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Everything posted by LaxMom

  1. Quite honestly, I bleach the towels if they develop a sinister smell. Our towels are dark colored and haven't seemed to fade much over the past 11 years, even with bleaching. If you have a top loader, I would recommend filling completely, starting agitation & adding the bleach diluted in water to avoid spots. Otherwise, I've found most things are pretty colorfast.
  2. Interval training (sprint/jog) helps. My husband just found that running with a guy half his age pacing increased his usual speed. He's trying to break a 10 minute mile. He also just added that running more days consecutively has improved his speed. Maybe one of the running playlists from iTunes or whatever, at a faster tempo?
  3. Since it's Dirty Laundry Day on the boards, I've been seeing various comments about x load, y load, etc. I could be very compulsive about sorting, but I control myself because it could get to the crazy place where I have close to a single item in each load. So how do you sort your laundry?
  4. I may need more info to answer, but knittinghelp.com has finishing videos for various applications. I generally just weave in ends - up the back of a seam, around the cast-on/cast-off edge, etc. As long as it's on the wrong side, it doesn't really show at all.
  5. I keep finding myself recommending it, but I am happy to be redundant because I think people are absolutely starved for information and compassion in this area, and are generally dismissed by doctors. I know I was. From Fatigued to Fantastic (J. Teitelbaum) is a great book. He also gives resources to find a doctor in your area who deals with CFS/FM with his protocols. After finally finding a doc - and suffering all sorts of condescension and bad medicine on the way - it seems all I needed was a little thyroid (I also support natural thyroid - your body produces multiple versions, replacing one is not the answer) and adrenal support to live a normally productive life. My experience also supports the comments about exercise. I power lift and had a log of my max weights going down instead of up with training. It was one more seemingly crazy thing in the whole string. I sincerely hope your friend finds the help she needs soon. The futile search can be so defeating. (my husband took the lead for me when I got to the defeated place. You are an awesome friend for doing it for her.)
  6. Yeah, what's THAT about? We used to have two large lidded baskets (like toy box sized) at the foot of our bed. Now I have three labeled hampers in the hall.
  7. Ah, yes. The dementia of having young children, complete with aphasia, mid-sentence brain drop... I keep hoping it goes away before the permanent kind sets in.
  8. I was laughing about this last night at the wedding of some friends when the band started to play and I was wondering if my kids had just fallen asleep... Ripple and Uncle John's Band :D
  9. Flaming liberal of a flaming liberal. My mom is a curiosity, mostly an apathetic Dem. Dad and I have very loud and animated discussions (in which we are in complete agreement) that startle my husband. :lol:
  10. I'm an only, have 4, no greats yet, so 5. That's the same here. My husband's siblings are also unlikely to have children. My cousins and I were very close growing up. (admittedly, that was a different time and different lifestyle - everyone lived in a small town, we had much more freedom, etc)
  11. Cozi has a to-do list that can be emailed, checked off, etc. It's free (and interfaces w/ my iPhone & husband's droid, but that's gravy)
  12. Sounds normal to me, adjusting for everyone being out of diapers & lack of farmers here. :001_smile:
  13. We just returned all of my Calphalon One (100% failure rate) and got their tri-ply stainless instead. We use that, cast iron, and some Revere Ware I've had for 18 years. My dad still has the "waterless" stainless they received as wedding gifts. In 1969. Eta: come to think of it, *I* have a pot that my mother had before they were married...
  14. Chia flour is low carb and gluten free, high protein, non-soy. I'm pretty sure Nutiva has recipes on their website. Quinoa flour may also fit the bill for GF and low carb.
  15. I think it depends on the kids. Mine exhibit behavioral issues if they have too much screen time - impulse control, inability to follow directions, infighting, etc. How much is "too much"? I haven't figured it out. So we mostly keep the tv off, excepting a Friday night family movie or the rare show while preparing supper at the end of a long day out. Including those, the kids probably average about 2.5 hours a week.
  16. In Cheap We Trust (Lauren Weber) Remarkable Creatures (Tracy Chevalier)
  17. :lol: I have the very same "skirt" in my Goodwill bag. From Target about 4 years ago. Couldn't figure out why the built in pouch in the front... Yeah, that's for your b00ks. Snort. Glad I'm not the only one!
  18. I would second thyroid, particularly thyroiditis, celiac (though doing a gluten free trial can give a clearer indication than bloodwork), adrenal issues. All of these things can play a part in chronic fatigue, which can appear following illness. I highly recommend "From Fatigued to Fantastic". It's a good read and can help you sort of understand where these symptoms are coming from. She has one of the best assets she could ask for in finding answers: an advocate. I don't know what would have happened if my husband hadn't taken that role when I was looking for answers to a similar set of symptoms.
  19. I read it a loooooong time ago. Don't remember any inappropriate content; it's about his years as the lone teacher on an island.
  20. We bought a house with a bad kitchen! Two non-contiguous feet of counter space and a stove that said - I kid not - "product of General Motors". I cooked three meals a day in there for 8 years. You just learn to be creative. Eta: and we bought a portable dishwasher that served as moveable counter space w/ the toaster on it.
  21. It would be interesting to check outgoing calls from your phone to see what the system - rather than your phone - connected to when you called him.
  22. I tend to agree. The viewers here tend to be watching with mothering experience and the wisdom of having been around longer than the target audience.
  23. I've found that my homemade deodorant (I use the recipe Amy has posted on the Angry Chicken blog) doesn't stain. I've never had luck with the old stains sunning out.
  24. ditto. And, yes, the very first place I would go (and have, often) if I purchased materials and the arrived in a condition I wasn't expecting would be he original listing. Far be it for me to be above missing a piece of information.
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