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Everything posted by Aludlam

  1. We only just introduced fractions a couple of weeks ago. This tower worked like a DREAM!
  2. I'm not familiar with this one at all. Care to dish on what you've learned?
  3. You guys are GREAT! Thanks for pointing that out. I looked it up. It's taught in Step 14. "Behind" is a spelling word for Step 6. hummmm.....
  4. Welcome! I lurked for over a year before I made my first post! I didn't know enough about homeschooling to even ask questions. :lol: I wouldn't be where I am today without the generous support of my fellow homeschoolers on this board. Enjoy the Journey.
  5. It might be a simple crazy or crazy simple answer. But, why is "behind" spelled the way it is? What is making the "i" long? We are Southerners who use AAS if that helps.
  6. Hi, The soldier we had adopted actually came home this week! We are in need of a soldier to send the care package of goodies that we have already gotten. Has anyone ever used anysoldier? thanks http://anysoldier.com/
  7. You guys just need to plan a pj day in front of the tv! Hey, everybody needs one every once in a while.
  8. Well, I was faced with this same question today. I decided on 90%. I prefer 100%. She scored a 91 today. I marked the wrong problems, handed it back to her and she fixed them in like 10 seconds. We got out of sync this morning b/c a Curious George movie came on PBS. :glare: There have been many times I have handed sheets back and said that X number of problems are wrong, find them and fix them. I worry that if I let her go with 80%, then there is 20% she didn't master. 20% + 20% + 20% + 20% = the education I received in ps.
  9. Oh, now the song is stuck in my head! :willy_nilly: Have you watch Super Why?
  10. Thanks for taking the time to respond. I've got my choices narrowed down to Kingfisher and Usborne.
  11. Thanks so much for responding. So, let me get this straight ... the tm coordinates the experiments (the kits and book?) to reinforce the book you have been reading? I am so not a schedule girl (Sonlight), but I like to read/do things orderly. So, usually I take the schedule and convert it into a master list. kwim? thanks so much!
  12. I've looked at NOEO for a while now. I am interested to learn about the tm and the flow of the program. Does the tm coordinate the reading material with experiments? like on day X we will read this book and then perform an experiment that will support and reinforce the material we read in the book? kwim? I can remember reading a long time ago that the tm was "just" a schedule. Can anyone who owns or has used this program please tell me more about it? thanks bunches
  13. I would love to hear what you decided to do!
  14. Can you elaborate on this? Also, has anyone ever used the Kingfisher Encyclopedia of Geography? I was looking at it last night on Amazon. http://www.amazon.com/Kingfisher-Geography-Encyclopedia-Encyclopedias/dp/0753455919/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1290532679&sr=8-1
  15. Thanks! I think that is exactly what she saw. If you don't mind me asking, where did you get yours? I read on one of the threads, that they might sell them at Walmart. thanks again
  16. I have no idea how to knit. I crochet. Sometime recently, my dd9 saw a commercial about some sort of knitting machine. I think it's some sort of loom that you wrap the tread around and then voila! you've knitted something. Does anyone have any idea what this is? Or better yet, does anyone have a better suggestion? I think this thing was in the $20 price range. fyi, this would be a Christmas present for her. thanks bunches
  17. http://www.amazon.com/Kingfisher-Science-Encyclopedia-Charles-Taylor/dp/0753458861/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1290475973&sr=1-1
  18. Basically, I'm looking for a refresher for myself, that can later be used by my littles. Kingfisher Science Encyclopedia looks promising (good price on Amazon too!). Anyone, like/don't like/love/hate??? Have a better suggestion? thanks so much!
  19. I'm trying to understand how to "use" these books (BFSU,etc). I see that in the first one that it is 41 lesson plans for K-2. Is it really K-2, or could an older child use it? Also, do you use supplemental reading materials? Are these assigned in the book, or are they of your own choosing? Could you jump into the next level (I forget the name), without ever having done the first level? Is this a complete curriculum? I'm totally confused and rambling. I am a scientist, and have never found a curriculum that meshed well with us. If anyone uses this, could you please, please tell me what/how??
  20. When you "preread" so many books in advance, how do you keep up with it all? Meaning, do you take notes? To what detail? thanks
  21. I've been looking at BFB today, for myself. What did you use?
  22. BINGO!!!! Walmart and Walgreens. We are in North MS. They were between .25 and .33 each.
  23. We're big fans of Magic School Bus here. We also really like Liberty's Kids.
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