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Everything posted by LaxMom

  1. Um, if you're squatting, it doesn't actually take that long. That's the position that helps signal the bowels to do their thing. Modern toilets (well, and modern diet, probably) are what cause things to take a while... Not ergonomic. :D
  2. Here in the chicken district, about $600 +utilities. In Annapolis, $1,000 will get you a studio, and a single bedroom is more than our (15yr) mortgage. Yikes!
  3. I have 2 very close friends. Others are social friends - I enjoy their company, we have lively debates/conversations, and we know each other pretty well, but I wouldn't lay my soul bare before them. Eta: that doesn't count my husband, who is truly my best, closest most enduring friend.
  4. No, I usually just scrub it and I'm done. I'll wipe it with Seventh Generation disinfecting wipes during plague season (I have the kids wipe the sink, then the toilet at the end of the night). I went through a period where I couldn't find a proper toilet brush, so I used some Mrs Meyers lavender toilet cleaner and a scrubby sponge. And then I washed my hands. The men's locker room toilet needs a hazmat suit, though.
  5. Um, no. Well, I have some sort of metal bowl thing with holes in the bottom that came with a cookware set a hundred years ago. That is, allegedly, for steaming. We had a 3-tier bamboo steamer from my favorite household store in Chinatown (DC). I loved that one... Maybe I should get a new one.
  6. Apple cider vinegar is actually rather conditioning. It can make your hair feel very heavy. It depends on what hair type you have, how you'd approach. I have curly hair, used a baking soda paste to cleanse, a little acv in warm water rinse, then a cooled herbal "tea" final rinse. I would them scrunch my wet hair with some coconut oil to keep the curls from frizzing. No other product, though.
  7. I really like Kiss My Face Potent & Pure, both the Start Up (exfoliating) and Clean for a Day (creamy) face washes. I like their Under-Age moisturizer, too.
  8. I dunno, but I can say that plunging the stopped up toilet in the men's locker room should not be done wearing flip-flops. :ack2:
  9. You can build a site on Google Sites fairly painlessly. In all honesty, though, I don't think someone with no experience in web design should build a business site. I worked as a software engineer for a decade. I would not build a site for someone's business. Sure, I can wing the technical aspects, but not the aesthetic and organizational. It's not my field of expertise.
  10. It happens. I was just trying to lend a different perspective. And, come to think of it, I think we recently had this discussion about a woman getting pregnant against her husband's expressed wishes. The group opinion was the same. I feel for you. I don't think I could support a friend in a deception like this. I think it's wrong to ask a friend to be complicit in such a thing. :grouphug:
  11. Um, I think on many levels, including secular, that is exactly what a marriage means. You give up complete autonomy when you bind yourself to another person, whether that is a spouse or a child. You obligate yourself to include them in your life, and to give their well being due weight in your thoughts and actions. I'm not sure I can think of another reason for marriage.
  12. I wonder... Would she choose to make any other life decisions in secret? Would she quit her job without telling him? That would fall under her prerogative. Would she spend a significant portion of their income? Or does she think he just won't notice this enormous secret, so that makes it ok? Or is it that she thinks he'll disagree, and she's not interested in hearing him or dealing with the fallout if they can't reach a mutual decision? I'm not being snarky. I think these are real questions about how one conducts oneself within a marriage.
  13. Pro-choice here, and I agree completely with the above. Ultimately, I respect the choice is hers, but deceiving one's spouse is never, ever ok. As I often remind my children: if you have to sneak, you are doing something wrong.
  14. We buy ours in bulk, and I transfer them to squat, 8oz Ball jars that will stack on the shelf. I write the contents on the bottom in sharpie.
  15. My husband (fire dept) says these are the best station boots he's ever had. In fact, I need to order him a new pair because he's had the current one for five years, I think. (his are the pull-on, steel toe ones. Your son probably doesn't need steel toes)
  16. Wow. I have one. Ok, technically, I have two, because I have a Yahoo account for access to various groups, but I don't use that email address for anything. I can't imagine keeping up with multiple accounts. (my whole post is ironic, as I see there is a Y! icon up there... Where did that come from?? :lol:)
  17. I don't think that falls under "treatment of women" heading. I think that falls under "civil behavior". Flying into a rage, acting aggressively toward somebody, then dumping their trash all over the sidewalk because they're letting their dog go potty in their own yard is a problem, no matter who is on the loop end of the leash. And more concerning because he obviously feels justified enough to assert himself to the police officers investigating his outburst. Not cool.
  18. In my experience, the people who don't spend time making a decision as to what's right for their family seem to be the ones who take others' decisions as implied criticism. I've had many conversations with people practically tying themselves in knots trying to defend and justify their method (in all things parenting) when they discover/see we've chosen a route different from the "standard". I always find it odd. Holding up the failures of others is not a valid argument to justify our own, especially when we've chosen an alternate approach, though. The failings of public schools have no bearing on our homeschooling. Our success or failure lies solely with me and my husband because we have taken that responsibility on ourselves. If we chose homesteading, refusing to consume anything we did not grow ourselves, and our children were malnourished, it would be complete madness to try to justify continuing the same way because other children, of more conventional families, may also be malnourished. I fail to see why we consider educational choice sacrosanct. Some people make poor decisions for themselves and their children. Outside of extremes, I can't say what would be a guaranteed poor choice, but they're easy enough to spot when the children aren't getting what they need.
  19. Yeah, I was thinking - based on Rossi's comment that it was his bedtime - that she had been (ahem) up all night, and that was just the walk of shame. Whether or not it had anything to do with Rossi, though... 'cause he doesn't seem like that kind of guy. I'm thinking (hoping?) it's just another coincidental thing, like running into Garcia and Reed.
  20. :iagree: That is truly amazing. Maybe they're unaware how fast hair grows? Because, really, in a couple weeks he would just have it neatened up from growing out and it would be perfectly regular again.
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