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Everything posted by Aludlam

  1. We did vision therapy at home, but not this. We actually bought a computer program by "prescription" of our doctor. I'll see if I can get my dh to climb up to the top of the shelf in a little while (no coffee yet). We did it everyday for months. We had phenomenal success with it. I think we paid $60-$100 dollars for it. I know I had to call the company to get it, but that was 2-3 years ago. The games were sort of like something from an Atari that she did wearing special 3-D glasses. Forgot to mention that dd was diagnosed with Convergence Eye Insufficiency. I'll get back with you..... after coffee.
  2. Ok, please point me towards Write Source.... thanks!
  3. Must be going around .... b/c I forget to write that we use WWE (love/hate relationship).
  4. I've thought a lot about this too. I need a refresher. From what I've read, lots of people use Analytical Grammar. I haven't looked into it yet, but it's on my to do list. hth
  5. We love GWG, but then again we have been with it from the beginning. My little has learned lots from it. It's one of her favorite things. We have done some of MCT. We also add grammar into other school subjects and talk about it there. So, I'm not really sure were all of her grammar knowledge has come from, but we like the lay out of GWG and will stick with it. We just added Soaring with Spelling (from the same people who wrote GWG). We're not a full week into that yet. I did finally look at Rod and Staff at the convention and would say that if I were to switch (not planning to), that it would be to R&S. Clear as mud?
  6. We are finishing up our history plans for this year. My kids have been begging to study American Indians/Native American. So, now seems like a great time to! We would love to know anything that you loved when you studied this. Any books, projects, etc. thank you
  7. You guys are SO full of ideas. Thank you so much!!!
  8. Totally not what your are asking but .... we have had major issues with word problems. We use MUS and Horizons. We purchased a daily word problems book on a level below where she was currently working. They were super easy problems. She started understanding the concepts of the word problems .... and the math didn't get in the way.... if that makes any sense. I started seeing improvement in her "regular" math work.
  9. 3 years of homeschool finished and still no memory work done! We've learned lots of things from the original list I made, (math facts, pledges,etc) but nothing on the magnitude that I've always hoped we would. How do you guys get the memory work done. As funny as it might seem, I actually forget to do memory work. It only crosses my mind when I find that old list. I need a no fail system ... or at least something better than the one I have now (nothing). thanks everybody!
  10. I'm pretty excited about it myself! I'm glad to hear that you enjoyed them. thanks!
  11. I'm really thinking about just reading the Corner Stones of Freedom chronologically for our American history studies next year. I got a box of 54 of these the other day at Goodwill for $49.99. They look great! I thought I could go through the list of them and plug in the holes that are missing. What do you guys think? thanks!
  12. Hijack ahead .... This is a real question, not to be rude ..... but .... why do you "study" health? Is it a requirement? I truly am interested in this. It might be something that we need to add! thanks so much
  13. Does she have her math facts memorized? Our whole math experience changed after my dd memorized them.
  14. Does anyone know if the Bible Reading (ie Core D The Discovers Bible and American Indian Prayer Guide) will be written in the weekly schedule just as it has in the past? I seem to remember there being some mention to a change in the Bible reading, but I'm not sure what or if it was anything. thanks
  15. I had just looked them up on RR. I was wondering about the answer key. So, the answers are in the IG? thanks
  16. Oh, I didn't realize that they were the Story of the USA. I thought they were new! I miss the old catalog set-up. Do you think they are an important part of the core, or something we could treat as "extra"? Meaning --- do you think we would be missing out, if we skipped them? Are they the only "scheduled" thing to do for history on certain days? Please excuse any silliness in questions and responses, b/c I'm under the influence of Benadryll. thanks!
  17. What do you guys think about the consumables in the new Core D? Please tell me what you think, b/c I'm piecing together a Sonlight year for next year, and the last thing I need is "busy work." Explorers and Settlers A Young Nation Solves It's Problems Amercian Adventures 1 thanks!
  18. You girls are awesome! So, how are you liking 3?
  19. Can someone please tell me how this works? My little is sort of a book worm. I only just realized that in Core "3" if you go with the adv. readers, you read both the regular and the advanced. How is this scheduled? I was hoping to reuse this core with my next little, but she might not be on the adv. level when we get to it. Will we be able to "easily" reuse the schedule with just the regular readers? thanks so much
  20. I can't remember the whole list of books we read during ancients. There were quite a few. But, I do remember that Mummies Made in Egypt was a huge hit. We also bought a couple of books of myths... big hits here. My kids also loved anything to do with King Tut, with the Romans running a close second! They also really loved Black Ships Before Troy and the Wanderings of Odysseus. For Halloween, my kids dressed up as Helen of the Fair Cheeks, Julius Caesar and the Sugar Plum Fairy (:001_huh:). As for American history. We bought the Liberty Kids DVD set from Amazon. Every Thursday night is movie night here. We get to eat supper in the living room and watch an episode of LK. We've seen it all the way through, and have now started over again. It was a no stress way of adding Am. history. hth
  21. I buy ours in our yearly Rainbow Resources order ($150). If your little is reading well, and has already gone through phonics, you might be surprised how fast you will go through level one. If you can swing the cost, you might look into buying both level 1 and 2 at the same time to save on shipping.
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