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Everything posted by Aludlam

  1. I'm not a TOG user, but I know the basics of the program. If there a science curriculum out there that uses this same format? ie schedules books across multiple ages ... KWIM? thanks
  2. I'm going to look into some of these books. I've heard of some of them, but not all of them. I know a lot of people use CWP. Do you know if there is any difference (style/format/scope sequence/etc) between the old and new versions? Which level would you recommend for us? thank you
  3. I'm envious that you made the switch. We did try MM, but it wasn't for her, but I'm not sure that it wasn't the format of the text. To much on the page, kwim? How long did it take YOU to learn how to do Singapore math?
  4. I'm going to try this. I think I'll look at the problems in advance, make up new ones based on the ones she will be doing that day and work them on the white board. Then when she gets to them, maybe there will be the smallest spark of a light bulb. thank you
  5. This is for dd9. Math has never been one of her strong subjects. We are finishing MUS beta and Horizons 2. She's moving along though. I'm so proud of her. Problem = Word Problems. She gets this deer in the headlights look when a problem that requires more than one step comes up, or if it's a mixture of problems (+/-). She has no problems with the math portion of the word problems. She has no problems with the reading of the problem. She rocks with her logic problems. She gets the same look in her eyes that I can remembering getting even through high school. I can remember having no idea what to do with word problems. I've tried various ways of explaining things to her: lets write down all the parts we know, look it's all parts of a puzzle or pie that fit together, it's the same kind of problems just in words, etc, etc, etc. Yesterday, a problem said that (I'm making this up from memory) Mr. Whoever had 517 ice cream cones, 357 were choc, 85 were vanilla, how many were strawberry? I said, ok first how many ice cream cones did he have in all? DEER DEER DEER. Sweety, it's the first line. It's written in the problem ... DEER DEER DEER eyes glazing over. HELP HELP HELP Tell me what I need! thank you all so much
  6. We are first timers. I'm going over the list of speakers for the March convention. If you've looked at the list, who do you think are can't miss speakers/workshops/vendors? and Why? Help me narrow down this huge list! (fun work, isn't it?!?)
  7. On the rules my kids have had trouble with, I have written the rule in "short" form with a marker on a piece of paper and stuck it on one of our bulletin boards. That way, it's there for easy use and review.
  8. We just started Times Tales this week. We're doing the first half this week and the last half next week. DD9 learned them like a dream. I had trouble remembering the little picture stories, but not her. We've been reviewing the flashcards everyday, but she's got it. You do know that it's not for the whole times table don't you? It's only for a few of the "tougher" ones. hth
  9. "Teach them to your children, talking about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up." We are a Christian homeschool.
  10. Just to double check you .... you are doing Astronomy, but your link is to the Anatomy kit. Or maybe you'll be doing some REALLY cool astronomy stuff!! good luck!
  11. semi hijack ahead ..... RSO users: With RSO do you feel it boring to look at b/w pages everyday? Do you actually give them the pages to put in a notebook for themselves? I'm asking b/c I've looked at it for the last couple of years, but those b/w pages are what always keep me from getting it. We've always done our own science, a mix of books like Let's read and find out and others like those. I'm starting the long look to next year .... thanks everybody
  12. Could you please point me towards the post with the video? thanks
  13. I bought these a few years ago from Amazon. I think I paid $17-$22 for both of them. They don't seem to be available from Amazon any longer. But, they are really great laminated maps. You might be able to find them somewhere else. hth http://www.amazon.com/United-States-Map-World-Wall/dp/0841621772/ref=sr_1_14?ie=UTF8&qid=1293641093&sr=8-14
  14. I wish you had been my teacher! We had to have the whole kit and kaboddle memorized!
  15. We did not use OPGTR, but used HOP instead. We started Sonlight reading after that. We were ready for level 2 regular readers (We did skip some of the bible reading, only because she wanted to read other books.) We are finishing the intermediate readers now. We finished ETC through book 7. I agree that spelling is a big help. We use AAS. hth
  16. Has anyone ever bought a microscope from Amscope? If so, dish please! thanks bunches
  17. So, how did the Amscope work out for you? I'm looking at one now. thanks
  18. This is the Usborne edition we use. We've always enjoyed it. Is it the same one you've looked at? http://www.amazon.com/Usborne-Internet-Linked-Encyclopedia-World-History/dp/0794503322/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1291396683&sr=1-1
  19. After a lot of trial, and a whole bunch of error ---- I sit by the computer monitor, which sits by the big white board on the wall and play the MUS dvd on the computer. We watch it. I pause it numerous times to write on the white board. I usually try to stop it right after he gives a problem, but before someone says the answer so that we can work it out. I then give many more examples and teach what he just taught. kwim? For the worksheets, sometimes I sit with her to do the problems, other times she doesn't need me. After three years, I finally found a system for math that works for us. It's a combination of Horizons and MUS. I let Horizons lead the way. We are going full steam, straight ahead. I give test for Horizons. For MUS we go at a slower, no hurry to get there pace. It's working great for us. Sometimes MUS reinforces something taught in Horizons, sometimes it teaches a whole new way to look at something, sometimes it introduces the topic. Sounds crazy, but it's working for us! hth
  20. I agree with all the pps have said. A few tidbits: 1. On the Sonlight website there is a reading test to help you decide what level of readers you need. 2. I would really look at the LA component of Sonlight. We "tried" Sonlight 1 last year. (loved the books, hated the schedule) But I really did not like the LA portion. We've found a good mix with Writing with Ease, Growing with Grammar and just got in the mail haven't even had a chance to really look at it MCT. 3. The advice of sticking with a math program is worth its weight in gold. 4. We love science ala WTM. Let's Read and Find Out are awesome science books for that age. 5. As far as art/crafts go, we've spent money on big name programs (still using one) but by far the greatest joy we get is from either just painting (finger, water, etc) or doing the craft kits you get at Walmart/dollar store/ craft store. Good luck on your journey.
  21. That's part of the problem. She doesn't have a favorite book. She loves them all. Her favorite book is the one she read last. This is my kid who I thought would never learn how to read. She just read "A queston of yams". It is now her favorite book, b/c it's about missionaries. I added Because of Winn Dixie to her list. If it helps any, she's a girly-girl, who loves a love story. But a super clean love story, with no kissing. Anything like that exist? I added the Boxcar Children 1 and the Happy Hollisters to our list (we read and exert in WWE and she loved it). thanks for the suggestions
  22. Actually anything. She loves history, but she's a bookaholic in general (I love it!).
  23. Okay, we are finishing up Sonlight Intermediate readers. We will need all new reading books for the New Year. I'm torn between just ordering the Adv readers or doing our own thing. She is in the 3rd grade. She reads comfortably on a 4th grade level. The "bigger" books with the smaller print are very intimidating to her. Can you guys each give me one or two books to add to my Amazon cart? thanks bunches
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