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Everything posted by Aludlam

  1. We are continuing on with our two year overview of history. This year we will be covering the American Revolution. I already have some great bios for this time period, but I need a simple yet entertaining (ds4,dd6,dd9) retelling. I just looked at If You Lived at the Time of the American Revolution on Amazon. That seems to be the closest thing I've found so far. Do any of you have any other suggestions? thank you
  2. A few Sundays ago our preacher was talking about this older woman that he knew who had several entire BOOKS of the Bible memorized. I have to say that I only know a handful of passages. I'm just curious how much of the Bible you have memorized? Also, if you were going to undertake a major bible memorization project ... what would you memorize?
  3. What I like best is how she throws her arms up in the middle frame. I can just feel the sarcastic enthusiasm.
  4. This is the last "major" decision to make (even that makes me laugh!). Anyway, I really think we need to add oral reading back to our school day (dd9). We haven't done any since the end of phonics (HOP/ETC). She is a super good reader. The light bulb finally flicked on about a year and a half ago. She is going to read through the Sonlight 4-5 (Is that what they are calling 2 Adv. readers now?) She should have no trouble at all reading any of these. I picked them b/c I need the cheat sheets this year. Anyway, I thought I would use the McGuffey reader 4 for this year to brush up on some common mistakes she makes, primarily skipping articles, etc. I spoke with some ladies on here on the weekend who brought it to my attention that level 4 was actually a much higher reading level. So, at first I backed away from it. I have The Harp and Laurel Wreath, which actually came in my very first box of homeschool books in the mail. It has been patiently sitting on the shelf for 4 years. I thought, why not read that? But, I'm not sure if that would do everything I would want IT to do. I would like to stop the skipping, but I would like it to stretch her phonics skills. Advancing vocabulary is just a hidden bonus in this oral reading exercise. Which brings me back to McGuffey 4. If SWB says use 3 right after phonics... surely we should be on 4 now. We did look at them online. She could easily read the first and last selections of 3. She stumbled on the first one of 4. So, even if 4 is "over her head", would it do the job of stretching her phonics? Not to even mention vocab. Or would it be 3 to work on fluency? Or something else entirely? My brain clouds over. Ok, this post is getting excessively long with my rambling. Please just somebody tell me what to do! Thanks to you all!
  5. My dh and I both LOVE the comic in your signature!
  6. What I'm calling notebooking paper is the paper that has the blank square at the top for drawing and lined paper below. Where can I buy/print it from? Also, what is it actually called. thanks!
  7. Just trying to decide which to buy. There is very little price difference between the DVD and CD. Other than the DVD being visual, is there any real difference? thanks!
  8. This is ours too. I usually shorten it to say ..."Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up." --- Sounds a whole lot like homeschool to me!
  9. I would just like to download a traditional cursive font to use for copywork. Is there a company that will let you purchase only one? I've looked at one that sells a bundle, but I haven't seen anyplace that will sell a single. Know of any? thanks!
  10. Well, I guess that's what we have been doing! I'm just really wanting to work on her writing. I'm looking for our "holes". I kept reading that you should spend 3 hours on the notebook, not all of history. thanks
  11. Just doing my yearly reread of WTM. I'm curious about the notebook pages (science/history). We've done notebook pages all along, but "they aint nothing to write home about". Under the history section for 4th grade it says to work on them for 3 hours per week. That's MUCH longer than we ever have. If you do notebook pages like this, would you please share some information on how you do them. It would help if you could either post pics or just describe what they look like and the information they contain. Also, how much time you spend and when would be helpful. Do you really pull out the "good" art supplies to do them. With having a little guy around, those things usually stay put away. We keep crayons and washable markers on the table, but that's it. I'm serious any little details would really go far here. I think that somewhere along the way I dropped the ball on writing (not actual physical handwriting - she's top notch there), so this is the year of writing at our house for dd9. I'm hoping that following some WTM recommendations step by step will help. thanks!
  12. It's McGuffey. I guess I had McGruffy on the brain.
  13. Wow. That's not what I was expecting. We looked at book 3 online. She could easily read the first and last selections, so I figured we should be in book 4. I looked at only the first one of book 4. I had no idea that it was so advanced. I was looking at my Harp and Laurel Wreath. I wonder if I could "get 2 birds" if I just had her read from it. I could work our reading and memory work / poetry introduction together. Plus, I already have it. I'm just really wanting something short and sweet for oral reading. We've tried to read chapters from her "reading" books before, but it just didn't work for us (b/c I would get behind and not get to her oral reading, and then she would get behind in her reading.) What do you guys think?
  14. We are planning on using this for oral reading this school year. What reading level do you think this is? thanks
  15. If anyone has this book, could you please tell me what you think of it? It looks nice, but our library doesn't have it. Should I add it to my cart or not? thanks
  16. I love Seeds! I've never heard of them until today. I think my soon to be dd10 would love it! She's starting to want to listen to "big girl" music. I think this will fit the bill perfectly! Could those of you who own the CD's please tell me your favorite ones, so I can look at those specifically? thanks so much to everyone who recommended them!
  17. Can you tell me what you are using for daily copywork and dictation? thanks
  18. We had a lot of the same problems. Horizons math was a God send to us. We use MUS on grade level and Horizons one grade lower. To my dd, it's so fun b/c of all the bright pics, puzzles, etc. I really saw a great leap in skills when we added it to our day.
  19. This is a great thread! Could someone please post a link to the Vocabulary Cartoons? thanks
  20. Thanks for letting me know. I see now why so many people have it scheduled to switch to CW after WT. thanks again!
  21. I tried to search for this, but no luck. Does anyone know if there will be books beyond 1 and 2? thanks
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