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Everything posted by kiana

  1. If you like the looks of TT, there's nothing really wrong with it other than being slightly slower-paced than other math programs. It would be difficult to go from TT alg 2 into another precalculus, because they haven't introduced trig, functions, logs. For example, compare thinkwell/tt algebra 2. But their precalc covers everything I'd expect an average precalc to cover. If you learned and actually *understood* their precalc, as opposed to something more difficult that you didn't understand as well, it would be superior. The best math program is the one that teaches you so that you understand it, remember it, and can apply it in your other classes such as chemistry/physics.
  2. One of the best things about this book is that it includes answers. I read it before and also recommend it. Another fun one, though, for anyone interested in the history of mathematics as well is this one: http://www.amazon.com/Number-History-Classics-Science-Mathematics/dp/0486656209/ref=cm_cr_pr_pb_t
  3. Haha, yeah. If it weren't for having to pay to repaint, it'd be funny to just paint FOR SALE on the house.
  4. If they have any bleeding injuries, make sure you keep them covered with the wound spray. Chickens will pick at an injury. Best of luck and I'm glad the others look like they're recovering.
  5. Chickens(birds in general) are kinda weird. I'd definitely let the hens have a day or two and see if they start moving again. Give them food and water near them. They might just be in shock still.
  6. I didn't write cursive as a child, but during my freshman year of college I developed some serious wrist pain while taking notes. In order to alleviate the wrist pain, I switched to a more free-flowing ink and writing cursive. It helped ... the legibility to me is still high, although other people find it less legible.
  7. If your kids can cooperate, this is a great in-the-car activity. The older asks the younger an easy arithmetic question, the younger asks the older a harder one. The younger one gets to use a calculator, only for checking the older's work. My brother and I used to do this in the car :P
  8. Write your letter in notepad. Save it, close it. Come back in 24 hours and delete any sentences that you would be embarrassed if they were forwarded to your granny/published in the paper/etc. Then send it.
  9. Yeah, if your kid understands the way TT teaches and does well with it I would 100% continue to use it if you can.
  10. I agree with checking the ambleside online booklists -- lol, that's exactly what I was opening to post about.
  11. Take it one year at a time. If two works okay, move to three if she still wants to. If three is too hard, she can drop one. :)
  12. I did great at math, except for memorizing facts. I didn't get the times tables memorized until algebra, but since I wasn't allowed a calculator until precalc I just kept figuring out the multiplication by hand until I finally remembered it.
  13. Heck no. Sharing good news is a reminder that it can get better. :)
  14. I wouldn't use AOPS's algebra 3 course for a struggling student. College algebra is often the algebra half of a precalculus course -- if you can find a course which does that it'd be best. She could go as slowly as needed and review as much as necessary. College algebra and trig is often a book intended for a 2-semester university course. (The Lial one certainly is). But actually if you liked Lial and wanted to do algebra 3 I'd choose the Essentials of College Algebra book. Here's the table of contents: http://www.pearsonhighered.com/educator/product/Essentials-of-College-Algebra/9780321664990.page You could also (if you can find it more cheaply) just use the college algebra text and skip the last two chapters. http://www.pearsonhighered.com/educator/product/College-Algebra/9780321499134.page Either one I'd feel perfectly comfortable calling algebra 3/college algebra for a struggling student. At the university where I am we don't even get to the systems of equations chapter because we spend so much time reviewing.
  15. Precalc as a sophomore is great! I'd definitely try and get her some exposure to stats first. Stats is often required for nursing majors. I also second the extra bio/chem for electives.
  16. LuvingLife, really. Stop worrying so much :( If it doesn't fit you, you can work for a few years, pay off any debts, earn some money, and think about what to train for next. If you work for a few years and start to hate the job, you can look into what to train for then. You can even work part-time as a nurse while training for some other job (most places love to have someone pick up extra weekends). You don't have to pick what you're going to do for the rest of your life now. You really, really don't.
  17. It is mathematically better to guess if you can eliminate at least one answer.
  18. Dang, my answer to the three main ideas in greek art would have been three unmentionable bits of the body. :D (aren't you glad you're not my mother/teacher) :)
  19. Yeah, if TT is working I would continue with it all the way, then do the college placement test and take the course they put you into.
  20. My siblings and I were all homeschooled. I went to a state university, my brothers went to ivy league schools although one had a year of credits from a state university and one had two years from a community college. The only one that gave trouble was the community college (NY state colleges are quite weird about homeschoolers.) They required an ability to benefit test, which basically meant take the Accuplacer.
  21. This. The organization may well refuse to place you, or refuse to give you priority in the countries (if any) where it IS available. They're your first hurdle. I can't believe noone has had this issue before, so they probably have an answer.
  22. I guess they could be buying off the milk inspector. Ours would never go for that -- we've gotten written up for far more minor violations. (which is as it should be)
  23. And so that I don't get misconstrued -- I absolutely think that consumption and sale of raw milk should be legal, with some regulation as to sanitary circumstances (which dairies already need to satisfy -- you can't just bring your cow in with her teats completely covered in dung and milk her anyway.)
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