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Everything posted by LaxMom

  1. I helped care for my grandmother in her last weeks of life and had a similar family experience to what you describe. The only insight I can offer - gleaned from talking with the various hospice staff that would come to check in on her and us - is that everyone handles dying and death differently. Frustrating as it is for those of us who step in, we need to respect that. I do think it's unfortunate how our culture removes us from the stuff of life and hands everything off to professionals. We've created a culture of fear surrounding birth, death, infirmity... The nurse who came to do the death paperwork (sorry, I'm scraping for vocabulary for some reason this afternoon) was shocked to find we'd removed the catheter, bathed my grandmother in rosewater, changed her nightgown, and brushed her hair. She said she usually finds the whole household outside, where they stay until the body is removed. The whole thing makes me sad.
  2. Yes, they have iron on printable stuff. It's with the photo paper, printable cards, etc at Staples. Behold
  3. I'm trying to conjure a circumstance where this would EVER be ok... I can't. It is not ok to deceive your spouse in the conception of a child. Ever. Full stop.
  4. Yep. They also like green juices. But, then, they eat spinach, kale, and pretty much all other veggies, so I think the "difficult" part for them is that it's green but smells and tastes fruity. No so much an issue as just a visual-taste disconnect.
  5. Me in my Tea Time jammies, he in his Business Socks... no question. It must be Wednesday! :lol:
  6. Maybe it's the house's way of quelling any reservations you have about going. :D
  7. Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants. That's my general diet plan, as well, along with the "rules" in the book (In Defense of Food) such as: do not eat anything with a list of ingredients more than 5 or 6 items and, don't eat anything your grandmother would not recognize as food. :D I thought the same. I've recommended the book "The Inflammation-Free Diet Plan" to herbal clients with good success. Nothing is off limits (barring any actual food sensitivities, of course), but you learn to balance the day to the anti-inflammatory side. Nutrition-data.com has inflammation factor infor for foods, as well. It's interesting to compare things like salmon: wild caught salmon is strongly anti-inflammatory, farm raised is strongly inflammatory. So, it's more about getting to the positive side (anti-inflammatory) at the end of the day than whittling things away until you're left with a celery stick and a glass of spring water. That might be an easier approach.
  8. Yes, I'm an organ donor. It's marked on my license, and my husband knows my wishes and supports donation, so even if it wasn't... I'm also on the bone marrow registry.
  9. I used my plain old Seventh Generation detergent, vinegar in the rinse, hung them to dry in summer, tumbled them in winter. What I would definitely advise against is oxy-anything. Oxyclean, even after multiple rinses, left a residue on the diapers that turned fluorescent yellow (like safety vest yellow) in the presence of urine. It still gives me the creeps 10 years later.
  10. The Wayback Machine has it last crawled early in 2011. (I've obviously not been there in a while, either.)
  11. Yay!!!! :party: I honestly don't think I've ever been the excited about someone else's pregnancy. :D FWIW, I use Qwest lab, specifically because they have an app, as well as online access to my results. I get the report at the same time as my doc, can send them to other doctors by email or fax while I sit in their office, etc. (They are one of the options w/ LabCorp or the hospital lab where I have blood drawn, not an oddball Internet lab or anything) I like having control of my records. :-)
  12. I am beginning to wonder the same. And I've begun eyeballing my neighbors for odd behavior... I haven't seen any, but what if I just don't notice because I've been assimilated?? :blink:
  13. Nature's Path cereals (including their Envirokidz line) are mostly all gluten/dairy/egg free. I eat mine with Silk almond or coconut milk. (my fave are Mesa Sunrise and Amazon Frosted Flakes, but I'm 40-something ;)) I second the Van's waffles, and the NP Mesa Sunrise waffles are good. Food For Life GF multi-seed English muffins are awesome (others I've tried fell way short of the English muffin mark)
  14. We have an attic fan that works well to suck hot air up and out, and we use individual window fans, particularly at night. It's also helpful if you can open bottom sashes on one side and top on the other, as the hotter air at the top of the rooms gets released.
  15. Is this from Horton Hears a Tinkle? I love when we break into Seuss! :lol:
  16. Are you up yet? How 'bout now? Now? Drip...drip...drip...drip... Anything?
  17. Kiss My Face shower gel / loofah / longer than a week ('cause I'd go through loofahs like a mad woman otherwise).
  18. He hasn't asked, but that is because he knows the answer: I don't want anything for Mother's day. In fact, I'm working on Mother's day. So, actually, I might like him to bring me some lunch. Usually, we take such occasions to buy something we need for the house. I appreciate those gifts a whole lot more than ones just for me. ;)
  19. I use Seventh Generation 4x liquid, and haven't noticed a trend in stains. There are occasional stains, and then I use the Tightwad Gazette soak mentioned above (which works fine with modern Cascade, despite reviews to the contrary). I ditched Oxyclean when I discovered that it leaves a residue, even after multiple rinses, that turns fluorescent yellow in the presence of urine. (Not that anyone routinely has urine on their clothes anymore, just that the residue reaction on diapers creeped me out).
  20. I learned as a tween/teen, by watching Julia Child and the Frugal Gourmet (Jeff Smith) on PBS. Suffice it to say, my repertoire was quite weird by the time I was in my 20s; coq au vin, but no competent grilled cheese in my kitchen! :lol:
  21. Oh, Pamela, I'm so sorry. :grouphug: Based on what you've said, it sounds like he's looking for a way out of his life: he's depressed, hopeless, and a shiny spot that is not inside his daily life popped up, so he wants to step into that pretend life. Know what I mean? I think you should communicate your thoughts based on your long relationship. If you normally have an open line of communication, you should communicate openly. If it's usually more reserved... well, you get the idea. :grouphug:
  22. During such episodes in our house, I've been known to walk around muttering, "this, too, shall pass... They can't all barf forever... This, too, shall pass..." under my breath.
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