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Everything posted by Aludlam

  1. I've never looked at it personally, but I understand that Right Start Math is scripted. I personally like Math-U-See at that age, b/c my little really learned her math facts.
  2. Thanks for the advice. It's funny that you said, "Just do it." b/c I read a quote from Elizabeth Elliot in a devotional yesterday that said, "One of the best pieces of advice I ever got was...'Do the next thing.'" It struck a real cord with me. I'm going to put it on our wall. Maybe I will just DO IT!
  3. We are 4th grade this year. Last year we did 2 lessons of Prima Latina. This year I have planned to start that program over, manily b/c we have it (dvd too). I know absolutely nothing about Latin. Will we be able to transition easily into Lfc A after Prima Latina? Should we look at Song School Latin? Should we spend a whole year with PL, or move through it like an introduction and then onto Lfc? I really like Lfc b/c of all of the extras. All advice is WELCOME! thanks so much
  4. Ok, I've got three spelling books sitting in front of me. I can't decide what to use for dd9 (4th grade). I've got Soaring with Spelling 3, Spelling Workout D, and All About Spelling 3. We did part of SWO A in first grade, but DD9 was a VERY struggling reader who has taken off and now reads at about 6th grade. We did AAS 1 & 2, but kind of gave up b/c it became hit or miss b/c it was so teacher intensive. We changed to SWS, so I could just give her a worksheet to make sure that it actually got done, but that was at the end of the last school year. Well, this summer I've done a lot of soul searching about this and realize that I wasn't putting the effort into our LA that was needed to reach our end game (We rocked math and history last year). We have totally reswung to the Classical side. So, teacher intensive is no longer an issue. (Gotta do what I've gotta do) But, that doesn't mean that AAS is the right way to go. I know this is getting long ... I think the real problem is that I don't "understand" spelling ... meaning I don't know where we are going ... what is the end game? Anyway, I like the looks of all three programs. I bought SWO again, b/c that's what SWB recommended, and it has vocab (big plus). Having someone to tell me what to do in this instance is not a bad thing! This year what I have written under Language Arts: WWE 2&3, FLL 3, Prima Latina, Daily Paragraph Editing 3&4, A Reason for Handwriting, Sonlight Adv. Readers + more reading (Bible, etc) and some sort of spelling program. There is the possibility of doing both AAS and one of the workbooks (for the "games" and vocab). If you LA people out there have some bits of wisdom to give me, BRING IT ON! thank you all so much for your kindness and the time you always give p.s. In case you are wondering what "end game" is for us ... it's to totally let our children make their own decision on where (not if :001_smile:) they go to college. But, we want to make sure that all doors are open to them, be they at Harvard or our local community college.
  5. What about the pencils and things? Are there special types? I just purchased this too, but I totally know nothing of art supplies. In the trial video (only one we've looked at yet) it looks like he has special pencils and shaders .... Anyone know anything about this? thanks
  6. We got a new computer this year for the school room, so I'm trying to find fun "school" stuff for us to do on it. I'm not really sure how Spelling City works. Could you give me a brief overview? We are going to use either SWS, AAS or SWO .... yes I know I can't make up my mind! I have all three. thanks!
  7. I just wanted to let you know that we got the audio memory States and Capitals DVD the other day, and it seems to really be working. We've only watched it a couple of times and some it has already sunk in.
  8. Thanks! I want to guarantee through "of happiness", but if time allows will try to learn more.
  9. I'm trying to come up with a list for our school year. What are you guys memorizing?
  10. I'm going to agree with WWE2 and FLL3. As a matter of fact that is what we are doing this year (4th grade). We are half way through with WWE2. We will move onto WWE3 when WWE2 is finished. We are moving from GWG and took the advice from many on this board to start with FLL3.
  11. Does anyone know if a US citizen can legally homeschool in Brazil? or do you know of any where I can look into this? thanks
  12. This is for my 4th grader's memory work. Where would you stop with memory work for the Declaration of Independence? I was thinking "of Happiness". Should we go further? fyi ... we have lots of other memory work this year, primarily bible. thanks!
  13. I just got my WPD, but the cover seems a little thin. Has anyone found a clear plastic sleeve (or something else) that fits this book? If so, please dish! thanks
  14. So, 2 votes for FLL3. Do you think I should go ahead and get FLL1 for my VERY beginning reader dd6?
  15. Ok, so grammar and writing (not handwriting) and are the things that have fallen through the cracks. So, I officially am calling this the year of Language Arts. That said thus far dd9 is in GWG3 and WWE2. I think WWE2 hasn't worked for us, b/c I wasn't diligent with it and tried to tweak something that I didn't know how to properly tweak. So, the fix for that is start back where we left off with WWE2 and proceed steadily and surely. I've already got WWE3 on the shelf. I don't think GWG worked b/c I allowed it to be too independent. For the first two levels she could easily use the example on the page to replicate without digesting. So, I thought the fix would be to move on through GWG3 (no examples on the page) with me actually teaching this year. KWIM? But now, I've been looking at FLL. I've always held back from FLL b/c of the scripting. But, maybe that's what we need. I just always figured that grammar was so "easy", why would I need it .... and so here we are today! Anyway, what would you do in my shoes. I feel this is one of the things holding her writing back, which effects all subjects across the board. If we go with FLL, which level? Or stick it out with GWG????
  16. Thanks! The only thing I could find on mine says 2-12+. thanks again!
  17. We are doing a variety of logic books this coming school year. I am currently tearing out pages, hole punching and making one JUMBO logic book. I remember putting Mindbenders A1 back in the closet last year, b/c either a. It was too tough for dd or b. She just didn't want to do it anymore. Anyway, I can't find the grade level for it. Does anyone have a clue? Just trying to figure out where to put it in our JUMBO logic book. thanks
  18. thanks for letting me know. I'm trying to make the decision on this book for my dd9. Did you read it to your dd, or did she read it herself? thanks again!
  19. If you don't mind me asking, what grade is your dd in? I'm considering it now. thanks!
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