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Everything posted by Aludlam

  1. I have been tossing around adding a workbook to AAS for DD9. It's not b/c we don't love AAS. It's because sometimes we just don't get to it. I have no intentions of stopping the program, but I know if we have something that she can do alone, it will get done everyday. KWIM? She should be further along than she is, but we are where we are. We are in book 3 of AAS. She's an amazing reader, though. So, I'm thinking about adding Spelling Workout (We did book 1 before switching to AAS in 2nd grade.) If we do that, which book do you think would correspond well with AAS3? What do you guys think? thanks so much! FYI: We all really love AAS.
  2. Just picking everyone's brains .... Which sessions are "can't miss" at the Memphis conference?
  3. I don't know if this will help or not, but I hang small pics down the side of our bookcase. I also hang small/medium ones along the top of the windows. Think eclectic window treatments! hth
  4. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE those white bookshelves on the wall! Did you make those or purchase? Please dish! thanks
  5. Thank you guys for writing back! So, If I was trying to give myself a good strong 5th grade education (:blink:), is this the one I want? I do want something that reads the "smoothest". I'm trying to stay at least one year ahead of the kiddos, and boy is it tough! Kuddos to all of you with older children, b/c I know you've already been here!
  6. We will be visiting the Casey Jones museum in Jackson,TN this summer. Can anyone suggest a good book for me to read to the littles? thanks
  7. Which ones are your favorites?
  8. Maybe we could all wear a red carnation! :lol: A blind date with people we've talked to forever! I love it!
  9. Me too. I'm still confused .... what grade "should" your oldest be in according to the public school calendar? For your oldest, have you looked into Explode the Code and All About Spelling? They are great for phonics/spelling.
  10. You can also listen to the audio lectures at Peace Hill Press. I listened to the lectures and use the workbooks only.
  11. We like Zipping, Zapping, Zooming Bats. http://www.amazon.com/Zipping-Zapping-Zooming-Lets-Read-Find-Out/dp/006445133X/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1297368154&sr=1-1
  12. For plain old worksheets, I rubber band them together and throw them in a box!
  13. Well truthfully, we just really LIKE the pictures. But, I will be using these for breakfast/ lunch read alouds for my bunch (4yrs-9yrs). The pictures really help my ds4 and dd5 stay involved with the story, while the text (and pictures too) keep my 9 year old with us. I have lots of "traditional" picture books that I read to my littles too. This is just a way of two birds, one stone... kwim? thanks for the suggestions!
  14. That looks great. Do you know how many illustrations are in the book? I don't see any in the previews. thanks!
  15. I'm looking for recommendations of richly illustrated editions of these classics to use as read alouds. I prefer unabridged/very well done abridged/retold (Sutcliff, etc, etc, etc) editions. I'm currently looking for: Robinson Crusoe Pride and Prejudice The Pied Pieper of Hamlin A Christmas Carol Oliver Twist Alice in Wonderland Tom Sawyer 20,000 Leagues Beneath the Sea Journey to the Center of the Earth East of the Sun, West of the Moon Moby Dick Treasure Island Kidnapped Pinocchio War of the Worlds The Jungle Book And any others you would like to throw in! :001_smile: Thanks!
  16. I'm looking at some of the Classic Starts books on Amazon. How have you liked them?
  17. I don't even know what I want, so I really don't even know how to ask this question. I'm hoping that someone out there can point me in the right direction. Background: Oldest is in the 3rd grade and the last time I read anything "great" other than the Bible was in high school. Today: I'm really starting to lay a "concrete" literature/history plan for my dc. I've spent the day going through the WTM and other sources, looking at the list of recommended lit. books at various grades. I've come up with a basic skeleton outline of some of the books that I'm sure that I want them to read. I would like to start studying some of these books now myself (in order to be able discuss the books with dc at the appropriate time). Honestly there are books on my 5th grade list that I've never read. I'm looking for something to help me "learn" (explain??) the literature as I read it. Clear as mud, I know. I've looked at the samples of Omnibus, and really like the commentary. I really don't know what I'm looking for. I think it would be something other than Cliff notes. Some of the other things I've googled, seem to be list of essay type questions with no "given" information, that's not what I want either. I want something to take the place my high school A.P. teacher who would stand at the front of the class and explain in depth what we had read.... kwim?? Any help/advice would be greatly appreciated.
  18. Please point me in the direction of the Kingfisher History Enc. that everyone seems to love. While you're there ... would you also tell me why it's loved so much? thank you!
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