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Everything posted by Aludlam

  1. I'm trying to figure out how to fit all our IR into the day. Dd9 is reading through Sonlight 2 Adv readers (not sure what they are called now) plus all the additional ones I added to the list (doubled the list). For history, we are reading a variety of books. I'm reading most of them aloud to everyone, but there are several subjects that she will be reading on her own. She reads one chapter of a NIVr bible everyday. She also has a few chemistry books for this year too. Her primary reading time is "rest time". It's a 2 hour window in the afternoon that I let the kids watch videos, play quietly and just veg out in their rooms. She usually reads the first hour and vegs the 2nd hour. She needs the break. At night I let her read for pleasure before lights out. This will be her first year reading history/science books on her own (usually stuff below her reading level). Should I cut back on the novels during the time she is reading those? How do you guys handle this? thanks!
  2. That's kind of what I was thinking, too. thanks :001_smile:
  3. Well, I'm hoping to move on to FLL4 this year. We do a lot of dictionary work on our own. I did think about the letter writing, but then, I don't remember the last time I wrote a letter myself. thanks!
  4. This is our first year using FLL (we moved from GWG). We are doing FLL3, one lessons per day, 5 days a week (lots of it is review for us). I would like to know if you do the optional units in the back of the book? Why? and How? Also, if you have FLL4, is there a lot of review from FLL3 in the beginning? I'm just trying to lay down a rough skeleton schedule for this year. thanks!
  5. Have you looked at xtramath.org? It's a great and free!
  6. I want you all to know how much I appreciate the time that you have taken to help me and mine. After reading all the comments, praying, weighing pros and cons, reading, and praying some more ... I've come up with what I think will work for us. Sometimes, I get caught up in "check marking boxes" and I forget my own advice about this all being a marathon. So, in a nutshell here is what we are going to do. MUS (main program) finish gamma then on to delta. Horizons 3 - Lessons 1-40, 2 pages per day selected problems only. Lessons 41-160 one page per day (with the option to accelerated as I see fit -- if she already shows mastery). Then move into Horizons 4 before the end of the year with probably the same game plan for the first 40 or so lessons. Daily Word Problems (we need lots of practice) grades 3 and 4, 2 "days" per day. We just found Xtramath and will be using it for math facts and speed drills. How about that?
  7. I agree with the previous posters. I use to be super worried about this too. But, then I started to pay attention to my own reading (oral and silent) ... I skip lots of words too. I would certainly check to be certain that their eyes are in perfect running order too. That will help to set your mind at ease. hth
  8. You are going to be amazed at how your day changes when she is reading better. Her world (and yours) will change dramatically. It's tough cutting back on things like science and history and grammar. I know, b/c I'm a science person myself. But we shelved it all until dd (now 9) had improved her reading and boy was it worth it! Dd6 just got her science plans shelved for the time being. She only has so much time to give me in the day. And we need it all focused on reading, and what ever is left put on math. If she gets "behind" in other things, there is plenty of time to catch up. Homeschool is a marathon. And don't forget that if you are "doing" Bible with them, that IS history. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  9. Everyone is going to have different opinions (which is the reason I value this board so much), but I would definitely say you need WWE 1. I wish I could help you with grammar, but at that age dd9 was using GWG. We just made the switch to FLL this year. hth
  10. If I were going to do it again, and do it simply this time (we burned out). I would loosely follow one of the "first" encyclopedias. Then I would get every one of the Let's Read and Find Out books and Magic School Bus videos. There are quite a few on astronomy/earth (both read and find out and MSB). And I would get a volcano kit. Ours was cheesy and I really don't think they learned anything from it, but my kids still talk about it.
  11. If she TRULY gets alpha, and she has her addition facts down COLD. Then, she's only one light bulb moment away from figuring out that subtraction is the "opposite" (for lack of better word) than addition ... that it's the same numbers only manipulated in another way. (9-4=5 4+5=9) At that point, you could speed through beta and then on into gamma. I personally would just do them one at a time. You really want her to "master" each topic. That's just what I would do. I also want to share a gem of a website that I was introduced to this week https://www.xtramath.org It's fabulous and free. I'm using it now instead of flashcards and drill sheets.
  12. I just bought poster size (not laminated) maps for each of my kids bedrooms at Dollar Tree.
  13. Ok, We are into our 2nd official year of Horizons (4th grade, Horizons 3 lesson 20). We did Horizons 2 in third grade. We also do MUS. We are very close to going into the Delta book (have done all levels of MUS). These two math programs together work for us, so I have no plans to change that. She simply loves both of them. We have REALLY struggled with math. The combination of these 2 programs have just worked so well for us. She has finally found a love for math. Anyway, I'm really wanting to move her along this year. A lot of things have clicked for her (light bulb moments). When I look through Horizons 3, there are lots and lots of things that she would breeze through, with no new instruction at all. (She has a GREAT grasp of multiplication. Division was one of her light bulb moments.) But, then there are things I see that she will need instruction and practice. How can I move her rapidly, surely, methodically, and with spiral mastery (:))? I have been giving her 2 pages per day with only a few of the things that are review (addition, subtraction, etc) and all of the things that I think she needs review/practice on since we have been off for 2 months. Is this wise? I need advice from some been there and done that. Someone who knows the system better than I do. I know that one of the strengths of Horizons is the review, but sometimes I feel like I'm holding her back, other times pushing too hard. We need a balance. Someone has to have a "no fail" plan for this ... don't you???
  14. Thanks everybody. I'm just trying to figure out how to NOT end up with just a very long list. How do I break it down, organize it and make sure that we can easily review it ???
  15. Not a book, but has you looked at the Mark Kistler deal on HSBC?
  16. I'm looking for an online game that will say the name of the numbers while you play a game, etc. My dd6 has no trouble counting or adding, but she sometimes draws a blank at the "name" of a number when she looks at it. Does that make any sense? My now dd9 had the same problem at her age. I know I've probably missed something along the way. I'm searching for online games to help with this. We got a new computer for the school room this year. You can only play "school" games on it. Something like this would be great for her computer time. thanks
  17. Not exactly the thread I was looking for (it was an old one), but some of the same people also wrote in these ... so THANKS!
  18. As per the wonderful advice I've been given on here lately, I'm going to start keeping a spelling notebook for dd9. I want to add these words to her weekly spelling work/test (SWO D). I would also like to keep a vocabulary notebook (we do not do a formal program) for the words we have to look up. examples: Today she misspelled almost every geometric shape in her math work .... needs to go into spelling notebook. We had to look up definition for denominator ... needs to go into vocab notebook. How do I physically organize this notebook? What kind of notebook should I use (3-ring binder I presume)? or maybe use note cards and a box like AAS? Would someone who uses a notebook like this just point blank describe theirs to me? I'd like to get this up and running today. Any and all words of wisdom wanted! thanks
  19. Can someone point me to the thread that discussed what grade each level of Horizons math really is? Meaning that K was actually 1st, etc. I can't seem to find it no matter how I search. I'm sure someone has it saved... PLEASE! thanks so much
  20. We are simply in LOVE with SEEDS Family Worship. I ordered The Power of Encouragement from Amazon. It is GREAT!!! Everyone in the family loves it. Thanks so much!
  21. Mine is a Brother MFC-465CN. I got it three or four years ago to use primarily as a copy machine. Now, I truly loved my laser which was a handmedowns, handmedown ... but after many years of use finally died. hth
  22. Thanks for all the wonderful advice! The final decision is ... SWO D and keep a spelling notebook. Any more advice on these 2 things is VERY Welcome! thanks again!
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