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Everything posted by LaxMom

  1. I was sort of chubby when we got married (gained the newlywed weight before the wedding, I guess). I've been fatter after babies (lost 1 lb from delivery to Bailey's first birthday), I've been thinner between (was at my thinnest since highschool at the boys' first birthday... Apparently I only lose weight with twin nurslings). I'm probably actually closer to 15 lbs less (net) than when we got married. I still have about 15 to go until my target, but my body is more muscular than it has been for most of my adult life and I'm pleased with that.
  2. I agree. Would I dump the deal and look elsewhere? Probably not. Unless that's an indication of the overall professionalism of the company.
  3. Probably because she had already discussed offloading to spouses or hiring in maids and wanted to clarify that even when your plate was completely full you need to make it a priority. I don't think the article is well written, I just don't see it as promoting a stereotype.
  4. Holy out of context, Batman! That is after multiple paragraphs on putting our tasks on someone else's plate: Yes, EVEN if you are the only one with all the responsibilities at home. I agree. I was a single, working mother of a child in school in the 90s. I had a lot of responsibilities and no one to offload them to. MY biggest frustration with our particular school was that most things did not come home in my daughter's folder, but were announced at the various parent gatherings that took place during work hours.
  5. Other-yes. I believe there is evil in the world. I do not believe it is supernatural.
  6. No. Our pediatrician knows he has to justify medicating our children to us, and he has chosen to do so exactly one time in the past 7 years. I don't think we even own any kid medications. (we have, but I believe it has expired unopened and been tossed)
  7. You download the PDF import widget and edit it in OO Draw. There are also a number of free and pay web-based and downloadable editors. Look at CNet for their list/reviews.
  8. We use MM with the youngers, for practice, and MEP once they've gotten the basic arithmetic down. MEP is spiral so, going forward, we'll use MM for extra reinforcement. (we have the blue series, topic books, not the complete curriculum. I don't know how one compares to the other) MEP is free. You just have to print it. And ther is a Yahoo group for implementation, codes, etc. Search the K-8 board for it. There have been many discussions. I will say that my non-mathy daughter is comfortably working a year + ahead in MEP. Not because it's easier, she just understands it better than more traditional approaches.
  9. My kids all start yelling "Charlie's here!" and run out the door. The dog doesn't even bark. The year my boys went as Charlie for Halloween, we had a substitute driver (all collectively named "Not Charlie") who took a phone pic and texted it to him. He didn't recognize the number and was confused about how I had his cell phone number because he knew the kids,lol. My husband refers to him as my boyfriend.
  10. Actually, we had a plan last year because there was talk of cut backs and, though my husband has been with the department for 14 years, he was the most recently promoted officer so his job could have just gone away. Anyway, we decided that (since his pension would be liquidated in that case) we'd buy a used RV and take off, walking away from everything. We have enough skills and education to get jobs to pay the bills (more than that, but professional positions in our areas of expertise are scarce these days). We were a little bummed when it didn't happen, actually. Though we were mostly glad.
  11. We refied to a 15 year 6.5 years ago. I have 8.5 years left. I'm not sure I would refinance again at 0%. Maybe at your stage, but no. Where we are now.
  12. Yeah, my baby A was head down, B transverse. After Holden was born, Quinn laid around in there, stretching out, wiggling around, etc, for an hour and 20 minutes. Then he decided to join the world, too. I think he was just happy that other guy who was squishing him left. :) We agreed early on that there was going to have to be actual evidence in favor of a section at the time. Otherwise, it was my birth.
  13. I can't tell you how many times I "stole" eggs from Giant, only to discover them when everyone was strapped into carseats and I was putting the stroller in the back. It got so routine that one of the customer service ladies saw me coming to the desk one day and said " steal the eggs again?" with a chuckle. :ohmy: I mean, it was completely obvious to them that one does not spend hundreds on groceries and steal the $2 eggs.
  14. For the past 12 years, people have driven from out of state to park in front of my driveway. Usually, to visit someone in the houses around us that have been converted to apartments. And every.single.time have pitched a hussy fit at the cop writing the ticket. I had one woman harrass me for weeks, pulling into my driveway, screaming obscenities, peeling out and spraying the house and cars with gravel... One of the town cops had to walk onto her place of business and tell her to cease and desist or be prosecuted. People are moron enough to not see a driveway with cars parked in it also seem to have a huge sense of entitlement. If they travel to Annapolis, they should be aware that they are "entitled" to coming out and finding their vehicle just gone.
  15. I really liked my Bravado nursing bras during pregnancy, and I am a "needs support" kind of girl.
  16. Oops. I see some of my comments were deleted. My apologies. I only wished to express that the loudest nuts in any groups are the ones who tend to define the message for the rest, not make any political commentary.
  17. :lol: You will do fine! You've already gotten through the tough part. :001_smile:
  18. That is what you wear when the government (aliens/other groups) is trying to read your throughts. Generally right before you discover the implant is how they're REALLY controlling your mind. (which is to say, there are nutters that unfortunately seem to identify - loudly - with any group, much to the embarrassment of the non-nutters)
  19. Ah, yes, the 1950s, when "American was prosperous, strong and unified, and its culture was unapologetically Judeo-Christian"... except those pesky Judeos weren't exactly being unified into the country club, then, were they? :001_huh: And, yeah, what IS "animal liberation"? This whole thing makes me gag. When I first saw the "current" civil war reference, I thought it was laughable... and tragic that people are actually putting forth that amount of hyperbole with a straight face. Thanks, Susan, for seeing the same thing. Frankly, it makes me nervous that these venemous nutters seem to have a growing audience. Their message is violent. Can we go back to the days of civil discourse, please? "Civil" being the operative there.
  20. Seriously. We had the worst time naming the boys. Finding names that were not on the top 10 list for the past decade and also didn't match or create a weird pair was :svengo: My husband really wanted Aidan. We went round and round on a second name and ended up with Quinn. Well, you just can't go around calling Aidan Quinn, now can you? (And, of course, Aidan is one of the most popular names in their age group, so Holden worked out better all around)
  21. It wouldn't matter what their names were, I'd call them the wrong name anyway (no, not from nor have ever lived in NJ). Seriously, the boys are lucky they have names. Or, rather, they're not called Ainsley and Genevieve.
  22. But then I might need a tablet... How about if I just get a bigger iPhone?
  23. I think your explanation is bolded. He has widgets that date things. He doesn't actually need to know this information. You should be happy he can find his way home. :D ~Angela, who used to be Queen of the Traveling Geeks at the hotel bar.
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