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Everything posted by LaxMom

  1. There is a Buddhist temple in or just outside Baltimore. One in Annapolis near the UU church. St. Mary's used to have something... Evergreen Cove in Easton has silent meditation groups and a labyrinth to walk. Not sure about venues closer to you.
  2. That is fabulous! Perhaps the word "skanky" goes a little past the mark - while not a personal fan, I know plenty of non-skanky women who prefer thongs - but I would have concerns about age appropriate ideas. Even in the very best possibility of how this played out, what 7 year old thinks about panty lines?
  3. I am selective in where my daughter sleeps over, so I won't be rushing to ban sleepovers. They're pretty infrequent anyway and I don't think my 10 year old is going to be sneaking out of her coach's house in a small development waaaaaay out in the country.They're not drinkers, have entertainment standards that are pretty much in line with ours... As she gets older, though, there will be more in depth analysis of any given playdate or sleepover.
  4. I have what appears to be the same as Beth posted (I got mine as a Christmas gift, too!) but our guards are colored. One of the best gifts, ever, in my book. We've been using it for 5 years or so and there has never been an issue.
  5. Hahahaha! My math is just coming back. I was thinking the numbers not working was me!
  6. Yeah, I was doing that math too... I work out 6 days a week, about an hour of cardio and an hour of lifting, and there is no way I could burn 100,000 calories. The "average" adult is supposed to take in 30,000 calories in a month! Yikes!
  7. Your MIL has experienced mental status changes. At the very least, she should have been admitted for observation. It is appalling how bad our medical system is at dealing with end of life issues. I also suggest hospice, for all the reasons stated before and, not least, the support they can provide for your entire family. I am so sorry you are all going through this.
  8. We allow sleep overs, but really, really don't get the refusal to respect others' parenting choices. (she types, while being completely horrified at parents allowing their you girls to watch Twilight... Not this person in particular. I know a 7 year old who stays up & watches w/ mom. Of course, I wouldn't be inserting myself in their girl night to discuss it)
  9. It is and she is! I think we (the grownups) laughed harder than the kids did. But they would be an absolute bear for me to read (not a fan of dialect) and I can totally see where others would not find them to their liking.
  10. I cut my husband's and boys' hair with scissors, then trim up necks & sideburns with the clippers. It's not hard, though doing all three of them consecutively wears on the arms a bit. Suffice it to say my skills have improved since "$5 Phil" retired.
  11. I used wool soakers & "longies" with prefolds held with either tie nappies or snappis and never had an issue. In the summer, they'd just wear them with a tshirt, in winter they'd wear longies just with a shirt inside or with pants over them outside. Added bonus: we had to upsize pants to accommodate cloth so when they potty trained they still had loads of pants & shorts for the next year(s).
  12. With that ringing endorsement, I will be upping the speed with which I move my business account out of there and into the credit union with the rest of my business.
  13. that would make me think there's something stimulating his nervous system. Which, of course, could be just about anything from stress to food additives to pollen...
  14. Until all the sudafed has cleared. I don't metabolize it (or any other decongestants or expectorants) well, so if I take a regular little red one on two consecutive days, my heart rate jacks up to 150 or so. One pill would probably give me intermittent palpitations for a couple of days. I don't take it enough or worry enough about the annoying heart beats to give you a more definitive answer though.
  15. IIRC, the most common thing is caffeine or other stimulants (sudafed is a biggie for me). I know a few people who have had good results cutting back on coffee and taking CoQ10. Hoping the cardiologist rules out anything more serious!
  16. Most definitely! I've seen the various sites, but I don't need recipes so much as guidance, if that makes sense.
  17. I can relate. I've just come off a several month down period w/ chronic fatigue. (with an awesome doctor and a low dose of armour thyroid) My husband completely took over the education while I was struggling. Before that (in the years of just lower than baseline energy) I planned school for early in the morning when I was at my peak. Stuff that didn't get done one day would be first the next. Putting subjects that don't require a continued teaching effort from me - math, handwriting for the youngers - helped make sure it got done when I was waning. My 10 year old is very good at fixing lunch, too. I'm sorry you're struggling with this. It's very wearing.
  18. Me, too. Ironically it is almost a) a car covered with NASCAR stickers or b) someone from PA, where driving in the left lane is illegal unless you're passing.
  19. You're awesome is what your are! As to whether you're a runner... Do you feel like a runner? I ran all last year, ran barefoot, ran a 5k with the family, but I wouldn't call myself a runner. It's not part of my psyche. My husband runs 4 or so miles on his work days; he is pondering now at what point he would consider himself a runner. He has all seasons of running clothes, though. He votes for running clothes (and is now expounding on how much he loves the running shorts I had to talk him into buying). I do too! Call it gear to further your performance. (now he's questioning your sanity, what with the hills in Maine... He hates running in Rumford & Byron when we're up ;) )
  20. I can report that my literacy was not damaged at all by reading Harriet the Spy 47 times as a kid. :D
  21. Cherrybrook Kitchen makes allergen free mixes. http://www.cherrybrookkitchen.com/ (I'd just hack up some Dove for those cookies, though)
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