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Everything posted by kiana

  1. Gosh, I tried to get up to "a consummation devoutly to be wished" but it went X-rated.
  2. Whether 'tis nobler in the soul to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous foreskins or to take arms against a sea of penes and by the snipping, end them.
  3. I just asked a male friend of mine what he'd think of such a question. He said "That's really an odd question. Easy to answer though! *zip*"
  4. My guess is "those mean WTM people are intolerant of other peoples beliefs/anti-christian" or something similar.
  5. Yes! And the father could wear patent leather shoes to ease the inspection!
  6. Mine ran into some soft oatmeal raisin cookies. Oh boy. Tomorrow is another day?
  7. Well, honestly, I do know smokers who've quit for a relationship. My own brother's one of them. However -- judging by the information revealed in dribs and drabs, I think she should date someone ONLY from within her congregation or a sister congregation. I'd also do some serious preparation for single adulthood. :P
  8. And while we're at it, you haven't had breast implants, have you? We don't believe in those. Please to allow an inspection.
  9. Gosh, I think it'd be worse to ask her young female suitors :P
  10. Serious answer: If this is non-negotiable, I am sure there are other religious requirements as well. I would make a list of religious requirements and couch it as "I couldn't court someone who doesn't share my beliefs on the following important religious matters." Somewhere on the list should be "circumcision as a covenant -- uncircumcised men are not members of the church."
  11. But that, imo, is why the charge should be included in the bill in the first place and the waitress should get paid a reasonable wage.
  12. I'd really rather have wages set to a reasonable level country-wide and tips eliminated or left as a small extra for great service. And yes, I realize this would raise prices in restaurants. I'm okay with this.
  13. Yes, absolutely! I don't think people would advocate continuing in Algebra 1 with a 7th grader who was seriously struggling, but dropping back and hopefully doing some sort of applied arithmetic for the rest of the year, and continuing again next year. But that doesn't mean, imo, that you shouldn't *try* with a student who appears to have mastered arithmetic. Just like if your 4yo has mastered letter sounds, there's nothing wrong with trying to teach reading, but if they just.don't.get.it... you put the book back on the shelf and continue readalouds.
  14. I really think that for a child who's working with a tutor, it's going to be easier to slow down than speed up -- if enrolled at a school I might err the other way, Let's say you do BC. At Christmas, you're halfway through BC and ... it's not going so hot. You slow down, do loads of review, say "Well, we'll do AB instead" and finish AB. Now let's say you do AB. At Christmas, ... she's bored, you're only halfway through AB -- speeding up to cover BC will be far more challenging.
  15. I block people whose posts annoy me. That way I don't see their posts but I don't have to have them ask me why I unfriended them when they notice we're no longer friends. ETA: This applies to family and non-family, although I haven't blocked family yet :P
  16. A book that she might be interested in is Black Horses for the King (Anne McCaffrey) -- it's peripherally King Arthur, I loved it -- I was horse-crazy myself :D
  17. Hah, my mother uses shredded junk mail as extra bedding in the barn :D
  18. BTW, my guess (strictly a guess) is that the doctor did indeed say those things, but that that's not hospital policy but rather the doctor's personal opinion.
  19. But why do you find it necessary to say "The doctor is like Hitler" -- why not condemn the practices on their own merit? Why do we need comparisons to the Nazis?
  20. Hmm. After having read this, you could send your dd to study with Faith, since what you are doing isn't enough for her :D:D:D
  21. It is not very common now to have a full-year course called 'trigonometry'. Trigonometry is usually a major part of precalculus and often introduced in geometry as well. One of the major points of Saxon was to integrate the algebra and geometry rather than dividing them into algebra, geometry, algebra 2, trigonometry.
  22. SuzQ, you are misreading what she's saying. What she's saying is (1/2)^(-3/2) = 1^(-3/2) / 2^(-3/2) = 1 / (2^(-3/2) Then, in her next step she's simplifying the denominator only, so 2^(-3/2) = 1/2^(3/2) Then, when you put that back into the first step, you get 1/(1/2^(3/2)), and applying the laws of reciprocals/fraction division you get 2^(3/2)
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