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Excelsior! Academy

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Everything posted by Excelsior! Academy

  1. I'm a couch to 5K drop out, but I'll give it a shot. Starting Monday?
  2. Here in OK the public school districts don't allow homeschoolers to participate in sports or any other activity for that matter. We do have access to several private and homeschool leagues. They even play the public schools in games.
  3. Look at The Daily Connoiseur and Outfit Posts one suitcase series. Both have applicable capsule wardrobe examples and advice.
  4. Poor kid! Circumcision at 15 without his permission? Bleh!! What?!? Um...no. I do this at church all. the. time.
  5. Okay, haven't read the thread, but to the bolded....What does this mean for him? If *Gothard* couldn't find anyone to marry, and *he* never had children, hasn't God essentially cursed *him* according to ATI's teachings?
  6. Jell-o keeps being autocorrected to hello by my bossy phone. It clearly has jell-o issues!!
  7. No more fluff? Ahhh!!!! Fluff 1 container cottage cheese 1 drained can pineapple tidbits 1 package dry strawberry hello 1 container cool whip Mix well and refrigerate. Simple and healthy. 😉
  8. So many things. Listen to older, wiser mothers. Take a year to deschool after pulling from public. Focus on reading together vs a set schedule that *had* to be completed each day. Relax a bit in math. Realize earlier that oldest and Saxon were not a match.
  9. If I remember correctly, this is how it was when my girls were in public school. Doctor's note or the absence was UN-excused. No, phone calls from mom did NOT count. You got a total of 3 unexcused absences per year. Oh, and every three tardies equaled an unexcused absence. There was only one allowed drop off area. Most students in our neighborhood were drop offs, so if you got to the drop-off line at the end, well too bad for you, you got a tardy.
  10. This. ^ Bolded especially. Thank you. Again, thank you. This is excellent!
  11. I'm not sure of the correct words. Maybe the hypocritical nature of it all. I know other people have been hypocrites and fallen hard, but this is the first time(s) I have been shocked and truly feel foolish. Maybe I was starting to drink the Kool-aid?
  12. My family and I are Christians and we have a large family. We aren't quiverfull, nor do we hold to certain fundamentalist beliefs. Heck, I even wear skinny jeans and yoga pants. When the Doug Phillips scandal broke I was shocked. And now I'm shocked at the Duggar scandal. I feel like a blessed fool. How could I have not seen through this? I know this is frowned upon, but I may delete later.
  13. Bookfinder.com They have an isbn calculator that tells you which company will give you the most $. I've sold through them on Amazon and Textbookrush.
  14. Agree!! A summer ago, my then three-year-old was taking swimming lessons at the Y. Her instructer was very attentive and there were two lifeguards watching the pool. She starting going under and couldn't get up. She was directly below the lifeguard, where the instructor asked her to stay. If I hadn't gotten the lifeguard's attention, it is doubtful the instrutor or lifeguard would've seen her in time. Terrifying!!!
  15. Yes, and yes. 100% I have always disliked my name. Looking at the list just proves how much I dislike it.
  16. Woah! I knew my name wasn't super popular, but I am surprised at the alternatives....Alianna, Nakia, Darci, Rina, Muriel, Zelma, Singne, Venice, Orthea, Vita. I think I've only met a couple of people with any of those names.
  17. My Grandmother's name was Helena - He (short e, not long) - LEE - na. I could see why it would bug you if it wasn't your name, but I've always thought her pronunciation was quite beautiful.
  18. Dating Divas has a great date book idea. I made one for dh one year for Christmas. It did take a bit of time, but not much $. Dating Divas also has a 10 dates for under $20 idea. You basically wrap two $2 bills into a scroll then wrap that with a budget date idea. Put all 10 of the rolled scrolls into a jar. I found the link! http://www.thedatingdivas.com/corie/10-dates-for-20/
  19. Yes. It gets brutally hot here so we justify some school work, but it is tough she the rest of the world is on break, the pool is open and the neighbor kids are out.
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