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Everything posted by LaxMom

  1. White cabinets, espresso counter tops, toffee colored cork floor. The walls are a goldenrod color.
  2. Ice cream. Though I do love the GF sufganiyot I make at Hanukkah. (Not Jewish, love food). I'd go without either if the choice was a mediocre variety, though.
  3. We've used cocktail mixers ("mojito" syrup that has lime and mint, "cosmopolitan" syrup with pomegranate, etc). My husband once used some flat Blue Sky black cherry soda. That was tasty.
  4. I feel the same. My daily workouts are great, but they're part of my routine not something I pursue because I'm stressed. And pssssssssst... We extended childwatch to 2 hours last year, so members could take 2 classes or whatever. May want to drop that into the suggestion box. ;)
  5. The pub. I go to the pub with another homeschooling mom for Trivia Night and do shots of Jaegermeister. I'm not even kidding.
  6. IMO, relationships - marriage being the primary adult one - are about connection. Physical connection is one part, but certainly not the only one. Turning aspects of that connectedness into currency suggests spouses are objects to be manipulated. Given the number of people who seem to feel this way, no wonder we have low marriage satisfaction and high divorce rates.
  7. We all - children and adults - still laugh hysterically and quote from Junie B Jones audiobooks. They are VERY funny, and Lana Quintal has her pegged in the narration. ;)
  8. You crazy woman! Why would you issue such a Challenge to the Snarky Fates? Why?
  9. I do this, too. And am shocked every.single.time by the number of people who don't send money on time, want to sign up the day before, no-show, show up late... Boggles the mind. And really, REALLY pisses me off when we arrive somewhere and the no-shows and en route cancellations cause us to not have the minimum number of participants.
  10. I just caught the tail end of a story about it on ATC, and they have another, related story on Booz-Allen coming up. I'm rather in the same frame as Paula: I'm not sure if I can reasonably think any communication I have is truly private, but I do mind this on an institutional level. But, then, I always have a problem with unfettered power and secret agencies, so...
  11. Our library has a teen section. I'm not sure if it has a sign on it, as I really have no desire to be in a teen specific section. I imagine the sign is there to deter adults from hanging around in there, either then complaining about the noisy teens or for nefarious purposes.
  12. Both. It's rude to not give attendees notice when it becomes clear a change of plans is necessary. It's compulsive to invest that much energy being wound up about it. It makes me crazy when people make last minute changes/cancelations. If it was an ongoing thing, I would only be available when I'm available, or not interested in continuing with the group if that was just the way things work by default.
  13. I see I am in good company! Happy birthday!
  14. Thanks! I had a lax themed birthday! (That cake is brilliant, though, Corraleno.) Today I am the answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything. I am drunk with the power! ;)
  15. Two m's. Like programming. I just checked our grammar (VIE) and they have a whole chapter on diagramMIng. Whew. Thought I'd missed something, like the dropping of -ue from catalogue, dialogue, etc.
  16. Um... Those Maryland things are very specific to Baltimore, not the rest of the state (unless used as a slur about people from/in Baltimore). Which, I suppose, is in line with the idea (also specific to Baltimore) that B'more IS the state. Or, more pervasive, the capitol. I refer to the city of Washinton, DC as "town", too, as in "when I commuted to NoVA, I prefered to go through town instead of using the beltway <shudder>". I'm 42 and non-native. Chock and chalk are not homophones, nor are caulk and cock.
  17. No, I wouldn't. I might send them a note so they can adjust their packing techniques in the future, though. If the content was damaged, that would be entirely different.
  18. Yes, mine is my alarm clock. I'm on the emergency call list for work, so it has to be where I can hear it and, frankly, it takes up way less space than an alarm clock. The app I use lets me dim the display, so it's not shining in my face all night. I sleep the same way I did before it was on my nightstand. Even before cell phones and wifi existed, in fact.
  19. Uh, yeah. We've had a similar (on the face of it) situation, but the couple who divorced remained friends, and the ex stopped coming to family functions with the family member she had been married to started dating someone else (whole he later married). What you're describing is... Painful. How very klassy of her to not give a rat's arse whether she causes him pain within his own family safe zone. Good riddance, if he can ever fully scrape her off.
  20. Oh, my, Jean. I hope she turns up safe and sound!
  21. Pilates is great for gentle, effective core and upper body. Form does count, though, so you may want to take a class or find a video heavy on form instruction just starting out.
  22. That seems to be the downfall, according to the people I've known who were past their 100th birthdays. I can't imagine.
  23. Yup. I eat clean and as if I'm training for a figure competition. So, six small meals a day, lots of protein, slow carbs. I count every.single.calorie. and, generally speaking, keep it at around 1200-1500. I have crappy eating days, but then I'm back on the plan the next morning. I do 6-8 hours of cardio a week and lift for another 6 or so. I switch up my routine every couple of weeks: low weight high rep, maxes, pyramid sets, drop sets... I use cardio equipment, take classes that challenge me (I'm not the most coordinated person in the world. Step is like a Mensa challenge.), do tabata rounds... You get the idea. The point is that I'm training specifically for *my* goal. I'm not competing, but I am having fitness portraits done next Friday, and I want to be lean and well muscled for that. My workout partner is a distance runner. Her goals are different, so she trains differently beside me. You need a goal or you can't see results. Know what I mean?
  24. I think that was addressed to me. And, headsmack, I guess that's entirely true. They're so skinny and there are so many of them, I guess I just think they should be! :p
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