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Everything posted by Aludlam

  1. I like what I see. Dd10 has done WWE1 and 2. I can't tell from the sample if we would need WWW3 before WWW4. I just ordered Rod and Staff 4 for grammar. I was thinking of ordering WWW3, going through it at her speed (which I imagine would be relatively fast), and then if we liked it ordering WWW4. what do you think?
  2. I like to look through the bargain/discounted/discontinued -- whatever they call it stuff.
  3. Ok, it has been a few months .... How do you guys like it now?
  4. I signed up as a parent. I receive emails and updates at least once a week, but I check my kids progress daily. The "button" that I use to check their scores says "parent/teacher". fyi. It will take a couple of days to get a score, b/c it takes a while to get through the placement test. My dd6 had a score of "?" for the longest time, followed by a "0". We celebrated the change! My dd10 got a score much faster. hth.
  5. Thank you all so much! I do think that if he does come, that it will just be for his 11th grade year, b/c his mom WILL want him to graduate -- or at least I would think so. I will definitely look into some programs and ask the advice of his school. Thanks for bringing this up!
  6. xtramath.org xtramath.org xtramath.org WONDERFUL!!!!
  7. Thank you so much for writing. I know I just have a major block with the language arts in general. I had this happen with science too. I was always advanced in English/writing in school, but then got a science degree. So, when it got time to teach science -- I really, REALLY over thought it. I think that's what is happening here. I know where I want to end up, but can't break it down into baby steps. Thank you helping with this process. We didn't use SOTW text, but instead read all of the book req's that go along with it. I was planning on reading SOTW to my kids starting this next school year. I really like the idea of her writing from it, b/c it is broken down into nice digestible chunks. Thanks for recommending that. Thank you again for writing. Any more suggestions are welcome!
  8. Have you tried using ETC? I really LOVE these workbooks!
  9. Language Arts have got me stumped. I have gone back and forth - back and forth. We have done WWE1 and WWE2 - some of WWE3. My dd would be much further along, if I liked doing WWE. Nothing against the book, or SWB. I just want to get away from the workbook and apply these techniques to things we are already reading --- Yes, I know this was SWB's intention when she originally wrote WTM and Complete Writer - and that the workbooks are just for ease of use. But, I can't figure out how to actually do that. Please hold my hand and help me. I know step one will be to actually read everything that she reads (which I am terrible about). Then what? How do I physically make this writing happen? Does she read for an hour on Monday, then write a summary on Tuesday? How long of a summary? How long of a book? -- I need some examples of how this is to happen. Which things should I have her narrate? She was such a reluctant reader, that now I just LOVE that she reads for pleasure and hate making it work. fyi: I'm looking to change to possibly R&S4 English -- still on the fence about a grammar program. Please help me think this though. I have a cold, so please excuse typos and things that just make no sense. :001_smile: thank you
  10. Would share which level you started with? thanks
  11. We are most probably moving to China February 2012. I have been frantically making plans and purchasing curriculum and reading books for my kids for the past couple of weeks. I've been trying to get 2 years worth of everything. Well, if looks like my stepson who is half way through 10th grade may be joining us. We had thought he would just want to spend summers (and he might still do that), but now he's considering making the move with us. It will be a blessing to have him, yet stressful to suddenly jump up and start teaching high school. Here's the info: He's in the 10th grade (on the block schedule). I know he has taken Algebra I, Geometry, Biology, Health, English (I think 1 and 2) - I'm not sure about any history yet. I will verify all of this with him. He was in football last year, and that took up a great chunk of his day. He's really into math. So, if you had to make fast decisions, taking into consideration that I've only almost worked my way up to 5th grade, what would you pick for each subject. Will you please list out like: Science = blah, blah. I just need to start making some list and reviewing books - ASAP. Thanks so much!
  12. Please recommend books/videos about Chinese culture and religion. I have Discovery Atlas China, DK Ancient China, DK China coming in the mail and a kid's book of world religion. We are Christians. I would like some great picture books (who doesn't love a good picture book) for the kids - and some easy reads for me. We haven't really studied any major world religions other than our own. We were planning on spending this next year on culture and religions --- we just didn't know how DEEP we were going to be studying China! I know once we are there we will experience it, but we are trying to ease culture shock as much as possible, and there is a lack of English language books over there. We are tentatively looking at Feb. 2012. Anyway, if you loved it, please tell me about it. thanks so much!
  13. +++++++++++WARNING OLD THREAD++++++++++++++++++++++ I'm just reviving this VERY old thread to see how this worked out. We are finishing FFL3 with a 4th grader and looking to move into R&S. R&S 5 looks like something we could do, just from the samples. Any advice is appreciated.
  14. We are moving to China at the beginning of the year. I've order the WEM for myself, but have only just started reading it, and will not be able to read more of it until after the move. Can someone please help me compile a list of books that I will want to read/study after I've finished reading WEM? I have flipped through and see that the books are listed by type, but there are several under each section. I know there is a copyright, but I don't need techniques divulged, just which book list to start with, etc. I just need to get everything ordered before we go over. I've been working on the list of books for the kids, and only just realized that I don't have any for me! Any and all pointers would be greatly appreciated.
  15. You guys are fabulous. We've got some of these on our shelf already! thanks
  16. I'm trying to purchase up our book needs for the next 2 years (moving to China). I've found Dancing Shoes by Noel Streatfeild on our bookshelf - thrift store purchase. I see on Amazon that there are several books in the series. If you are a fan of the series, which others should I get? Which are your favorites and which are so so? thanks
  17. My Dd10 absolutely LOVED Baby Island. Please recommend some wonderfully girly books for her. thanks so much
  18. So, did you ever figure it out? I'd like to know what it was! :001_smile:
  19. We are planning for a possible lengthy overseas move at the beginning of the year. So, I'm trying to compile our next 2 years of books. Grammar is the only area that we have done a lot of jumping around in, therefore we are not up to grade in it for dd10. We are finishing up FLL3. I made the switch to FLL b/c I thought that the other books in the series were coming along (this was prior to knowledge of our move.) Ok -- so I pulled out our copy of GWG3. It still looks good to me. One of the reasons we shifted away from it was b/c she was doing it alone, and just following the patterns (which is really easy to do with this book) - and retaining nothing. I switched to FLL b/c I HAD to teach it, no independent work. Since then I've changed the way I teach and have started actually ... teaching -- if that makes any sense. So, my concern is that GWG still follows simple patterns for it's sentence, which will lead to guessing. If you've used any of the upper levels of GWG, could you please advice me on this? Would we move from FLL3 to GWG4? Also, any other advice would be VERY welcome. As always, Thank You so much for your time and energy
  20. You made me smile this -------------------------------------- BIG!
  21. No idea, but I just bought a VCR/DVD player from Walmart on Saturday for like $67.
  22. "What" are you loving about it? I've got my eye on this program too. thanks
  23. I'm going to SOOOO bump this for you. I really want to know!
  24. I also posted this on the general board: Well, all things point to a move to Beijing the first quarter of 2012. We will have access to a tutor when we are on the ground in China. I was hoping that we might learn some basic Mandarin before hand to help with some of the initial stress. We will have real estate help and a driver, so thank goodness that will be covered. I'm concerned about reading signs, ordering lunch, going to the grocery .... etc, etc, etc. What should I use to begin some basic vocabulary and phrases? ANY advice is VERY welcome. thank you!
  25. I just wanted to say that this time is not only about your mom, but it's about you too. You need to be sure that you get/do everything you need to do during this time for your peace of mind. Your mom will be gone to a much better place than this earth, but you will be left here .... make sure that you've done everything that you need to do for you. When your mom is feeling bad or is weak, you'll need to be there for the physical help she will need. Sometimes, you will need a very strong stomach and a smile. But, no matter how bad she feels, she's still going to want grandkids to bounce on her bed and crush her with hugs (you will worry more about that than she does). When she's feeling good, let her be your mama. She's still the boss of you ... she'll need that ... and so will you. Let her hold you when you cry ... it's her job. Talk to her about how not fair it is ... she'll listen ... it's her job. She's had this job your whole life, don't take it away from her. My mom helped me plan her funeral. We had the best time! When else can you laugh about something like that? Your memories and your conversations with your kids will keep her memory with them. And don't forget that only God knows when our time on this earth will be over.
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