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Excelsior! Academy

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Everything posted by Excelsior! Academy

  1. See the bolded. Young adults don't always know where to go from here and don't know how to get started. It doesn't matter if you literally hand it to them on a silver platter, some really just don't. I've found that if you can get the ball rolling it greatly helps. Can she find a job? Even a part-time or babysitting one? Could you set up the GED date and purchase a study guide? Or set up an appointment with the military branch she is interested in? Our birds sometimes need to be coaxed out of the nest a bit to realize they have wings to fly on their own.
  2. Agreed with above. Depending on the level and book it can range anywhere to 1/2 hourish a day to 2 or more hours, averaging out to about 5(ish) hours a week. Experiments and chemistry equations take a bit of time, whilst reading the text and answering questions at the end of the chapter take a bit less.
  3. Doesn't the series parallel the fall of the Roman Empire? A classically educated person or one that has a good grasp on ancient history should be able to pull more from the series than average. The ending helps readers see that one can fight the system and engage in whatever necessary to accomplish that, however no one walks away unchanged. Not even the "hero."
  4. Yes! Here in OK, too! We haven't joined, though due to our individual personal circumstance it wouldn't be a terrible idea. I still can't justify joining.
  5. I can't remember the specifics, but we've flown Spirit more than once. If I remember you pay a fee to choose your seat, one for your bag, and pay on the plane for snacks and such. Even with all of the "extra" fees and no frills flight it was worth it to our family. We have a large family and wouldn't have flown other wise. The plane was clean and the stewards nice.
  6. Dd's classes don't start until next week. She's a commuter so no leaving for the semester. She is driving to the campus today to locate classes and get the lay of the land.
  7. Yes. It burns! It is a chemical like burn that nothing but time will cure. A mistake one will only make once.
  8. I see that you are new here. Welcome! When my dc were in ps, we had a similar set up, bring snacks and drinks for the class on show and tell day. Our show and tell day occurred pretty infrequently, like a couple of times a semester. Unless it is a true food allergy, I would let it go. When we provided snacks the teacher might split a standard sized goldfish bag between 20 kids. A tiny handful of goldfish several times a week won't derail an otherwise uber healthy diet. If you *really* don't want your child to partake, then ask the teacher if you can leave snacks for your child, then just restock as needed. When its time to send your snacks you can either send something inexpensive like goldfish, while still letting your child eat the pre-stocked and agreed upon snack or just plan to budget for one for the class that you would rather send.
  9. The only university we've researched so far allows Juniors to enroll with payment and Seniors to enroll a maximum of 2 classes for free. Is it up to the individual universities to make their guidelines? What about Community Colleges and Vocational Schools? I have internet searched to no avail.
  10. The only university we've researched so far allows Juniors to enroll with payment and Seniors to enroll a maximum of 2 classes for free. Is it up to the individual universities to make their guidelines? What about Community Colleges and Vocational Schools? I have internet searched to no avail.
  11. Another large family here. I've told you my story before and so will spare you the details again. We get comments all of the time, mostly positive or curious. Due to us growing our family non-traditionally people tend to think of us as saints. Um...no. We are normal people. We dress according to some social norms, but not others. We eat out occasionally and my kids even participate in extracurricular activities. I agree with what has been said: don't stare, don't assume, invite us anyway.
  12. Obligatory other - anything with strawberries!! One dd is allergic, so we don't keep them on hand anymore. If I *had* to choose, it would be strawberry shortcake.
  13. I have 5 those ages, with some older and younger. I try to set up work they can do independently in addition to the work they do with me. Having an extra activity box helps also. When we go to the table, we all go to the table. Even a 7 year old can work on handwriting, look at books, or even play a quiet activity while you work with the others. If you want to keep it school focused that activity can be manipulatives like tangrams or pattern blocks. Even an old fashioned workbook can be useful. I keep a day-of-the-week box stocked with puzzles, fun activities, and school activities that only come out during school when free time allows. If an activity gets tired then it is switched out before that day's box goes into rotation again. So the Monday box would have different activities from the Tuesday box, but the Monday box would keep its contents and be brought back out each Monday. If one activity gets little use it will be switched out for one that is fresher. Rarely would I change out an entire box's contents. I try to stock enough that more than one child can work. Right now my Monday box has a Geopuzzle coordinating to what we are studying, several sets of tangrams with idea cards, an audio book, and a dollar store football peg game that requires two players. Hopefully my 9 and 11 year old boys will like it and practice a bit of math at the same time. ;)
  14. We passed up the "perfect" house because of a pool when my many children were very young. I cannot imagine the effort it would've taken me to keep everyone safe. We ended up purchasing a house with a neighborhood pool. If I were looking now, with everyone four years older, I absolutely would buy the house with the pool. If we had fewer younger children when we were originally looking, then yes we would have considered the other house.
  15. We had our water turned off once by the city. It was a misunderstanding due to moving in and date of occupancy...so, don't worry, we pay our bills! 😉 Anyway, after the repercussions of that and having the water turned back on the same day, there isn't any way we would without a good reason. We do drip the faucets a bit if it might freeze while we are gone on a short trip.
  16. Oh my, so many things!! I wouldn't have lots of children. I had a period where I wanted exactly three. First I would have a boy, then a girl followed by another boy. Then after having children I lamented that I would only have one. It is even written in my eldest's baby book, by multiple people, that she would be the only one. My children would *never* throw fits in the grocery store. Never. Or wear mismatched clothing to the grocery store.
  17. Wow! I can't imagine what his future wife or kids may think. It is so public, it is bound to be seen. How do future children prevent dating an unknown half-sibling?
  18. Ugh! Unless it is a literal leash, just don't! Homeschooling is not a symptom of poor parenting! Maybe abusers use homeschooling as a cover, but honestly if you don't want your children around why would you homeschool? Its a lot of flippin work! Even if you aren't actually schooling them. When will the news stories end with...and the killer went to public school?
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