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Everything posted by Aludlam

  1. Thank you all for the suggestions. The only German I know are the few words that my dad has taught me. He spent two years in Germany during WWII. It's amazing how much he learned and has remembered. We don't live near him, or else he would be a great resource for us. I'm going to look into these programs. Thank you all for responding. I welcome any more suggestions! thanks
  2. My husband and I have finally decided to add a foreign language to our studies. After much debate we've decided on German, primarily because there is a 50/50 chance that we might end up in Germany in a few years (dh's work). So, with that in mind would you please recommend a "painless" program. Dh would prefer a computer based program, something written for the kiddos but that we could use also. Are we looking for Rosetta Stone? Please send me some advice! As always, thank you very much!
  3. We really love the Cedermont Kids hymns cd. It doesn't teach history, meaning or author, but you can print out the words from the cd. I just wanted to mention it, b/c lots (most) kids music grate my nerves to no end, but I actually like this one. It's kids singing, but not in that nerve grating sort of way, if you know what I mean. We play it in the van ALL the time. The kids love it and have learned most of the words this year. I kicked myself all year, b/c we didn't DO memory work this year, then it hit me .... We learned the hymns! That's memory work! So, I checked memory work off the list for this year. http://www.amazon.com/Hymns-Cedarmont-Kids/dp/B00000DPLL/ref=sr_1_fkmr0_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1305723747&sr=8-2-fkmr0
  4. I've seen these books in the VP catalog, but can't find any previews of them. They are both by Tim Dowley. If you have either of them, please tell me what you think of them. thanks!
  5. Yes. If some aren't missing now ... they will be .... sooner or later. They make awesome forts, or so I've been told. :glare:
  6. You guys are awesome. I'm going to check into the Golden books, b/c I know we had those. I was 5 in 1975, but my sister was 5 in 1955 (could have been her book) .... so there's a very broad time range. thanks so much for taking your time with my wild "cat" chase.
  7. That's a good one (still one of dd6 favs), but not it. thanks so much!
  8. I'm trying to find a book that my mom read to me when I was a little girl. I really don't remember anything from the book, but I do remember that when my mom would tuck me in at night, she would pull the cover up to my chin and then quickly throw the covers all the way over my head. She would say something from the book and I would giggle and giggle. She would then pull the cover back down to my chin and then tuck me in tight. It seems like the story was about a mama cat and her kittens, but I could be totally wrong about that. I had to be 5 or 6 when we read it. Mom's gone now, and I really want to read this story to my kids. I think about it a lot at night when I tuck them in. Does anyone have a clue as to the book/story??? She was a big fan of buying the books you use to get at the grocery story ... you remember how they use to have a new one every few weeks? Anyway, if that rings a bell with anyone please let me know. thanks!
  9. I'm looking at these too ... what did you not like about them? thanks!
  10. I wanted to add this book too ... It's about Nomads. We all really liked it. One Small Blue Bead http://www.amazon.com/Small-Blue-Bead-Byrd-Baylor/dp/0684193345/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1302968782&sr=1-1 Also, everyone is different, but I did not like the Greek News. I put ours back for logic stage. One more thing, If you are truly trying to reduce your list to make time for other things, what I did was eliminate my bible story books. We already do bible everyday and all my littles were familiar with all the stories, so I would just tell them that "this" is where "that" happened, instead of rereading the story to them ... does that make any sense. I'm not talking about removing the Egermeier's, just story books, but I don't see where you have too many of them scheduled .... just an idea I'm throwing out there!
  11. I haven't had a chance to read all the responses, but ... I'm a big fan of Sonlight reading. If you don't plan to use Sonlight history, at her age you could go with either the Sonlight 2 Regular Readers (they have been renamed - not sure of the new name) they might be below her level from what you have said, but I she would probably really enjoy the books. My dd flew through these, but that really upped her confidence. It was a real "win". Or you could use the Sonlight 2 Adv Readers ( I think these are called 4-5 grade readers now). The guides for these books are (I think) $5.75 from Sonlight --- but I've always gotten my used.
  12. ok, I only have a minute ... but ... add Mummies made in Egypt by Aliki (a must! teaches you everything about how mummies were made and why) and the other 2 books of the Gilgamesh story. I think I only saw one on your list. You'll want to tell the whole story which is would be the whole three books (IMHO). hth
  13. We're still going slowly through AAS (my fault, not dd). Anyway, we just added Soaring with Spelling, to insure that spelling actually gets done everyday. So, far it's been great.
  14. also wanted to add that dd9 has 20/20 vision.
  15. Ok, I (finally) got dh to climb up and get the box for me. We haven't used it in WELL over a year ... probably 2 years. It made a big difference for my now dd9. She still has a little trouble with focus if she's really tired, but we have been told by one doc that he couldn't tell that she had ever had it. I can't give all the credit to this computer program, b/c I think it is something that does get better with age .... but I do know that this program was the turning point for us. The box says: Computer Orthoptics Computerized Vergence Exercises Computer Home Vergence Excercises I think the company name is Computer Orthoptics. My ophthalmologist gave us the phone number of the company. When I called he asked for the doctor name and then looked her name up. I guess they have different types of programs. We got the program listed under our doctors name .... if that makes any sense. So, not really prescription ... but sort of. Now to reclarify, my dd9 had Convergence Insufficiency. If you have any more questions about anything, just let me know.
  16. It wouldn't have done any good. I just got the response. It basically said that they would release info about the program onto the website in a few weeks. (no specific time frame) It also said that they hoped to have "most" levels available by June. They said that they would sign me up for the email too. That's it, no specifics ....or even broad general hints at all. :glare:
  17. We live near the Choctaw reservation and have plans to go and visit with them during their annual fair. My kids do have trouble relating ancient civilizations with modern ones. They were shocked the first time they realized that there are still Egyptians today. Thanks for the website, I will check it out!
  18. I just found out today that the writers of GWG are about to release a new writing program. Does anyone have any idea what it will be like? thanks!
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