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Everything posted by Aludlam

  1. We read aloud a lot .... I've found that the best times to read aloud to my crowd is when their mouths are full, so they can't talk! So, our primary reading times are at breakfast (we start early, but eat late) and lunch. I usually just eat after. I do like to read just before bed, too. hth
  2. I'm just putting together my list for chemistry. Have you looked into What's Smaller than a Pygmy Shrew?
  3. We finish GWG pretty fast too, but I'm not willing to drop it. But, I have been meaning to look into Rod and Staff. A lot of people use that. (We started Grammar Island a couple of weeks ago.) We adore logic problems around here. It's my dd favorite thing to do. We've struggled a lot with math. I can always say, "Honey, look at the problem. Use some of that logic to figure it out." It's really opened her "thinking" up. lol! We use the Mind Bender books. We won't start 4th until the end of the summer.
  4. I was just looking at this book on Amazon, but FREE is SOOOO much better! thanks!
  5. Ok, please be aware that my books for chem. are in transit from Amazon, so I haven't actually seen them yet. According to the WTM, we should do an experiment on the first day and then write definitions, diagrams, etc on the second day of chemistry for the week. This just seems backwards to me. Shouldn't we know the definitions, etc before doing the experiment so that we will learn more from it? Seems like definitions should be day one with the experiment being day two. Or ... am I just missing it entirely? Any advice would be very, very welcome. thank you
  6. We tried MM back when we first started Beta. I liked it (but never got too far into it), but dd did NOT like the congested pages. She much preferred the "clean" MUS or Horizons pages. Not much help, but it was a deal breaker for us. I do know that lots of people love MM. I plan on looking through the other levels (we bought the whole program) in hopes of gleaming some teaching tidbits.
  7. Has anyone used this? If so, reviews please! thank you
  8. Just in case you still want Times Tales, but don't want to deal with their company, you can get it at Amazon for $19.77. That's where we got ours. hth
  9. I LOVE your pic! It's so refreshing to see something "real". I've got one that will be 4 in two weeks!
  10. Does anyone have any experience with this book? It would be for my 3rd grader (4th/5th grade reading level) to use on her own for Chemistry ala WTM. http://www.amazon.com/World-of-Science-Childrens-Reference/dp/1405416351/ref=lh_ni_t_ thanks!
  11. Thanks for all the feedback to this thread that I hijacked .... and while on that subject (;)) ... what about the Kingfisher Science Encyclopedia?
  12. I just saw this Usborne Illustrated Science Dictionary on Amazon. Looks interesting. http://www.amazon.com/Usborne-Illustrated-Dictionary-Science-Dictionaries/dp/0794518478/ref=pd_sim_b_4
  13. So, you think my third grader (4th/5th reading level) would be able to understand the regular Usborne Science Encyclopedia? We already have the First Science Encyclopedia (She is about to start chemistry, ala WTM - self paced. We will be doing round 2 of biology as a family.) If so, I notice on Amazon that it comes in 2 different sizes -- smaller and larger. Which one do you recommend? I like the price better on the small one :001_smile:, but at the same time I don't want to waste my money if it's too small. thank you!
  14. Are you asking where it physically is on your piano?
  15. I've got my cart full. Does anyone have a promo code for Home Science Tools? thanks for sharing!
  16. What are some of the super finds you guys have well ... found? thanks
  17. I was looking into purchasing a science encyclopedia, when I came across this one. Anyone have any experience with it? http://www.amazon.com/Oxford-Science-Stephen-Pople/dp/0199112908/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1295284922&sr=8-1 the one I saw looks like the edition that is in the "Look Inside". thanks
  18. This works out good, b/c I'm already placing an Amazon order today!
  19. I'm about to order Adventures with Atoms and Molecules. Are there any supplemental books or supplies that you suggest? I already have the Usborne First Science Encyclopedia, but I think I'll also add the Usborne Science Encyclopedia. I thought perhaps some beakers or graduated cylinders?? ... safety glasses?? Are there any unusual supplies that you can think of that we might not have lying around already? We've got some of the Let's Read and Find Out books, so I'll add those. Dd9 will primarily be doing this alone. We will gather together to be her audience on experiment day. We will continue on with biology studies together, but this will be her thing. All advice is welcome, as always. :001_smile:
  20. I really can't speak to the age appropriateness, b/c it's been a couple of years ;), but when I was a kid they had us watch Adam (the story of Adam Walsh) at school. His name has been mentioned more than once around our dinner table at home though. I just checked and it appears to be on youtube. I think I might give it a watch. Also, when we go into Walmart there is a big display of missing children photos. We usually take time to look at them and talk about it.
  21. I'm going to have to look into this Moving with Math. I've never heard of it. Is it a full program, supplement or somewhere in between?
  22. We own it, but I still don't get how to play it. Anyone want to give a quick "for dummies" tutorial???
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