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Excelsior! Academy

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Everything posted by Excelsior! Academy

  1. No. I bled due to Placenta Previa with my second child. By my second (or third?) trimester it had corrected itself. She is almost 16 and perfectly healthy. My mom had a monthly period while pregnant with me. Yes, every month.
  2. I can't remember, but I voted 5 weeks. Time off is directly related to the number of years worked at the company.
  3. Yes! Even when were in a deep recession you could drive by any restaurant, fast food or upscale, and the parking lots would be packed.
  4. I believe it. When my girls were in gymnastics most older team members went directly from school to the gym and left practice after 8 or 8:30. Some lived an hour away. I know fast food was the norm for many. Same with our fellow church members. Most go out to eat after Sunday morning service and many Wednesday before Bible class. Add in sports throughout the week and weekends and yep, I'd bet about 1/3 are eating out pretty much daily. It *does* mean 2/3 are not. We would be in that group, which is the majority thankfully.
  5. Not to mention the fact they were selling them at $30 a pop. THIRTY DOLLARS!!!
  6. We had a conversation on the way home about whether they could trigger seizures.
  7. I want to publicly apologize for all of the times I purchased my children those overpriced flashy light up wands at public events. We spent the morning at Disney on Ice and had a sweet little cherub behind us that was overly fond of his little blinking princess wand. I will never purchase one of those again.
  8. Netflix is losing their Epix contract and losing big name movies at the end of September. What movies and shows are worth watching that won't be there after September?
  9. Oooh, oooh! Send them over here!! I purchase these all the time and never can find any! Is there a secret portal from my house to yours?
  10. Why on earth would anyone want to wear a dress with long sleeves and bare legs whilst barely covering their derriere?
  11. We are conservative Christians of the young earth kind and we love SOTW.
  12. I don't know your budget. The Daily Connoisseur has great videos about a ten item wardrobe. If that seems too daunting start with 2 bottoms that fit well like a pair of jeans and a pair of black pants or your favorite skirt, then find 5 tops that work with both. Bam an instant 10 outfits. As for daily maintenance, google a couple of simple go-to hairstyles. For make-up try a BB cream, eyeliner or mascara and a tinted lip balm. If you are a jewelry gal an inexpensive pair of faux (or real!) pearl stud earrings really brighten up your face and make you look and feel pulled together.
  13. I remember people being okay with #1 and excited for #2. Number three caused people to make comments about her always being the baby in the family. Of course, we were "allowed" to have a third because the first two were the same gender. When #4 came along people did the whole :confused1: and I was even told, "I'm sorry." We got the next four all at once, but when I was expecting #9 people had pretty much given up on us or at least shut up about it. I did have a, "How did THAT happen?!?" comment. I suppose I *could've* explained it to her, but she might've been embarrassed. Anyway.....Congratulations! It has been my experience that once people get over their shock they are excited about new babies. They just have to warm to the idea a bit.
  14. Unacceptable. The op stated deliberately deceiving. Deliberately deceiving is much different than a fluid grade placement or a child studying various subjects at various levels and the parent splitting the difference. A deliberate deception is always wrong.
  15. Of course! Reality tv shows were all the rage in the Victorian era!!
  16. Yes! You can't pick and choose with immersion. You've got to take the good with the bad. That said, to each their own. It's a pretty harmless way to pass the time.
  17. Yes! My children wait for history everyday and will savor it slowly. English, math, and other subjects, meh. Story of the World is the highlight of my dc's day!
  18. Yes. It is used for both and pretty easy to understand the context. No one would bat an eye if used to describe a big loud fuss. Fwiw, I did read it as female anatomy and had a private chuckle.
  19. :001_smile: This has been my experience. Oh my! Most of my family's and my own runs low too! Great to know. This.^ Double this.^^
  20. Yes! Thankfully, we have a great homeschooling community and live in a state where it is easy to homeschool. That in itself confuses people. My own, dear, sweet step-mother asked me where I will get dd's transcript. When I replied, "Microsoft Excel," she looked at me like :confused1: . If I ever say anything to my mom about homeschooling, she tells me to call the hotline. You know the one, the homeschool hotline.
  21. And y'all thought us Oklahomans weren't very smart! Ha! Take that!! ;)
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