, and if they're expensive I expect some contribution."
  17. A bit of an addition to 5of5's answer, which is correct. We tend to use ^ for exponentiation on a computer, so x^2 would be x squared. You need to know that the cube root is the same as the 1/3 power. (This is true because when you take a^(1/3) and cube it, you get a^(3/3) which is 1. Remember when you take a power to a power, you multiply the powers. ) So since 81 is 9^2, the cube root of 81 is (9^2)^(1/3), and multiplying the powers gives 9^(2/3). BTW, I have no idea why they've chosen 9 as the base instead of 3 -- I would have written 3^(4/3) instead, and then simplified it to 3*3^(1/3). But hey.
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