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Everything posted by kiana

  1. Hah. I still use all of the keyboard shortcuts that I possibly can for anything at all, including resizing windows, switching windows, etc. BTW, I don't use the correct typing method at all. I don't even use consistent fingers on the keys -- they move around depending on what's most efficient. And yet my best score is 129 wpm with 99% accuracy. (The lady at the temp service was astonished when I scored that :D)
  2. I wouldn't make up a fake schedule, but I'd have no problem either doing a subject transcript showing alg 1-2 and geometry, or transcripting a few years as a half-credit each of algebra and geometry.
  3. There's a certain point where simply composing papers, lists, or writing things improves typing more than anything else. FWIW, I typed 120+ wpm with 99% accuracy the last test I took, and it's not through drill -- it's through active and constant use of typing as a mode of communication. (Also, my technique is bad. According to someone who watched me, I don't use the correct fingers for the keys. But at this point, I really don't think it matters. :P)
  4. Also, if you don't like the shorthand, you should ABSOLUTELY not use it. It's not necessary at all to use it. I don't use it, for the same reasons as choirfarm. But other people using it doesn't bother me.
  5. Another workaround if you're broke and graph paper is expensive is to rotate notebook paper so that you use the lines for columns instead. Of course, then you have to worry about level alignment, but for some reason that seems easier to keep up with.
  6. Some people can easily remember a procedure without understanding -- other people cannot remember a procedure without understanding. This caused issues in early elementary when I was absolutely unable to do long division because what we were doing did not make sense. Secondly, understanding why the procedure works will imo make future generalizations of said procedure (i.e. from long division to polynomial division) easier. YMMV.
  7. An animal is a lot less likely to exploit you when you give it some of that love.
  8. I believe the quasi-experimental is because they didn't randomly assign students to groups. Could be wrong.
  9. Yes. I noticed this when I read it. To me it seems like when you teach it without the zeroes it really obfuscates understanding of what's going on. I can understand using it as shorthand later on. Similarly with polynomial long division/synthetic division. I also found it interesting to see some of the Chinese teachers saying "Well, I have never ever seen a student having difficulty with 3 digit by 3 digit multiplication because we would have still been on 2 digit by 2 digit multiplication until they understood that and then 3 digit by 3 digit is easy." (Or something along those lines, my book's at my office at the moment.)
  10. I've always seen it as brouhaha, but I could be wrong too. (I've also seen it as brewhaha when alcohol was involved ...) :D
  11. I loved everything but Tehanu -- I had serious trouble finishing it.
  12. Last of the Wine. Pretty depressing overall. I mean, I knew the history, but as always historical fiction brings the period alive.
  13. Hah -- I've seen some interesting knitting projects before. (WARNING! LINK CONTAINS ARTICLES IN POOR TASTE) http://crochet.livejournal.com/2775763.html
  14. Yeah this. And after the first landlord directly and blatantly lied (I had no idea I should've photographed, he said, among other things, that there was smeared in food and excrement all over the place, which was nonsense. It was broom-swept), I will never, ever move out again without direct witnesses being photographed IN the cleaned photos, along with newspapers and any other evidence of dates I can get.
  15. Repeating the division with very, very small numbers may help. But FWIW, I didn't "get" long division until we did it with polynomials in algebra. Very suddenly, I remember the thought of "OH! So this is what they were trying to make me do! Just the x's were all 10s before!" And I ended up majoring in math :P
  16. I dunno about you, I'm imagining with glee. My friend who's over this evening (happens to be male), on the other hand, is horrified.
  17. Do you mean ask IF or ask them to wear the kilt? The 'if' question is easy, just place a fan in a strategic location.
  18. Link with line drawings of circumcised vs. uncircumcised: http://www.circumcision.org/foreskin.htm I used to work in a nursing home so actually have seen the difference. Looks fairly accurate to me.
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