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Everything posted by LaxMom

  1. :iagree: leagues are required to keep proof of age for their players. The state requires ID to apply for a DL or state issued ID. For a minor, that would be a birth certificate or passport. Once that has been shown, the state issues their own ID that certifies one's identity and age. The two aren't comparable by the same standard.
  2. Yes. Not in an "I'm offended!" sort of way. I'm just nosey. But I think it has to do with a) not wanting to share one's own personal issues with a broad group or b) not wanting to break board rules. Though, for the nosey of us, it would be better if one just PMed and didn't say it had been done on the open thread. Because, like a cat, I just HAVE to know what's in the box, on the other side of the closed door, etc. :D
  3. :lol: I'm sorry, I just had a Castle Anthrax moment there. The actual concept makes me go :001_huh:
  4. Huh. I thought it was because women are such weak, vapid creatures that any "trouble" we should cause would absolutely be traced back to an inciting male. And, of course, such correction would be a waste since we a) could not manifest an original thought and b) would be doing exactly as we should: carrying out instructions from a superior... Honestly, I doubt this sort of mindset would even acknowledge abuse of a female as existent.
  5. I accidentally watched the cat one this morning... And then spent the rest of the morning cleaning and crying. Heartbreaking. For the animals and the humans. Well, both stories, really. What an intense episode!
  6. We just changed banks and the credit union emails me when direct deposit comes in or bills are paid. I set up ebills to come directly to our account from Verizon/Verizon Wireless and the electric company. Others send bills via email and I get the aforementioned email confirmation when they are paid. That cuts way down on the paper & password situation. I also set up an Accounts folder with various sub-folders I gmail, along with filters to shuttle the bulk of the accounting into the appropriate place so they don't get lost in my inbox. I shred anything that looks like then sender has personal information on us. Pre-approved would fall in that category. We get lots of "pre-selected" offers; those are ripped up & tossed. They just send those because we own the house or whatever. There hasn't been any check where they would have our information on file for someone else to use it.
  7. I have the same issue. (I'm on my phone right now, taking a momentary break from laundry and kitchen cleaning while the dishwasher lets the steam out) I realized this morning that a large part of my scatteredness is that I have 6 of what other people do as a full time occupation. Even without outside labor, as homeschoolers we have at least two. Part of the draw, for me at least, is having some "down time" that is still productive in one of those areas. You know? And being in social contact with others adults, which I have limited time for in person. Sigh. Oh, but before I forget. There are HST+ schedule files on the MCT yahoo group. :D
  8. Like every other area of life, have a vision and start where you are. That's all you can do. :001_smile:
  9. I agree. I see it as just one more option in a growing menu of choices for educating our children. In many ways, I think it's nice to see either/or expand to an a la carte selection option.
  10. Actually, the current issue of Oxygen on the magazine stand is their "Glutes" special. Lots of good gym and body weight exercises in there.
  11. Yep, squats, lunges, dead lifts or cable pull-throughs. or plie squats really work you. are good, as well.
  12. Thank goodness you found it early, too! I was planning to teach misunderstandings and misconceptions in HS. Maybe I'll rethink that. I wouldn't want them to develop the bad habit of coherence. Quelle horreur! :lol:
  13. I would agree that anything can be of value to anyone. However, if one is writing a review of a writing curriculum, it would probably better serve one's cause to a) answer the questions one stated would be addressed in the opening and b) quote information that actually answers the question one posed to set up the quote. Actually, it illustrates the #1 "poor writing habit" Writing with Voldermort will quickly eliminate. Maybe he saw what we did to Chick Tracts. :lol:
  14. Sorry, just wandered back! a) shocked (I don't know why) to find the thread gone viral and b) apologies for the sub-scandal of the Smart Bananas. I assume this is a "before" example? :D
  15. Second favorite movie, ever! (Right after Life of Brian) I cannot tell a lie... I put that Chick Tract under that garbage.
  16. No idea, but when I was 10, it evidently suggested I was a woman in my 60s. No big, round, upright cursive here... It inspired asteadier to ask where I learned to write. I have apparently been a Spencer/Palmer script girl all my life. :D
  17. I tend to agree. I'd like to think the mods have better things to do than deal with another industry kerfluffle staged by someone else who can't bear the thought that someone might disagree with them. I do find that trait, particularly in a curriculum developer, to be an unfortunate peculiarity, though.
  18. Good to know. I usually watch online in the morning before the kids get up. It inspires me to house chores, in a frantic, paranoid sort of way. (I try not to watch the ones with active animal cruelty, though; they break my heart)
  19. Yup, me, too. So my vote for "none of the above" should not be taken in the subtext that I don't care to know, just that radio was not an option in the poll.
  20. I would think you would use "she" across the board, with the implication being that your friend has always been "she" and has just had a physical error corrected through surgery. I think Miss Mamners would say it is rude to insist on calling someone by a former name, regardless of the reason for change.
  21. What are these tortilla goodies of which you speak? Are they tortillas? Chips? Gluten free? I was there this morning and saw no such thing. (I admit to be addled from being at WF before)
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