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Excelsior! Academy

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Everything posted by Excelsior! Academy

  1. Yes, I'm sure. I've gone to the local and main sites for our large chains...AMC and Warren. I even tried Fandango. Neither are listing times for Saturday for Jurassic Park. Warren says they list by 5pm on Tuesdays. Surely they know before then.
  2. Having a foundation in geography is a huge plus when tackling high school readings and in depth history. Preferably one would at least rotate a run through of history and geography. Year 1 geography, year 2 Ancients and so on until following Moderns in year 5 with another year of geography.
  3. Why don't theaters release movie times for the upcoming weekend? Surely they know what they are playing a week or more in advance.
  4. Interrupting this thread to showcase my immaturity. I can't help but giggle every time I read or hear fracking. It sounds like a bad word, albeit a "legal" one. Hee, hee. Carry on. On a side note, I live in OK so I know fracking is no laughing matter.
  5. Day 3 complete. I had a harder time getting up this morning. It started sprinkling a bit, which was nice but made the air a bit muggier.
  6. This. I abhor 3 ring binders and avoid them like the plague when possible. We keep the workbooks as is and write in them.
  7. I immediately changed the password, and no, I don't think my bank info is attached just my debit card. According to Amazon only the last 4 numbers would've been available. We do pay with Paypal occasionally, but don't have our bank account linked to it either.
  8. Whoa. This has to be it! Couldn't Bad Guy use his talents doing a real job? I'll have dh check for a key logger.
  9. Will do both. Thank you for suggesting these!! I hadn't thought of changing accounts.
  10. Thank you for your suggestions. I will fax and email and request a new account. The amount was only $19.99 billed 2x. One was stopped, one wasn't so only one $19.99 charge was complete.
  11. No, it was my name and billing address. That is part of the problem. It was a card I don't own, but everything else is "ours."
  12. Agreed!! Yes, the card was valid and charged, just under our Amazon account. I am seriously befuddled.
  13. Our school's car pool lane did the same thing! Up thread someone mentioned early start times due to Central time zone. We are Central time zone and our elementary started at 9 and released at 3:45. They lined up at 3:30, but if you tried to pick a student up before 3:45 you had to go to the office and sign them out. Even at 3:30.
  14. Yes! I suppose I would be angrier if my actual credit card had been charged, but then I suppose my bank would've stepped in and helped deal with it. The card was added to my account. Why? I am more upset that someone has access to my personal information like address, telephone, purchases, etc.
  15. I log into my email Friday morning and see a purchase for a Playstation gift card on my Amazon account. We do not have a Playstation, nor did we make the purchase. I contacted Amazon and was told another credit card was added to my account on Thursday. (The purchase was made on a Friday.) I checked my bank account, but it hadn't been charged. It was a card no one in our family owns. Apparently someone got access to our Amazon account and purchased two Playstation gift cards. One was cancelled, and one went through. Amazon told me to change my password and their investigation team would contact me in one business day. I was to leave the card attached to my account so they could investigate it. I called Amazon for a second time on Monday, they told me someone would contact me by the end of the business day, but to leave the card attached to my account. "Because I changed my password it would be secure and no one would have access to my account anyway." I called again today. After being told that *I* must've clicked on a spam email or left a computer up so that someone could log into my account, but don't worry because the card has been removed, I am livid. They have also informed me that their site is secure. Oh, and they can't remove the Playstation gift card because the person in question already used the code. What?! 1st..my hubby is in IT and keeps our network secure. And, no, I haven't clicked on any spam emails. 2nd...I am a stay at home mom that doesn't access my account from my "work computer," and if I did I would be likely working not ordering from Amazon. 3rd...I was at the pool and a class with my kiddos on those dates and my phone was with me the entire time and my house was locked, so I doubt someone just snuck in, logged into my account, and ordered a Playstation gift card while I was away.
  16. Where do schools get out at 2:30? Every district around here lets out after 3. Our elementary used to end at 3:45, granted they started at 9, but you were allowed to drop off 8-8:30ish.
  17. Day 2 of Week 1 complete. It is much easier to run in the spring when the weather is nice and the sky isn't dark. Dh made a themed running playlist for us. It gave us something to focus on and the tempo of the music helped us keep pace making today's run easier than Monday's.
  18. I noticed this too. It isn't including the warm up in the 20 minutes. 5 minute warm-up then alternate 60 seconds running and 120 seconds walking for a total of 20 minutes. The cool-down walk isn't added to that 20 minutes either, so it really is a 30 minute block. Mine has a wrist strap. That is why I dropped out in the fall. We didn't consistently run and it didn't get easier. Woohoo!! Thank you!! They do seem a bit spendy, but if they work it will be worth it. Any recs? Yes. :P
  19. I plan to do absolutely nothing on the in between days. Our family might take a leisurely walk on Sundays but other than that, nothing. I'll be lucky if I finish to the end of the cycle. If *you* decide to do something, I will cheer you on and be your biggest fan. From my couch. :tongue_smilie:
  20. Dh and I went this morning. We used a free C25K app. I noticed that one of running times the app said run then immediately said walk again. I don't know if I accidentally hit a button or if it was a glitch in the app. We completed day one, with the exception of that 60 second run time, without feeling like we were dying. It helps that we tried this program last year and knew what to expect. Last year I couldn't even finish the run times without feeling like I would die. Does anyone have a recommendation for a comfy sports br@ ?
  21. I had trouble making beyond week 3 or 4. It likely isn't a flaw in the schedule, just lack of consistency on my part. There are just too many excuses early in the morning. Hopefully, the accountability of the hive will change that.
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