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Everything posted by LaxMom

  1. Um, YEAH. :iagree: Steak, potato, salad... no gluten there! hmmm. right. Thai?
  2. I use Kiss My Face "Whenever" shampoo and conditioner and either crunch wet hair up with coconut oil or Dr. Bronner's lavender-coconut hair cream.
  3. Um, thus far Baltimore has had 117 murders. DC had 306 last year (not sure what the current tally is). Edmonton, 28. Baltimore and Edmonton are approximately the same size (Edmonton actually appears to have more people). I know it's not nice to laugh at other people's murder rates, as if they "can't hang" but it does shine light on one of the huge cultural differences.
  4. Well, before you decide to switch, Weather.com (the Weather Channel) is different on my phone (their mobile site) than my computer (their full site). And they lie. It should not say there is 0% chance of rain under current conditions when it's pouring on my laundry. If it makes you feel better, over on this coast my dash thermometer said in was 107 at 4:30, my husband had 111 on his in Annapolis. (Which is about the normal temp spread between here and there) It was 84 when I got up at 5:30 this morning. :ack2: <- I actually made that exact face.
  5. Maybe he meant send them to HIS house? :grouphug: I hope you find a way to break the cycle. I don't know which of those would drive me to the asylum (or Betty Ford) first!
  6. I've been trying to figure out how to achieve that for a few years now... Can't be here: on the shore it's too flat, on the other side of the bay, too regulated. Also I think we get too hot/cold. San Diego would work for climate, but I think there would be permit issues. I guess we'll all just have to move to Wales. Aw, bummer. :D
  7. I am rather fond, lately, of "ooooh! Somebody's wearing their Captain Obvious panties today!" with over the top cheer. Particulary useful when one of my very young male coworkers points out the obvious, like they think I'm senile.
  8. Yes, but I'm a Yankee. Contrary to popular belief, we don't drop Rs, we save them for later. For instance in words like idear and spatular and sherbert. It would go against Yankee frugality to toss out all those Rs, aftah all.
  9. We made it warm and steamy for you. Were we not supposed to? You didn't send directions with it.
  10. That's us, too. We maintain access to our children's rooms. We're not searching, we're cleaning, decluttering, straightening. (The place is an absolute sty. The best way to hide contraband would be to simply drop it on the floor with everything else) Our kids are with us pretty much 24/7. The 10yo has done a couple sleepovers this spring/summer, but then she was with her coaches' families. So, yeah, if they have opportunity to procure them, I would suggest stashing their booze and bong somewhere else. Like under my bed, which I think has eaten two of my favorite shoes (from different pairs). FTR: I do not put a great deal of emphasis on personal privacy. The marital bedroom is a "knock and wait to be asked in" zone, if the door is shut, and not the domain of playing children, but I'm pretty much of the mind that everyone in a family should have intimate knowledge of one another (in a familial way, not a creepy one), and it shouldn't be a big deal for any member of the herd to put your laundry away or borrow a pen from your desk. I agree with this as well. It's another layer of vetting any potential behavior: How would I feel to have my family to know I'm engaged in X? Do I feel I can trust myself to ignore temptation? We use OpenDNS with the same purpose. It's free.
  11. My 10yo daughter had (has?) a friend, "F" (for Friend), very similar to this. The mother and I knew each other well but I had to step away from the friendship when the mother's behavior got out of hand. F is dramatic, mean, and manipulative. Like you, we discussed these qualities and how treating people in that way isn't ok, etc, and B agreed that it was offputting and made her feel bad for the other kids to be treated like that. B and F continued along letter writing for a while, then via email when we gave B an account linked to mine. It was ok, I guess, but then F got her own cell phone and would call mine over and over again, despite having been instructed otherwise. Most of the time, she would call after B went to bed (no bedtime rules at her house, other than the parents deciding the children had been up long enough and screaming at everyone to go to sleep at some point), or during lacrosse practice, so B would be able to talk and wouldn't have much opportunity to call her back. B was pretty involved with her teammates, too, which sort of helped the whole thing fizzle. They run into each other, rarely, and scurry off to chat when that opportunity arises. It's not much of an issue. I would think moving an hour away would have similar result; there just isn't the ability to maintain the same quality of friendship across that distance. If you run into them when you're in the area, they can catch up in person, then you go home to your regular routine. No biggie.
  12. :iagree: he may be in training for a career in the fire department. It's a pretty darn good one, really. He'll learn about timing with maturity. ;)
  13. Supper. Breakfast-lunch-supper. Supper may be light or also be the dinner, but that's too hair-splitty for me to think about. Exceptions: Sunday/Christmas/other feast type celebration has dinner. Always. Huh... it also seems dinner is closely associated with brunch in my mind, e.g. Sunday brunch (late morning) covers breakfast and lunch, but is then followed by an early dinner, which spans the lunch-supper gap.
  14. In a joint checking account, we both have the ability to see spending, and are limited by the balance of the account. We have overdraft tied to our savings; our bank did away with personal lines of credit last year. There was a lower limit to that than using our savings. But these are all liquid assets. The worst that could happen is that we don't have money left in a given pay cycle. If I have a $15,000 credit card that my husband has no ability to see the account details of, request a freeze or whatever, having to pay that bill every month could put a hurting on the household finances for much longer than getting crazy with the checkbook. Married people share the burden and the bounty. If we want a card for my use, there is nothing stopping us from opening one. But the person who is financially guaranteeing that has to sign on the dotted line.
  15. I agree. And I cannot imagine, as the household wage earner, being liable to pay for credit spending over which I have no control. If I, as a non-earning spouse, could open individual credit accounts based on my husband's income, that is exactly the position he would be in.
  16. Um, yeah. If I'm not in a community property state and have no income, why on earth would anyone want to extend me credit? "My husband will pay for it" doesn't seem like something lenders would be ok with.
  17. They have digital cooking timers with little fold-out stands, no magnet. May I ask, though, in all sincerity, why you're bothered by the magnet?
  18. We have 2400 and some change, 4 kids when everyone still lived at home ( 3 now). But the footage includes a "finished" attic we use as, well, an attic, so we live in around 1900 sqft. So 380sqft / person livin space.
  19. Many of the mp3 or eaudio books available for checkout through our library (from Overdrive) explicitly state they can be burned to disk or loaded to an mp3 player. I'm not sure if there's some code that renders them unplayable after the checkout period has past, but they do say it's ok.
  20. Ok. Channel 9 news (DC) will have Murdoch being hit with the pie. And they'd like to know who the viewers would like to see hit with a pie... Also coming up IN THE SAME SEGMENT... a scandal involving a feminine hygiene product. Oooooooooh and guess which on came on first? Sometimes, it's just horribly embarrassing being an American. (I was just told by the newscaster that I should let "the V" cleanse itself... Any questions about why I listen to actual news NPR?)
  21. Sorry, can't edit,I'm on my phone. I was watching the Duggars season available on Netflix a couple weeks ago and there was a little caption about how they are very restrictive about tv; the kids only watch about 7 hours / week! My kids don't rack up 7 hours a month. One area where *I* am more conservative than the Duggars! :D
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