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Everything posted by LaxMom

  1. :iagree: If you don't come up with an older workhorse model, I've been very happy with my Brother.
  2. Minority, perhaps, but not alone by any means. I prefer to stay home and be happy in my dinner induced haze. I did it once. I did not find it fun. I did make some lifelong friends in the checkout line at ToysRUs, though. :D
  3. Yup. All of those. And Target, though it depends on what lines are out currently. (Target just tends to be trendier than the others, who are pretty consistent)
  4. Many husband said there were flurries in Annapolis earlier. Just 40 degrees and raining all day here on the shore. Yuck, clammy. Seems like I'd better get to finishing the thumbs on those mittens and my kilt hose, though. {click click click clack}
  5. I wash my dog's bowls in the dishwasher. OTOH, my mother attempted to put a pair of tongs she had used to pick up a dead vole one of the cats had left on the floor. THAT was gross. Microscopic vole funk forever swirling around in the dishwasher?!?! :ack2: (yes, I realize this is completely irrational)
  6. I guess I, too, would be an absolutist, which is a little shocking to me. I believe killing is wrong, 100% of the time. I also know without a doubt, that I would kill to defend my children. Why? Because I would be making the choice between two wrongs and I would choose in favor of the innocent. I think we would all agree that rape and slavery are absolute wrongs. I also think that what constitutes rape or slavery is cultural and/or contextual: in North American culture, the line is drawn at the willingness of both parties. In cultures where wives (or even female staff) are expected to be physically available to their husband (employer/master) is the violation the same? Or does that only apply in situations where there is a cultural expectation of absolute right over one's own body. (Which, of course, we don't really have here, but I think we have a higher expectation.) I recently listened to a local radio show about a local farm. In one segment, the farmer talked about having letters that were sent to his grandfather by Japanese POWs after their return home. Now, on the face of it, these men were not free, sent to labor on this farm, presumably without pay. That would fit the definition of slavery. But the letters were updates on their families (they had no idea about the safety of their families during the war), and expressions of gratitude for being given something productive to do during their captivity. So, then, it's not slavery, right? So, yeah, I think there are things that are absolutely right or wrong, but I think culture and context shape how any act is defined.
  7. Difference being, you can always put the things in your pockets back on the shelf before leaving. If you've consumed the item, you can't. Actually, I'm pretty sure concealment is considered shoplifting, at least in MD. I know that most places here that have serve yourself bars (salad, soup, olives, bulk dry goods) have a sign that says something to the effect that "sampling is stealing" because they cannot exact payment for an already consumed by-weight item. Otherwise, they don't care. So, my kids are welcome to nosh on bananas while shopping at Trader Joes (sold by the banana) but not anywhere else (sold by the lb). I'm very glad my local Giant had very understanding staff when the boys were young because I accidentally stole a carton of eggs every.single.time I went shopping for a couple of years. Didn't matter where I put them, I would discover them when I was loading the car, haul everyone back in and pay for them. Maybe it helped that I always looked completely strung out. ;)
  8. Let me see if I can dig up a copy of ours. Otherwise, I'm just bumping. :)
  9. It won't harden up. It's a sauce, not melted caramels. As luck would have it, though, somebody posted this to the boards the other day and it's been languishing in a window on my phone. :D http://www.epicurious.com/recipes/food/views/Caramel-Dipped-Apples-102427
  10. Yes. And when I was dealing with chronic fatigue earlier this year, he was my auxiliary (non-fogged) brain.
  11. Indeed. My entire wardrobe consists mainly of jeans, casual skirts, and black or brown t-shirts. My hair is graying and I will not be dying it (much to my mother's dismay). I keep it up with whatever stick is handy. That's a long way from grocery shopping in what appear to be my husband's cast off sweats and an ill-fitting t-shirt. I'm not a fashionista by any stretch, but it doesn't take any more effort to put on clothes that fit properly. (ok, I do spend 15 seconds putting on lipstick. Red lipstick makes me immensely happy.)
  12. Um... I don't think raw rice absorbs water like that. (Alton Brown did a whole thing on rice in the salt shaker once.) It's the waiting. You could get some silica gel at the craft store, though. And you can't take the battery out of an iPhone. Alas... Check your insurance. I know my iPhone insurance (not optional through Verizon, if I recall correctly) covers drops, water, and pretty much anything I could do to the phone.
  13. OHMYBOB! That first one? :svengo: I didn't even know you could get jeans to fit that badly.
  14. "Upcrease" is not a word. You have shamed NPR. That is all. (Never say I am not an equal opportunity grammar officer.) (eta: It may actually NOT have been Robert Siegel... he is currently reporting from LV.)
  15. That's what we do, too. I think I'm getting bathroom drywall or tile this year. :D
  16. I do not buy jeans that: Make me look like I am wearing an adult diaper Have a waist that is higher than my natural hip (I have 1.5" between my hip and rib cage and do not wish to be tied like a sausage in that little area) Have pockets disproportionate to the tuchas - either gigantic or teeny-tiny, they make the space back there appear HUGE Have pockets that rest on the backs of my legs, partially or entirely Have elastic. I'm sorry, I am not a toddler or pregnant, and I have opposable thumbs. Bunch. Anywhere. Tight ankles, knees, behind... just no. (this rules out ON jeans for me, "reverse" cut, and anything labeled "skinny") Have lycra. They grab/bunch in crazy places and spend the day sliding down my hiney to give the diaper butt with misplaced pockets look. :ack2: I also rule out pre-fab "wear" with as much prejudice as painted on "grill marks". Eta: I liked the dark wash Levi's but I have the same problem they described: waist seems to bear no relation to the size of the rest of the pants. They are squeezing the life out of you if you try a skin tight 6 or a 16 you're positively swimming in.
  17. I made it magenta. I think you missed it the first time. It doesn't matter if they're right next door, it is perfectly reasonable for you to have a holiday during which you can eat and enjoy ALL of the food and not have to worry about gruesome, lasting health issues because people just don't get it. Stay home, enjoy yourselves, and head over in the evening to visit with the family over coffee. And, if you're really feeling generous, bring a GF, high omega pumpkin pie with you. :D
  18. I see my husband's extended family will be at your house for Thanksgiving. Excellent. Thank you. :001_smile: My reply would be something like: if you want to bring the potatoes, will you please be prepared and on time this year? Otherwise, I will be happy to make them. But, then, I run out of nice fairly quickly (like, the second time) when people turn up for big family things hours late.
  19. I would definitely call the local zoning office. We live in a rural area, but in town, and would definitely not be allowed to run farm equipment in our back yard (we can't even keep personal laying hens in an area where chickens outnumber people by 100,000:1). If there is no zoning issue, then your only other option is to call the police. We do not have mandated quiet hours like some areas. According to one of the officers in town, that means that my peace can be disturbed at any hour. His, however, cannot, as in, he cannot hear a loud, outrageous party and tell people they have to quiet down, no matter what the hour, unless there has been a complaint by a private citizen.
  20. Shut.UP! That is FABULOUS! (and totally going on my wish list)
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