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Everything posted by LaxMom

  1. $3.89 here per half gal. I pay $4/gal for organic, straight from the cow (as in, if I time it right, I can strain my own cow temperature milk from the milking bucket). If I get non-organic from the tank (same fields, same lifestyle, not certified hay), it's $3.
  2. And just as a warning to area parents, I plan to give out Dalek tracts with goodies this year. (and I might even send out Dalek Christmas cards.)
  3. I tend to agree; it's probably more do to with the top than your body. You know those cute, empire cut tops that you (I) think will hide that extra yardage of skin I have around the middle from having twins? Yeah, there is a *very* fine line between them camouflaging and looking like maternity clothes. ;)
  4. That's our house. Our school hours are 8-noon and that doesn't cover independent (assigned) reading. But there's a lot of navel gazing, pencil sharpening, etc. Even if they worked in the time allotted per subject, though, 2 hours wouldn't really be enough. Eta: my response would be the honest one: I couldn't possibly do that.
  5. Telling people things like that appears to be a new cultural norm. At least, that's what I'm telling myself after hearing about one woman's dd's psychological issues, meds list and the behavioral side effects of them, when I met her picking up my kids in the play area after my workout... And the gruesome details of the fertility of a new employee who was supposed to be shadowing me at work... I think our relatively anonymous culture makes people force intimacy on literal strangers. I wish they'd stop. I feel like I need to at least know your name before you start divulging the details of your daughter's therapy to me. Otherwise, I feel like some skeevy psychotherapy voyeur. But yeah, if some complete stranger told me their young children hated them, I'd probably get that horror smile and ask why.
  6. No lie. It's after midnight and I just got up out of my bed, having decided you were all insane, and came down to find... 10.5 x 8. Yeah, Walmart. They don't even get the order of dimensions right. What's next? We'll all be going around with wonky History Pockets when the construction paler sizing goes off? Good grief! Is nothing sacred? Eta: the label also says "college ruled is now blue!" What the heck color was it before!?! It was blue when I was in school. Was there a different interim color? I am ashamed to have come to the day that I am confused by office supplies.
  7. Maybe it's the weather. I think we're all addled by the heat. I can't say how many times I had to tell the boys to just.do.your.MAPS today when they were fooling around instead of doing their math.
  8. Download SpyBot Search and Destroy, then run it. That should take care of the issue.
  9. Well, because the ones who still have jobs may have them because they threaten legal action if they're let go? That seems like more of an argument that current employment is not an indication of employee quality. What if a person is laid off because their company no longer exists? That's certainly not a reflection on them. I was "unemployed"* for almost 6 years before I applied for my current position. I wasn't even asked about the gap in my resume, nor were my previous credentials in any way useful. I was hired because I have a professional background and am willing to educate myself to increase my value to the organization. (* I was not technically unemployed as in receiving benefits while pursuing employment. I just didn't have a job) Honestly, every time I hear someone say we need to let business self-regulate to improve the economy, it's scenarios like this that come to mind.
  10. I agree. Once is a glitch, consistently is an unpleasant feature of a dysfunctional process.
  11. This has been my experience as well, and the reason I stopped teaching classes that required continuity or outside work at our co-op. Unless you have parental motivation/buy in, it just won't happen. In my experience, no matter the age group, the only thing that worked was a self contained topic each week. Very frustrating.
  12. I appreciate visually attractive people (men and women) in the same way I might appreciate a well decorated room: it may be visually appealing, but not something I would want to live in. Attraction, for me, is much more mental. "Pretty to look at" doesn't do it.
  13. Bob's Red Mill also makes a GF cornbread mix. I'm not much on mixes, but I keep that one around.
  14. The IT Crowd Wire in the Blood MI-5 Waking the Dead 3rd Rock from the Sun Bones various Masterpiece Mystery Dr. Who Torchwood (though we're done with the series and I'm still angry with it) Monty Python's Flying Circus For the kids: Inspector Gadget The Hardy Boys & Nancy Drew Mysteries The Addams Family Fat Albert (they also like the Miss Marple and Poirot Masterpiece Mystery installments)
  15. Mammoth Math is working well for our guys. Bonus: it's cheap. They're 6, almost 7. We are using MEP with our daughter. She's 10.
  16. Well, you may be odd, but not alone. :D I am the compulsive researcher, but once I narrow the field to a manageable spreadsheet, we select it together. He does the majority of the scheduling and we both do the teaching. He works every fourth day, though, so he's home a lot.
  17. New York seems clear: if you turn 6 before December first, you must be enrolled for that school year, and you must complete the school year after your 16th birthday, should it fall during the school year. For GA, I would look at their enrollment rules. Because, clearly, one would not register and send one's child to school beginning the day after their 6th birthday in May, for instance. Here, compulsory attendance is 5-16, but school eligibility says you have to be 5 before September 1st. (They systematically backed that up over several years) If GA doesn't have a birthday cutoff, then I would think they would have to register as homeschoolers. If they do, and it's like ours, then he wouldn't be six in that timeframe. Though if it were me, I'd just register, as Starr suggested.
  18. Does this look anything like what you've got? http://m.managemylife.com/mmh/questions/134936-how-do-i-accessclean-the-filter-on-my-kenmore-dishwasher Or this? Ironically, it looks an awful lot like mine which is quite a bit newer than 1998. I don't think they change things much.
  19. Oh, yeah. That would be annoying. I wouldn't pay a deposit for someone to tell me how to fix my own stuff. I suspect the whole bolt turns with the arm. Can you grab the top of it with a vice grips and hold it still to move the nut with a wrench? Or jam something in it, if it's hollow?
  20. We just put our a/c in for the pending heat. Glad we did, too, because my dash thermometer was reading 107 late yesterday afternoon. The husbands was 111 in Annapolis. He was even hired back for OT today, to staff an additional paramedic unit because of the extreme heat. I hope they have lots of cold packs! Suddenly, I feel a little stupid for laughing at those mister canopies for the back yard.
  21. In times like these, I simply google "brand model <what the issue is>". somebody, somewhere, has had the issue, fixed it and, usually, photographed the process. My motto is: you can't break it more than broken.
  22. I haven't, but my mother did and had the PODs moved from WVa to ME. I think they're very well sealed, not like storing boxes in a garage. She had no issues with any vermin in her stuff.
  23. Yeah. I was at Barnes and Noble yesterday and they didn't have a copy of Watership Down. (They'd be happy to order it for me, though. :D)
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