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Everything posted by Aludlam

  1. Up until now,we have used the books from Sonlight for her independent reading (dd9). We have used the review questions that come along with the schedule. It has worked out pretty well. (I would add that we have tried all of Sonlight before, but it did not work for us. We use the "hodge podge method") We are now getting to the end of our readers. I think they are the readers used before Core 3. Anyway, we are about to be in open territory with no safety rope or prewritten review questions. Selecting books is not a problem. The problem is --- lack of time. How do I come up with review questions, or be prepared to hear a narration, if I've never read the book or it's been a really long time since I have? I know the obvious answer would be read the book. Where do I find the time? How do you guys handle this? Is there some magically thing that I don't know about? Some book, or website filled with lots of review questions? Or, do you just sit and read and then make notes? HELP! Thanks bunches
  2. Have you looked at the Nora Gaydos books? How about Starfall.com? We use a combination of Bob, Nora Gaydos, Starfall books and HOP books.
  3. Too funny! I thought it was "boy" syndrome. If you have it at your house too, maybe it's really 3rd kid syndrome. :lol:
  4. God is good. We made it. I'd say that it was a success. We worked longer than I imagined, but got at least 90% of what I had planned for the day done. Not bad for the first day .... And everybody is excited about tomorrow. Can't beat that!
  5. Pray for us today! It's the first time I've "officially" had 2 students. My K'er is joining my 3rd'er today. 3yo will be running around destroying the house! Hope to see you guys this afternoon .... maybe ..... hopefully .... Oh my goodness!
  6. :iagree: It has also given my kid a lot of confidence. She really likes spelling with the tiles.
  7. So, do you have some special technique for doing this? Me, roll of tape, pieces of paper --- might be a big problem!!!! :lol::lol::lol::lol: Please dish!
  8. :iagree: You can also get the Reader Guide (not sure if that's what it's called) from Sonlight(the guide is like $5.75? plus shipping). It has the order you read the books, plus review questions. You can take a free placement test for the readers on the Sonlight page. Also, I got mine used here and on ebay. hth
  9. Can you buy smaller index cards? I've only ever seen the standard size and the larger sizes --- if that makes any sense.
  10. I'm not sure if this would interest you or not, but this is something we bought for this year (ie we haven't used it yet) .... The Victor Journey Through the Bible. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/156476480X/ref=oss_product
  11. I don't use this program at all, but I understand the JOY of getting "IT" in the mail. SO :w00t::party::w00t: ! With you!!!
  12. I think it depends on the kid. The first 3 books concentrate on letter recognition and sounds. For my oldest this would have been K, for my second it was SOOO pre-K. I'm a big fan of the Letter Factory dvd for letter sounds. hth
  13. Ditto on the hole punch. I finally broke down and bought a nice one. $17 at Walmart --- and boy am I glad. I can hole punch in less than half the time!
  14. Also, for AAS users .... you need the magnets for the back of the tiles! I'm so glad that I had some left over that someone gave me! I just opened my level 3 (the other 2 levels I got used, so the magnets were already on the tiles). My "perfectly" planned out year (:lol:) almost came to a crashing halt before it even started!
  15. Yes, that's how we say it. That's what I plan on being when I grow up!
  16. Yes! My mom was Mammaw. We're in the South. It's pretty common here!
  17. I'm having my kids watch Spanish DVD's this year for "fun". Yeah, it's a trick. I just don't have time to teach anything else, so they are watching Spanish DVD's and Sign Language DVD's for their TV time. I'm really looking for DVD's that can be purchased. Everytime I get into something online for free, it gets pulled off. So far, I've got three of this set from Whistlefritz: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0029KN8BC/ref=oss_product Anyone want to list there favorites? We could get a good list going.
  18. I'll be thinking of you today. We were to start today, but Pappaw came and stayed for a week ..... so next Monday it is. I've got everything copied, half of it hole punched and a file box with a full box of empty file folders that just sits there taunting me.... But I'm gonna get it today, mark my words ....
  19. We started off just doing as many pages per day as my dd wanted too. We made it though the first of the get ready books, but have decided to skip the other two and start right into book 1 of ETC. She has watched Letter Factory several times and already knows all the letters and their sounds. So, next Monday Book 1 it is!
  20. Well, my kids learned the letters and sounds in only a few weeks from watching, "Letter Factory" by Leapfrog. I would highly recommend it. I ordered mine a long time ago from Amazon, but a couple of months ago I saw a two pack (there are other DVD's like Talking Word Factory, etc) for a slightly discounted price at Target. I think you might be able to find all or some of it on Youtube. Our library also has it. hth
  21. Please dish on Suzy Dorn! What are the names of the DVD's? thanks!
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