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Everything posted by Aludlam

  1. So, I am finishing up my planning today. The Times Tales books is still sitting in the basket, waiting to be picked up..... I'm confused about how/when to use it. We are using Horizons, which introduces the times facts, one number set at a time (3's, 4's etc, etc). When do you do the Times Tales? Do you just do it all at once, even though those particular facts haven't even been introduced? Or, do you break it a part and do them when you need them? As you can probably tell, I've never used Times Tales. HELP!!! thanks so much!
  2. You have already been given so many wonderful answers, but I thought I would give you one more. I would have him sit down and read the 16th chapter of the book of John. Then maybe some time alone to ponder. If he was raised as a Christian, then he probably already knows the answers to all those questions. He needs to let the Holy Spirit fill him and guide him. :grouphug: It's always wonderful to "meet" fellow Christian parents. I will include your family in my prayers tonight. Our children are still small, so this isn't a bridge we've had to cross yet.
  3. We are doing it this year (3rd). I bought it for 2nd grade, but decided to hold of on it until my dd was a little older. Now, with that being said, I plan on doing the vast majority of it orally. We will probably do the letter writing and envelope addressing and things like that though. We are already doing WWE, GWG, copywork for science and narration for history so this will be her "fun" work. Kwim?
  4. It's really pretty. You might want to make sure that the "band" (not sure what it's called) that goes all the way around the globe (kwim?) is not plastic. That broke on ours, but it was an older one. Alas, we have the Target one too.
  5. fyi --- you can also order from Rainbow Resources.
  6. bumping .... to see how things are going with this?
  7. I never thought about needing to see the other view of the hands, but that makes a lot of sense! My dd8 is showing some interest in sign language, but I've already got way tooooo much planned for this year. So, I'm looking for some videos that she can watch on her own. I'm also looking into the Signing Time videos and Sign-a-lot videos. thanks for responding Angela
  8. Well, I'm actually doing really good with the planning, organizing, etc, etc, but on the weekend before we start school we're watching Stand and Deliver. My AP teachers always made us watch it in high school. Even though our kids are still little, I thought it might be some great motivation for us (dh & me).
  9. We will be starting Pianimals this school year.
  10. Has anyone used this DVD? If so, opinions???? http://www.amazon.com/American-Sign-Language-Kids-Beginner/dp/B002NVY91U/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&s=dvd&qid=1280339631&sr=8-3 Thanks!
  11. I couldn't even make it to the end ... my eyes started burning.
  12. Are you looking for a block schedule, a loose schedule, boxed curriculum, Christian, every subject scheduled, etc, etc, etc?
  13. Couple of ideas to check into: non-credited classes at the local Community College or University (Ours offers cooking classes, etc, etc, etc) or the 4-H. hth
  14. We love the "Let's Read and Find Out" series. Most books have hands on activities in the text. hth
  15. Oh, and they also liked those wood burning kits.
  16. It is a full day. I really don't have all the details -- or any for that matter! This is a sharp kid though.
  17. Just for fun, here is the schedule of a 9th grade boy for this coming school year. This is suppose to be the "best" public school in our area. It's the school district that people from all around have tried to buy houses to be in. Term 1 / Semester 1 Keyboarding World Geography, Into English 1, grade 9 Football, grade 9 Term 2/ Semester 1 Comprehensive Health Computer Applications English 1, grade 9 Football, grade 9 Term 3/ Semester 2 Science Skills and Reasoning State Studies Algebra I, grade 9-12 Football, grade 9 Term 4/ Semester 2 Science Skills and Reasoning Intro to Theater Arts Algebra I, grade 9-12 Football, grade 9 What do you guys think? Seriously.
  18. My little is only 3, but when I was a kid, my nephews and I (we're about the same age) really liked making the pot holders using the weaving loom. hth
  19. I had a moment much like that this past weekend. I was driving a leg of our weekend trip and was in silence (something I don't get very often!) for quite awhile ... I thought about one of my children and the differences between that one and the other two. When I have those thoughts, I always think back and think that maybe it was something "I" did while I was pregnant. Well, Saturday it finally dawned on me ... Who am I to think that insignificant "me" could have done anything that would have changed HIS plans for my child? I am only his servant and will gladly work to raise this child for HIS glory. All is HIS time and in HIS plan.
  20. Thanks for all the advice, but ESPECIALLY about the new hotel! thanks Angela
  21. That's a good idea about the feedings. It's been such a long time since we've been that I just can't remember too much of it. We've always been on such a tight time schedule that I just could not remember if we just rushed through or if we saw all that we wanted too. kwim. And Oh Man is it expensive. That's the thing I really forgot about! thanks so much so answering Angela
  22. Hello All, We are planning a little get away to New Orleans. We have been several times, but not in the last 4 or 5 years. Typically, we would just do it as a day trip b/c my family is in Hattiesburg. We would just drive to visit them after a day at the Aquarium and stay the night there. This time we are actually going to stay for a couple of days. We will be needing a place to stay. We are much more quite small town folks, than busy noisy city folks (but we love the city!). Any advice on where to look for a hotel that could be up to 30 minutes away? Also, we have never been to the Insectarium. I didn't even know it was there until today. With three small kids, would you split the day between the Aquarium and the Insectarium (how much is there really to do/see there?) or just spend the day at the Aquarium? We will be there on Sunday and Monday. I believe that the Zoo, Aquarium and Insectarium are all closed on Monday. I was thinking maybe the Children's Museum on Monday??? All advice is welcome and appreciated! thank you, thank you, thank you!
  23. Just to lighten things up --- this really makes me miss my own mama. She's been gone for almost 2 years now. She was the exact opposite of your mil. She had "don't tell mommy" moments, but they always involved chocolate (usually right before dinner -- or breakfast lol). She and the kids were always getting into some sort of trouble. I thank God for those memories. You just keep going being the kind of mama that you are, with brilliant plans for the kind of "mammaw" (we're in the south) you want to become. :grouphug:, again
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