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Everything posted by LaxMom

  1. :lol: That would be terribly awkward to explain to the neighbors.
  2. Yes! Yes! YES! YES!! :party: (I have no idea what it means, but I'm super excited your dh didn't crystallize!)
  3. My feelings, too. I am happy to share in triumph and tragedy with friends and family. I don't think that's what the OP is about though. Nor is it about "achievement", which implies effort. The bragging I run into is the type where one goes on and on (and on and on and on) about how wonderful Little Johnny is for merely existing. Or, the opposite, the über-martyr, who can out victim any and everyone. It is these people I find irksome; their entire line of conversation seems designed to elicit envy or pity (or, sometimes, both... And that's really weird). I'm not jealous. I just have little patience for listening to people put everyone else down. (and to answer the original question: I see it in all circles, so I wouldn't say it's a homeschooling thing around my area)
  4. Ack! :ack2: I've done that, but mistaking ear cleaner for eye drops. (big, rectangular dropper bottle vs small, cylindrical dropper bottle... :001_huh:) Man. That hurt! And my eye was weird for a while... Probably from the lack of eyelash mites.
  5. I think, traditionally, it has been an inborn lack of empathy. More and more, I think it's becoming predominantly a learned lack of empathy. And, while I agree that lack of empathy can be learned in abusive situations, I don't really see that outcome happening that much. Just like I don't necessarily see a large trend of people who were victims of violence perpetrating violence. The thing that I see is self-centeredness ( with a lack of empathy) and violence being normalized, through our popular culture and parenting. I find that troubling.
  6. That. It always shocks me, the absolute gall of some people. I mean, not only advertise and claim your idea as her own, under the pretense of "thinking about it", but to then have the nerve to tell you YOU'RE petty? Truly astonishing. And there is no doubt that she will go around slamming you for being so petty as to steal "her" idea. Wow. Just wow. Hindsight being what it is, I think the perfect FB comment would have been something along the lines of "wow, I didn't know 'let me think about joining your group' was code for 'let me claim the idea as my own'!" Alas, it seems a bit after the fact for that.
  7. :lol: Even funnier because I've woken up with a sock-in-progress stuck to my face before.
  8. Wait. Wait... They've suspended a 6 year old for singing obnoxious lyrics from an M&Ms commercial/ Top 40 playlist, while they are trying to repeal the "zero tolerance" policy on weapons and violence? [in my best Nigel Thornbery voice] Aren't they just clever. :glare:
  9. Chalk up another one who's never heard of sauerkraut with potatoes and carrots... In fact, I'm rather wondering if you husband actually has sauerkraut in mind or something like a New England boiled dinner. Maybe someone up the line in his family just called any cabbage "sauerkraut" and it got passed down, like breaking spaghetti or cutting the ham bone because or a too small pot or pan.
  10. :iagree: spice it up like deviled eggs and call it "deviled egg spread". (or, you can take the suggestion of my phone's autocorrect and call it "defiled egg spread", lol) For future reference, fresh eggs don't peel well. If you're unsure, leave the eggs on the counter the night before you cook them. They won't go bad, but being at room temp does speed up their aging process, and they'll peel more easily.
  11. Yes, it would totally annoy me. But, given the number of people who try to mask the symptoms of whatever plague their kids have and drop them off at school to share with everyone else, I'm sure it annoys the office lady to hear parents try to "brush off" sick kids. (not saying you're doing that, just saying I'm sure it happens all day long) But the real player here is your son, and I'd be looking to figure out why we're playing this game / laying down the law, if it was playing out at my house.
  12. Meringue buttercreams don't have either. They have whipped egg whites and hot simple syrup, then you add the butter once the resulting meringue has cooled. That's my favorite kind of frosting to use.
  13. Well, therein lies the only issue I would have with my kids getting their noses pierced at that age: you can't not wear the stud. Nose piercings close very quickly once you pull out the stud. So, on the one side, it would be a pain because they all play sports, on the other, it's not permanent like ears.
  14. Hey! I think we went to the same school! (Public school, graduated in '89) But, no, I wouldn't call slapping or bra snapping "s@xual assault". It was annoying behavior. I used to snap the underwear waistband of the guy that sat in front of me in French. Because it was sticking out. Nothing s@xual, I was just bugging him (we were friends). I also tied the shoe of my desk mate in Latin to the chair leg every day. Also just being annoying. He was one of my best friends' boyfriend, and we all hung out all the time. Frankly, with the current trend of wearing ones pants below one's buttocks, I have a hard time not pantsing random young men on the street. ;)
  15. I wanted one at that age and my mother made a multi-part drama out of it. I got it when I was 37. ;) I voted "meh", too.
  16. We have quiet time from after lunch until 2 or 2:30, depending on when we finish lunch. They don't have to nap, but they do have to do something quiet, like lie in bed and read.
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